54770 TME$2

54770 TME$2


Radioactiye Man


FIRST APPEARANCE Journey Into Mystery #93 (June 1963)


OCCUPATION Form er scientist; crimmal BASE Mobrte HEIGHT G ft 6 in WEIGHT 310 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Nonę SPECIAL POWERS/ABIUTIES Mampulaies radioactiYrty given off by body: emits radiation as heat or blinding hght and can monerate a city błock: hypnotłc abllitios; superhuman strength.


FIRST APPEARANCE Avengers #326 (Ncwember 1990)

REAL NAME ENin Dary! Habday

OCCUPATION Student BASE Oatridge School for Boys HEIGHT 6 ft 6 m WEIGHT 450 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Non© SPECIAL POWERS/ABIUTIES Exposure to ahen radtat.on granted hwn me abdity to fty and to understand the language of birds

Rasputin, Mikhail


FIRST APPEARANCE Uncanny X-Men #284 (January 1992)

REAL NAME Mikhail Rasputin OCCUPATION Cosmonaut BASE The HiB, m an unspecified dimens*on HEIGHT 6 ft 5 in WEIGHT 255 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABIUTIES Manipulales matter on a sub-atomic tev©i. He uses the power to fire destructive blasts. warp reality. and teleport through spaco and between cJimensions.



Ravonna Lexus Renslayer




Onginally an unnamed kingdom on 4lst century Earth m an alternate futurę

Dr. Chen Lu was a nuclear physicist in che People’s Rcpublic of China. AfterTiłOR stopped China invading India, the Chinesc govcrnmcnt asked its top scicntists to find a way to defcat the thunder god. Lu cxposed himself to massivc doses of nuclear radiation, which transformcd his body. As Radioactivc Man. he traveled to New York and battled Thor, but was dcfcatcd. Baron Zhmo thcn enlisted him in his Mastlrs of Evil. Eventually he changed lns ways and joincd the Thunoerbolts, a team of reformed villains. MT

Twelve-year-old Elvin Haliday plunged into Newtown Greek to escape a vicious gang of racist thugs.Thc Chemicals in the water caused the boy s body to grow, almost overnight, into that of an adult with supcrhuman strength.

Although Elvin could have uscd his new po wers for all kinds of nefarious acdvitics. his only relation. the dcvout Granny Staples. convinced him to follow a morę heroic path. Elvin slipped from this road just oncc— when Granny Staples hcrself was murdered. A member of various Super Hero teams, including the Avengers and the Warriors, Elvin has sińce hung up his cloak and returned to school. A O

During a spaccHight. Soviet cosmonaut Mikhail Rasputin was pullcd into another dimension. Tliere he fell in love with and married a princess. Her father. howevcr. was a tyrant and Rasputin got involved in a civil war. During a battle another dimensional rift was opened and Rasputin used his powers to close it. but a backlash effect from closing the rift killed hundreds of people. including his beloved wife.

Overcome with grief, he exiled himself to the descrt where he was tbund by SuNHRhand Iceman who helped bring Rasputin back Earth. MT


In the 41 st century of an alternate futurę, Kang had conquered all of Earth

cxccpt tiu* smali kingdom of Princess Ravonna. who refuscd his ofTcr of marriage. Kang?s army ultimately ovcrwhelmed Rasonna s kingdom.

But wlicn Kang refused to execute Ravonna, his comniander Baltag rcbclled against him. Kang thcn joincd forces with Rasonna and the Aeengers to defcat Baltag.The grateful Ravonna fell in lovc with Kang. When the vcngcful Baltag ftred a blaster at Kang. Ravonna pushed Kang out ofthe way. and the blast struek her instead. Kang placed Ravonna in suspended animation. To restore her to lifc, Kang played a gamę with the alien Grandmaster, who gavc tcmporary power over lifc and dcath when Kang won.

Howcver, Kang wasted this short-lived power in an unsuccessful attempt to ki 11 the Aeengers.

After this point dilTerent timelines divcrge. in wluch Raeonna leads dilTerent livcs. In one timeline Kang saves Ravonna from Baltags attack, but she beeomcs the ally and consort of Kangs own futurę counterpart, Immortus.

In another timeline the Grandmaster revivcs Rasonna, who seeks vengeance on Kang. She assumes a number of identitics, including Nebula. ihc Tcmptrcss, and | thcTcrminatrix. A futurę counterpart    save hor tovcr Kang

will take the name Res'elation. PS


iśzŁl -Mm

HEIGHT 5 ft 8 m WEIGHT 142 Ibs EYES las Ravonna) Brown; (as Nebuła/Terminatrw) Blue HAIR (as Ravonna) Red-brown. (as Nebula/Termmatnx) Blonde


Avengers 923 (December 1965)


As Torminolrix or Rowiation: hos orhanced duraWity. speed and agety. rs a kynwJabie handto-fiand, combatanl. and usos hrghły advar»ced tochnotagy.



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