30536 TME6

30536 TME6

Haller, Gabrielle

FIRST APPEARANCE the Uncanny X-Men *161 (Sepłember 1982)

REAL NAME GabrwyMe Haller

OCCUPATION IsraeTs ambassador to the United Kingdom BASE Teł Aviv. israel: London, England HEIGHT/WEIGHT Unrevealed EYES Btown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Gabriele HallOf nas no superpowers. but is a t*ghty accompiisned d«ptomat






Gabrielle* I lallcr is a survivor ot* the conccntration camp in Dachau. Germany. There Nazis impl.inted in her mim! the location ot* a hiddcn cache of gold.

After the war. I lallcr was afHicted with catatonic schizophrenia and hospitalized in Israel. Charles Xavier (see pRoii .ssoR X) used his tclcpathic powers to cure her and they fell in low.When Baron Von SrRUt klr and his HYDRA agent* kidnapped Haller to tind the gold. Xavier and “Magnus" (the futurę Macm io) reseued her.

Many years later Xavier learned that Gabrielle lud given birth to a son. David (.<<■<’ Ik .ion). Haller is now Israel s ambassador to UK. PS

Hammer, Justin

Once a small-time criminal. so obscure his real name is not known, Hammerhead was found. severely injurcd, by the criminal sctentist Dr. Jonas Harrowr after an apparent gang showdown. Harrow saw this as an opportunity to use sonie of his untested medical tcchttiques on his namclcss guinea pig. The doctors c.\perimcnts reeonstructcd the criminal s shattered skuli, rcinforcing it and making it as strong as steci—hcncc his nćw name.

Hammerhead was restored to hcalth, but retained no knowledge of his past lifc. savc that lic had bcen a criminal. Taking his inspiration from the poster of a gangster movic, The Al Caponc Mob, which was the last thing he saw before he was shot dow n. Hammerhead returncd to the New York underworld. But rhis time he was determincd to bccome the boss of bosses and prepared to violently dispateh anyone w ho stood in his way, ineluding crimelords such as IXx:tor Octofus. the Kingpin and Maggia boss Don Fortunato. One of his few Super Villain allies is the Chameleon. tb

A ful-powerod Scwder-ounch means nolhing !o the cnrrotal willi tłie hardesi in the busmoss.


Criminal; gang boss of Hammerhead “family" BASE

Manhattan. New York City

HEIGHT 5 ft 10 in

WEIGHT 195 Ibs


Amaztng Spkter-Man »113 (October 1972)

Hammefhead’s style reca/ls Pronbtion gangstors o» the 1920S.

Hanwnerhead^ reinforeed skul a Rows Nm to hoad-butt with devastatng effect. and even smash tlMOugh wals. He can olso uso r»s hoad as a shioki aganst btows. He has slrong crimnal orgarizationaJ skits. and his tavonto wcapon is a Tommy gun.


FIRST APPEARANCE iron Man *120 (March 1979)

REAL NAME Justm Hammer

OCCUPATION Crimmal tinancier BASE Mobile

HEIGHT 6 ft 2 ir WEIGHT 170IDS EYES Bluo HAIR Gray

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES A f.nanctai and business gernus.

Hammer has cunn.ngty preserved h*s wealth despite being

worldiMde persona non grata.

Whatever Justin Hammer lacked in guile he madę up for with Iow ctitming. Infuriated by Stark Internationals success, Hammer resoked to undcrmineTony Stark s business by eompromising its corporate emblem. the Iron Man. Using a hypersonic devicc to take eontrol of the armored suit. I Iammer used it to kill a loreign ambassador.

After Stark eleared lus name, Hammer went into hiding and took to funding various eriminals. ineluding Blizzard, Boomerano. and WaterWizard. Another show down with Stark leli Hammer frozen in a bloek of iee and tloating through space. AD

skuli is reinforeed with ■iii unbrcdkahlc Steel .illoy.



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