

FIRST APPEARANCE Tales Of Suspenso #82 (Octobor 1966) REAL NAME Nono OCCUPATION SupOf-assassin BASE Mobde HEIGHTWEIGHT/EYES.HAIR Vanable SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Android that can duplicate the appearance and powers. cktthing and weaponry of anyone who passes wtthin 10 ft of the scannmg Instruments m its eyos. It can mimie a maximum of eight beings at a single time.



FIRST APPEARANCE X-Mon Vol. 1 *64 (January 1970)

REAL NAME Shlro Yoshida OCCUPATION Adventi»er BASE Department H. Canada. (formerty) Tokyo, Japan.

HEIGHT 5 ft 10 in WEIGHT t75lbs EYES Brown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Can project “solar fire* and create super-heated air currents to fty. Has a psionic protective force field. Trained m karate. Japanese Samurai swordsmanship and keodo.



FIRST APPEARANCE Marvol Graphic Novd *4 (1982)

REAL NAME Roberto da Costa

OCCUPATION Leader of Hellfire Club BASE New York City HEIGHT 5 ft WEIGHT i30lbs EYES Brown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Solar powers prov»de super-strength. thermal updrafts for flight. pro»ection of heat and irghi. and concussive blasts ol solar energy.

Powered by a sliver of the Cosmic Cubc, chc Adaptoid was created by the subversivc organization AIM (Advanced Idea Mcchanics) to be the ultimate weapon against superhuman foes. Sent to destroy Caimain America, the creature took on a composite appearance and copied the powers of Hawkeye, the Wasi*, and Goijath among others. After aI>sorbing the power of Kubik, the living manifestation of the Cosmic Cube, the Adaptoid was draincd of all its powers, and destroyed in a battle with the Avlnc.ers.T1ic Adaptoid was latcr rcactivatcd and its currcnt whercabouts are unknown. TD

Sunfire’s mother was cxposed to radiation when the US dropped an atomie bomb on Hiroshima. When his mutant power surfaced, Sunfire vowed vengeance on the US, destroying a monument at the United Nations and ciashing with the X-Mfn. Proikssor Xavihr im ited Sunfire to join a new group of X-Men and he did, temporarily. Preferring to go on special missions for Japan. Sunfire was hypnotised by Dr. Demonicus to fight the West Coast Avengp.RS. He was rcccntly reeruited by Department H (a branch of the Canadian Ministry of Defense) to their govcrnmcnt-sponsored super bero team, Alpha Hi icht. TO

Sunspot grew up as a wcalthy corporate heir in Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. As he aged, he manifested the mutant ability to absorb and convert solar energy. In his powered-up form, Sunspot appears as a being ofblack, crackling force. Sunspot ha$ been associatcd with several organisations. He is one of the founding members of the Ni w Mu i ants, and has also served % £ with the Fallcn Angels and X-Fokcf.

He rcccntly acccptcd a position as Lord Imperial of the Hfi i firf.

Club, in an attempt to    ^

legitimize the organization.

Reignfire, Sunspot s genetic copy, is a terrorist with the Mutant Liberaiion Front, dw

Reed Richards wanted to test a new rocket fuel in a slup designed to take the FaNTASTK Fouk to the moon.They hoped to get to the moon bcforc the Soviets. But unknown to Reed, a Sovier sciemist named Ivan Kragoff had bulle his own ship, which hc hoped wouid get him to the moon first.

Kragoff had trained three apes, a gorilla. a baboon, and a orangutan to help him operate the ship. Aware the cosmic rays that gave the Fantastic Four their powers, Kragoff intcntionally e.\poscd himsclf and the apes to cosmic rays during their journcy to the moon. Kragoff, now calling himsclf the Red Ghost. and the three apes all gained different super-powered abilities.

Ónce on the moon. the Super Apes battled the Fantastic Four, but quicklv turned against Kragoff who starved them to keep them controllcd. As their poweres continued to develop,each of the three Super Apes eventually gained human-levcl intelligenee. The original Apes and Red Ghost have huried their differcnces and still accompany him on his exploits. mt



11gor tho boboon

2    Miklho the gontó

3    Pootor the orangutan 4RedGhost








An orangutan BASE Mobile


Miklho: txiSSC$$CS super-strerłgth.

Peotor:; / ssesses ino ability to oontrol magnet ism.

Igor. possesses ttw ability to shapesbift.



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