FIRST APPEARANCE The Anwmg Sptaer-Man *46 (March 1967)
REALNAME Horman Schultz
OCCUPATION Burglar BASE New York Crty
HEIGHT 5 ft 9 m WEIGHT EYES Brown HA1R Brown
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Wears gauntlets cortatning 'yibro-shock units" that project comprossod a* błaMs creating highły deatructńro v>txat>ons.
FIRST APPEARANCE Master ol Kung Fu *42 (July 1976) REALNAME Lancaster Sneed
OCCUPATION Mercenary. Professional criminal BASE Modle HEIGHT 5 ft 11 *1 WEIGHT 170lbs EYES Green HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES His protective armor can generale electric shocks upon contact. Ag»lity. combat skiHs. and knowiedge of exptosives were gained dunng his years as an mielligence agent.
The daughter ofChord, the mentor of Nic.irr Thrashwl, Silhouctte s conception was part of a paet enactcd by a squad ofVietnani soldiers and the protectors of a secret tempie, intended as a mystić sacrifice that would convev great power. Unaware of her parentage. Silhouctte and her brother Midnight s Firc grew up on the streets, a nemesis to the gangs that preyed there.
In one foray against the undenvorld,
Silhouctte encountered the young Night Thrasher, and they began a torrid relationship. But then Silhouctte was caught in the crossłire between thc police and a Street gang. losing the use of her legs. Midnight s Fire blained Night Thrasher for this accident.and became his enemy. It was only to prevent her brother from slaying Night Thrasher that Silhouctte
camc into contact with him again, and she rhereaftcr joined his group of superhuman teenagers, the New Warriors. She eventually left both Night Thrasher and the New Warriors, and her current whereabouts are unknown. TB
Whilc he was in prison. safccracker I Icrinan Schultz invented a ncw devicc for opening safcs. It worked by projecting intcnsc vibrations, and be uscd it to shatter prison walls and escape. Wcaring a foam-lincd costume to absorb the vibradons,
Schultz bccanie thc Shocker.
After sevcral defcats by Spidkr-Man. thc Shocker briefly joincd K< .c.i ieai > s vcrsion of the Mastkks of Evii . Another criminal.
Randall Darby, also oncc callcd himsdf thc Shocker. Darby, a mutant who can dischargc electricity from his claw-like hands, later changcd liis name to Paralyzer. ps
As a child. Lancaster Sneed loved to listen to his unclc Sir Denis Nayland Smith tell stories of his battles with crime lord Fu Manehu. Lancaster grew up to become an agent of MI-6 spccializing in explosivcs, but was injured when caught in a blast on his first mission. He had himself rebuilt with metal platcs and madę a fuli rccovery, but MI-6 no longer required his senrices. Sneed traveled to Asia and spent sonie time studying martial arts. On returning to the U.S.. hc donned a suit of armor which allowed him to generate electricity, and took the name Shockwave. I le returned to working as an intclligencc agent, tliis time joining forces with Fu Manehu. MT
FIRST APPEARANCE SpKkw-Man Unl.mrted *1 (May 1993) REALNAME F rances Lourse Barnson OCCUPATION Palienl BASE Ravencroft Institute for Ihe Crimmaiiy Insane MtlGHT 6 ft WEIGHT 1 fO Ibs EYES B»ue HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Man.pulates soond as a destructive tarce Hyper>on*cally gonerates emotions ol lear. hate, or dospair in ocner*. Can employ somc eneryy to Iły.
After bcing inistreated by lier mother for being ovenveight, Frances Louise Barnson turncd to drugs. cventually becoming a dealer. She lost her fragilc grip on reality when she was shot in the head by the police and spent a brief period in the dark ditnension of the costunied adventurer known as Cioak. Her powers may be the result of her time in that dimension, her injury. sonie latem mutant gene. or a combination of all three factors. She used her emerging powers to commit crimes and crcate chaos until she was conimitted to the Ravencroft Institute for the Criminally Insane.
C.ARNACiF later freed her and they went on a iiumler sprcc until they were capturcd by a team of heroes led by Spidfr-Man. Shriek has escaped Ravencroft on at least two other occasions, hut is now responding to therapy. TD
FIRST APPEARANCE Super-Włam Team-Up *5 (Apnl 1976)
REAL NAME Unknown OCCUPATION Crtme fighlw : : MASĘ i—-.
HEIGHT 6 fi 2 m WEIGHT P20 M EYES Bk* HAIR Blonde SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Tnough Wmd. has extrasensory porceplion that aBows him to "see* his onvironment,; can summon absolut* darknes* by opemng a portal nto another Wmensjon
After witnessing the murder of his parents by a mugger when he was only ten years old, the Shroiul vowed to dcdicatc his lite to fightmg crime. Fic studied law. criminology. and psychology. After college, he traveled to Nepal where he joined a secret eult that trained him in mysticism and the martial arts. After sevcn years. he was givcn
the “Kiss of Kali" and branded with the imprint of the goddess on his cyes. cheeks, and forchead.The cercmony cxchanged his eyesight with a mystical perception. Attempting to destroy crime from within. hc prcteiuls to be a criminal, and has even formed a gang hc calls the Night Shift. TD
HEIGHT Unknown WEIGHT Unknown
Sfhouette possesses the atrity to pass through tiie Darkforce Dunonsion. ollowing hor to offoctwwly tełoport thfouoh tho shadows. In her shactowy form. słie J can also phaso throogh others, causintj Ihcm inpiry