58544 TME3

58544 TME3

r Belladonna



i i w

r Berengetti, Michael

FIRST APPEARANCE Spactaoufer SpKJ«f-M*r Vol 1 #43 wune 1960!

REAL NAME Narria Rwuy'^

OCCUPATION Crtmnel BASE New'ta* City HEłGHT S f! 5 Bi WEIGHT'.'OH* EYES Blue-gray HA1R Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Ext©r»(ve knowfeóge o* ch^rrtłry enabtot d«vetopmant of wMw Chemical w«ipors

FIRST APPEARANCE Rampag^g Hu* #1 (Januły 1977]


OCCUPATION Krytonan Techno-Art*? BASE The pian* Krylor HEIGHT/WEIGHT Unr«v«wJ#d EYES Brown HAIR Jnr«vaaM SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Carrfoci the looit 0< her Iraóe with her rt a special dWortwn pouch Accomparoed by a howwg dawca eaHad S»ur*y that couW corwert matter

FIRST APPEARANCE credfole Huk Voi. 2 #347 (Sept 196* REAL NAME Michael Berengett OCCUPATION Csanooww BASE La* Veg»

HEICHT 5 ft 10 kl WEIGHT 170 ft* EYES Brown HAIR Back SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES H*ghły «k«ed busneeemen. wtth a deep knowledgeof unóarworid połfcc*. Sk#«d wtth hraarma. and had a talent for malhainafcc* retefng to gama* of chance.

With hcr sistcr, Dcsiree Vaughan-Popc, Narda Ravanna was the founder of Vaughan-Pope Cosmetkrs and responsible for product developmem. Whcn thcy refused to sell thc company to Roderick Kingslcy (scc I Iowami in), he uscd thc media to smear their products, driving them out of business. Hungry for rcvenge, Narda returncd to thc US. hcr homc country. As Belladonna, Narda dcvclopcd weapons froni stolcn neo-atropme and .ittackcd Kingslcy with thc help ofscveral allics. Whcn Spiiur-Man intcrvened, she attempeed to kill thc web-slinger but he thwarted her cflbrts .md handcd her ovcr to thc policc. mt

A renowned Tcchno-Artist from the planet Krylor. Bcrcct First came to promincncc among hcr ratę whcn she created a series of advcnture films depiedng the earhest vcrsion of the Hulk combating a lictitious invasion of Farth by the Krylorians.

After sevcral attempts to duplicate this early succcss, she journeyed to Earth intending to documcnt the ongoing cxploits of the truć 1 lulk. and beeame embroilcd m a number of his adventures.

She remained on Earth and becamc a movie director m Hollywood. TB

Michael Berengetti owned LasVegass Coliscum casino. and hired the I Iulk as a bodyguard and leg-breaker during the period when the Hulk sported gray skin aiKl a cunmng intellect. Berengetti. who callcd thc 1 lulk “Joe Fixit," ensured that the I lulk had steady access to taiło red suits and LasVcgass morę sensual pleasures. After thc Hulk left Vegas. the android

Prost (employed by the gangster Sam Stnker) killed Berengetti. DW

An honorabte ornpteycr, Berengetti tiyitad lh« toyal moYitwrs ol hrt stal aa ro&rtyttt o< h» tam#y

Blake s cane. Whcn Beta Ray Bill struck the cane on a

Beta Ray



Beta Ray Bill Was a guardian-wamor ofan e:\Uaterrestria! race whose galaxv was destroyed by thc ancicnt demon Stirtur. He was created when scientists transierred his lite fort e feto a bkiengineercd carmvorous bcast, w ith increased strength, speed and agi li ty. While traveling in suspended animation,Beta Ray Bills starship entered the Milky Way (ialaxy, where Thor was sent to imestigate. Thcy battled and Thor was separated from his enchanted hammer. Mjolmr, which ehanged back into Donald

wali he suddcnly possessed Thor s power and a variation of theTlumder Gods tost unie

After a battlc on Asgard iti which Beta Ray I hor spared Thors lito, Odin (sec Gods oi Ascarp) comnussioncd the creation ofnew enchanted hammer. called Storni Bmakcr. possessmg the same powers as Mjolmr.Thors hammer.

()din gave Storni Breaker to Beta RayTlior. Since tlien he has uscd his great powers to protcct both his raccs fleet and the Asgardians. MT

Beu-FUy Thor and HorcU fn> domone Ycn-. the A*q» world ot IA«p»#Mni

phywał adMbee thon hurram



Beta Ray BW




MoWa; his akan race'* spece fleet. his own warship Skuttlebutt

HEICHT 6 ft 7 in WEIGHT 480 Ibs EYES Nonę vwble HAIR Nona


Thor # 337 (November 1983)

Beta Ray Thor ho* the same powor* as Thor hmee* He ha* •upertuman slremgth, OPĆ « mnwe lo a> dtocose and Ha Asgarden frujt^Kjfcwn grva* hm far greater «ndurance at al

Beta ray Thor



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