7 Destiny |
■P |
Diablo |
Digger |
FIRST APPEARANCE X M«n *14' 'January 1961)
OCCUPATION US gov«rnm*nl agent BASE Washington D C HEIGHT 6 ft 7 - WEIGMT 110 Ifcs EYES Unknown HA1R S*v*r SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES *A^an1 pow*r ło sm lutur* atowed har to acan tha probabAty spactrum o> aftsmaia futur**.
than locu* on avants balora thay happanad
FIRST APPEARANCE F.v*«Mic Foor #30 ISaptambar 1964)
REAL NAME E*i*b*n Corazon da AL*o
OCCUPATION Ałcharrnst BASE Mobtfa
HEIGHT 6 ft Sn WEIGMT 190 fcs EYES Brown HAIR Black
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES AJchsmcai •*>*' baatowa
axlandad Ma and v**Hy. Ctodung inad w»ih atchamicai pofcont
indudmg a staepmg pobon and n*rv* gas. a maslar O dtsgws*.
FIRST APPEARANCE A-nazmg Sptdar-Man Vol 2 #S1 (May 2003} REAL NAME Nona (a comtunafeon oł 13 mobsMi*)
OCCUPATION Nona BASE N*w York C*y sawan HEIGHT 7 111 jn WEIGHT 275 fbs EYES Bk» HA« Nona SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Gamma-powarad atranglh. but fcrmtad anduranca; pot*es*e* tr>© comt*n*d cooactousnetses ot iha 7ega* Thirtaan wiłh tha* vanooa 1950* pr*d*fct*ons
Destiny was a longdmc friend of the mutant MYSTlQUL.When Mystique formed the second UJ Brotheriioodof Evh ■ Mltants, Destiny jotned her. W When the Brotherhood was
renamed Frlhkim For< e and went to work for the US Wy govcrnmcnt. I>estiny • \ \ ompanied Mystujue A
F\ \ \ 'K ’irs: 1
M . \ \
'i I \ ■ \ - IL i : i ! r.c:
I ? \ 1 /
mm/ x s
possessed by the ev;l Nhaik Kim. at
the tinie. MT
^ flfc Born mto the
century Spam, Diablo
movmg to
Tramy K ama, Diablo spent W, che nexi millenm.i
| viHagers, umil they rosę
up. trappmg him in a erypt for over a century. Having trickcd theTmrsc; into trceing him. Diablo clashed with the Fani astr Four numerous times. Given his persistent vitahty he is likely to renuin a threat for y ears to eonie. A D
In 1957, a mceting of 13 mobsters in LasVegas curned nasty, resuking in the deachs ot" all ot" them.The bodies of the gangsters, w ho bccamc known as the YcgasThirteen, were secretly buried dcep in the Ncvada desert—a common resring place forWgas' gangland casualties.
Many ycars later, scientists iinestigaung the elTects ot gamma rays detonated a gamma bomb in the desert near the sitc of the grave Somehow. the bonibs gamma radiation fused the 13 dead mobsters mto a huge. powcrful, green zombie who callcd himself I >iggcr Digger followed sonie old railroad tracks umil he reachcd New York City. He then started on a mission of vcngcance agamst the Forelh niob, who had bumped otT the Vegas Thirtcen in the tirst place. Spiihr-M.an. hired bv Forclli to uwesiigate, went to Nevada and tigured out that Digger was a gamma-mutated version of theWgas Thirteen. Back in New York, during a long battle wkh Spider-Man, Digger ecentually broke apart and died. MT
FIRST APPEARANCE OnoUt* *1 M* 1976 REAL NAME lmppbc«e><e OCCUPATION Cmwon BASE A jungi* on th* 01h*rd<m*n«onal pian*( “Omotaur World * war tn« S*vag* Land
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES (u unuMMKy Ngh ritkg«nci lor
a onjtw Płłiimi aupcrhuman strangtn arx3 lianm.
FIRST APPEARANCE jpta ' Am*r>ca *310 (OctOb*r 1966 REAL NAME Rach* L*^Mor
OCCUPATION ProfM«<onal m*rc*n*ry BASE S«rpan1 C<kM HEIGHT 5 mir WEIGHT 142 to* EYES Gr*«n HAIR
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES L*p**1 gymn^t. wiMdc d.amond •hap#d throMnng tp*M MMd W«i txpo&v*t »c«J. poton. or drug*
(>n an ahen world similar to prehistorie Earth, dmusatirs coc\isted with pnmitice, fur-covered iumian bcings A tribe callcd the Killcr Folk tried to bum to death a creaturc that resembled one of I irths tyrannosaurs.Thc reptile was reseued by a :..rr\ prnmme known as Moonboy. but the tire had turned his hide
. becamcloyal
- - 'A companions. battling
^ were transported to Earth.
LwmualK they went to the primesal Savage Land. PS
Aa J; Sitłewindcr. On her
tirst mission. to track jf down and kill Moikik,
Diamondback had the opp<irtunity to kill
Capiain Amf-ru a but chose not to.After leas ing the Serpent Sonety she became his jj partner and esentually his lovcr. Later,
I >iamoiKlback joined Asp. Black Mamba, and Impala to form a mnceiurs group v.i!led "Bad < iirK.
Inc.”An android sersion of I )iamondback later ceamed up with the Red Skuil. mt