Buchanan, Sam
FIRST APPEARANCE F.łntast* Four Vol 1 *186 (September 1977)
BASE New Salem. Colorado HEIGHT 6 fl 5 in
WEIGHT 310 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Orange
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Enhanced strength and ro!loxos
damage resistance. ability to change Into hon form. other unrevealed
powors of ser cery
FIRST APPEARANCE Gnost Rider Vol. 3 *28 (August 1992) REAL NAME Samuel Buchanan
OCCUPATION Agent for Paranormol Law Enforcement Team BASE Mobile HEIGHT Unreveaed WEIGHT Unrevealed EYES Brown HAIR Brown
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES H*)hly trained marksman and expert hand-to-hand combatant
FIRST APPEARANCE Captam America *310 (October 1985)
REAL NAME Ouincy McMf OCCUPATION Protessonal cnminal BASE Mobile HEIGHT 18 fi 6 m from head to taił WEIGHT Unknown EYES Brown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Cyborg taił enables him to travel and attack at speeds of up to 40 mph, retractable poison fangs on backs of hands.
Bushmaslerls serpentlno tai both supports his body and Is a tcrmldabto weapon. bdng strong enough to crush a 6-mch-thłck stooi ppe.
Brutacus was bom che son ofwarlock Nicholas Scraich in the supcrnatural yillagc of New Salem, along with six siblings.Whcn Scratch ordered his mochcr, Agatha Harknlss, to stand trial for ubandoning New Salem for a life in the outside worki of ordinary folk. he transformed Brutacus and his other childrcn into inhunian crcatures so the Fan i itc Four could not interfere. Calling themsclves Sai em's Skven. the group engaged in countlcss acts of wickedness. In a finał hattle with che Vi$ion and the Su ar i. u Wir u. an explosion of magical energy killed Brutacus and wiped out the entire population of New Salem. DW
A special agent for Interpol, Sam Buchanan was a lcvel-headed. no nonsense sort of chap who didn't believe in magie. Following the rclcasc of Lii ith, the dcmon-queen. from impnsonment. there was a steady inerease in demonie activity and Sam was assigned to protect hunian-demon hyhrid. Victoria Mon i i.si. For a long time, winie continuing to protect Victoria, he insisted that the mystical events that he witnessed had a rational explanation; cventually he was pcrsuaded to believe what he was secing.When this assignment finaliy endcd, Sam Buchanan joined the Paranormal Law Enforcement Team, where u is thought he still works. A D
Quincy Mclvcr s limhs were amputated by a ships propeller and he was rcbuilt as a cyborg with a snakelike taił by the Brand Corporation. Shortly after this transformation, Bushmaster acceptcd Sidewinder s im itation to join the Serpent Society. While battling Mof>ok, Bushmaster s mcchanical arms were severed, hut they were later reattached. As well as his powcrful taił. Bushmaster has six-inch fangs on the back of his hands that deliver a fast-acting poison crcated from snake venom. MT
Bniheyeś origins remain mysterious. A notorious assassin. he tirsi ćiashcu with his archencmy. Daredevii . while trying to extort money from the rich.The New York crimelord the Kinc.pin then hired him to be his chief assassin. But while Bułłseye was imprisoned. the Kingpin replaced him with the ninja Elektra.To rcclaim his position. Bullscyc killed Elektra. Shc and Daredevil had oncc been lovers. and Daredevil came after Bullseye. In the hattle. Bullseye foli from a great hcight. leaving him paralyzed
The Japanesc scientist Lord l)ark Wind repaired Bullseye s broken bones with adamantium. and Bullseye resumed his criniinal career and his war with Daredevil. He also murdered Karcn Pacie, whom l)arcdcvil had loved for many ycars.
Bullseye has also had other costumcd advcrsaries, including the Punisiier,
Deadpool and Gambit. ps
WEIGHT 200 Ibs
Daredevti Vol. 1 8131
Biilsoyes temporartły gets the better of his grealest enemy, the Wind coslimed cnmofighter Darodevil
Lester (last name unrevealed) OCCUPATION
Can use aknost any object as a weapon and ttirow it with deadfy aim; spine and other bones aro rontorced with adamantium. maklng thom unbroakablo: highły formklablo hand-io hand combatant..