


FIRST APPEARANCE iDCrodOte Hu* vol. 2 *187 (May 1975) REAL NAME Unroyeaied

OCCUPATION Scientist BASE A socrot baw in Khystyro. somowhore m the Arctic and Btftorlrost. a socrot base in Sibona HEIGMT 4 ft 6 in WEIGHT 215 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Nonę SPECIAL POWERS/A8ILITIES Mutant who mheoted fatheCs gonius-level mtolhgence; battlesuit gave superbuman strength

The Gremlin is thc son of the dcad Soviet scientist known as the Gargoyle, who participatcd in atomie tests that vastly inereased his intelligence hut scarrcd his face and body. The Gargoyle died following an cncounter wilh Bruce Banncr, thc 1 luLK.The

Gremlin s intelligence was so great that he achieved a position of authority while only a child. Unfairly blaming the Hulk for his fathers death. the Gremlin frcqucntly tried to destroy him. Wearing a battlesuit similar to Thanium Man. he was cvcntually killed in a battle with Ikon Man. td (O) Grey, Jean ser paoes 122-3

Grim Reaper

FIRST APPEARANCE Aveng«rS *52 (May 1968)

REAL NAME Ertc Williams OCCUPATION Criminal BASE Mobile MEIGHT/WEICHT Unrevealed EYES Brown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Wears a scythe in płace ot his nght hand włuch can tire ares of ełeclncal energy. and make victims comatose; now a spirit with power to absorb lite for ces

The criminal brother of the AvengerWoNDi.K Man,

Erie Williams became the Grim Reaper to get revenge on the Avenccks, whom he believed were rcsponsible tor Wonder Mans death.To that end, he allied with Ul tron. and then formed the Leti iai Legion. Even after Wonder Man rcvived. the insane Reaper roftised to believe it. and died pursuing his vcndetta. He was revived by a vampiric ally. Nfkra. and is now a malevole»t spirit. td


FIRST APPEARANCE X Mon «109 (February 1978)

REAL NAME James MacDonak) Hudson OCCUPATION Scientist, adventurer BASE Canada (Dept. H) HEIGHT 6 ft 2 in WEIGHT 196 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Electromagnetic battlesurt bas buiit m force-field, aflows nim to fly. and descharge force bolts. also uses gravity to slingsbot bim m a westward dnection at 1000 mph.

James MacDonald Hudson stole thc prototype battlesuit he was dcveloping when he discovered that his employers, Am-Can Pctro-Chemical, intended to tum it over to the US military.

I ludson took the suit to the Canadian government. and proposed they create a superhuman team hke the Fantastk: FouR.This team became Aipiia Fiicjut.led by Hiulson (codenamed Vindicator). Lvemua11y, Alpha Flight was suspended by the Canadian government. but its members remained together. Hudson took the name Guardian to symbolize bis new role. Despite many travails. including his seeming death and rcsurrection, 1 ludson continucs to lead Alpha Flight to this day. td

Grey Gargoyle

HAIR Black (human form); gray (stone form)


Joumey into Mystery #107 (August 1964)

normal agiity whon m storo form. dospito his inereased wełght With h® suporhurnan strength. ho can loap noarty twenty feet into tho a*.

Grey Gargoyle

Can transform twnsełf mto iv>rg stona without losng mobłty, tboreby gaming supertuiman Strength and durabAty By loudłing poopto or objcctc with his right hand. ho can transform ttam nto an łmmotoile. stone-Ike substance (or about an hour.

Freneh chemist Pierre Paul Duval in.idvertently spilled a potion had been contaminated by an unknown organie substance onto Ins right hand. To his astonishment. his right hand pcrmanently transformed into stone; howevcr. he could still move it as ifit were ordinary flesh.When Duval discovered that lic could transform his cutirc /Wy into mobile. Iiving stone. he decided to bccome a costumcd criminal named the Grey Gargoyle.

Hoping to Icarn the secret of umnortaliiy. the Grey Gargoyle batdedTiiOR. who rcmains his principal enemy. Over the years. the Gargoyle has also contended against Iron Man. Captain A mekk a. Spidlr-MAN.the Hulk. the Ayfngkrs and thc Fantastk Four.

The Grey Gargoyle also briefly servcd as a menibcr of Baron Zemos Masihls t >i L\ ii For a time the Grey (iargoylc used a secret identity as “sculptor" Paul St.

Pierre. transforming real people into supposed stone sculptures. PS



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