46856 TME'3

46856 TME'3


Six Pack


FIRST APPEARANCE Amanng Spider-Man #280 <S«pt 1986) BASE New York City MEMBERS AND POWERS

RMno Nearty #tvulnerabie wrth superhuman strength (1).

Bootle Armored. muHi-weaponod battle-suil (2).

Spood Demon AM* to run at superhuman gpeeds [3]

Boomecang An «p«l wrth his spociaiły equipp«d boomerangs |4|. Hydro-Man Can corwert aB or part of body mto water (5)

Shockor Gauntlets generale h^jhły destructive vibrations {€].

After defeacs by the Humań Torch and Spidfr-\\an. the Bcetlc dccided to stop being a solo act .md organize a super-team. Inspired by the Si.MSThK Si\, the Beetle called his gtoup the Smister Syndicate.Thc Bcctle was soon ontactcd by international mereenary Jack (VI .intern who hired the Syndicate to assassinate Silyi r Saiii l. Spider-Man and tlie Sandman mterfered and foiled this scheme. The Syndicate was then hired by Doctor Octopus to kidnap the roy;il family of Belgriun. a smali Kuropcan «ountry. Once again, Spider-Man and Silver Sabie defcated the Syndicate and eventually forced the team to disband. TD


FIRST APPEARANCE Spidor-Woman #37 (Apnl 1981)

REAL NA ME Theresa Rourtce (CassKły)

OCCUPATION Prrrat# imrestigator BASE New York City HEIGHT 5 ft 7 m WEIGHT 130 Ibs EYES Biue HAIR Blonde SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Combination ol płonic abibty and sonie wavee produced by her voce can shatter s»e«H enabte flght. and gonor.it© lorce błasts

Siryn Rourkes childhood was marred by tragedy and deception. Born when her father was on a sccrct mission. following her mother s untimely death,Theresa was raised by Black Tom Cassidy, her uncle. He failed to tell her father about Thercsas cxistence and it was only when Black Tom was puc in prison chat the pair were fmally united. Since that tearful cncounter, Siryn has been a inember of X-Forc:l. and scrved as its deputy leader umil her throat was slashcd and powers tcmporarily lost. Now fully healed. Siryn is rcady to face fresh challcnges working for X-Fac.tor Invcstigations. ad

Sisters of Sin

FIRST APPEARANCE Crack Comics #1 (May 1940) Base Mobile MEMBERS AND POWERS

Raunch (lormorty Sistor Ptoasure). Master hypnotist (1].

Hoodwink (lormerły Sister Drearn); Master hypnotist [2].

Slash (formerty Sister Agony): Has laceraling metal claw [31 Torso [formerty Sister Death): Enhanced strength [4].

Sin (formerty Mother Superior). Ab*iity to fire psionic bolts [5]

Mother Night (formerty Suprema): Abiłity to doud minds.

The Sisters ofSin are the brainchildren of the Km Skull. created to spread his ideology of hatc.Synthia Schmidt, the Red Skulls daughter. took the name Mother Superior after rccciving an artificial boost into adulthood. Four orphan girls rcceived similar rapid-aging treatments, and as the Sisters of Sin they batdcd Captain America and Nomad. After the Sisters had become teenagers again. the villain Suprema took control as Mother Night.The Sisters took new nanieś, and foundcd Camp Ragę to incitc runaways to violent rcbellion. DW


FIRST APPEARANCE Cable Vol 1 #1 (October 19921 BASE Mobile


Domino Can mfluence the taws ol probabtty [1).

G. W. Bndge Skillod combatant and woopons expert (2|

Anaconda Can slretch l*mbs and use them to crush enemtes (3) Solo AWe to teieport fumsart and weapons (4).

Hammer Weapons designer and techneum [5].

Constrictor Mas olectncaUy powered cabtes mounted on wrists |6)

Originally known as the Wild Pack. the mereenary team hcadcd by ("aule changed its name to avoid confusion witli a similarly-named group affiliated with Siivkr Sabie. Six Pack often clashed with che mutant villain STRYFE. On one mission. Stryfc threatened to kill Kane in cwchange for a data disc. and Cable wounded Hammer with a shot to the back to prevent him front making the trade. Outragcd. the memlłers ot*Six Pack cut nes with Cable. A Liter incamadon of Six Pack. assembled by SI IIF.I I), .uldcd the inembcrs Solo. Constrictor and Ana( < >nda. DW

FIRST APPEARANCE X FactOf #7 (August 1986)

REAL NAME Sally Btevins

OCCUPATION Advonturor BASE Modle

HEIGHT 5 ttS In WEIGHT 115 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Blonde

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Skids possesses a protective

fnctooless lorce Md whtch shields her from harm, and which sho

can extend to envotop others.

Born a mutant. Skids livcd among the sewer-dwelling Morlocks umil the Mutant Massacrc by the Marauders caused her to flee for her lifc. Reseued by X-Factor. for a linie sho became a trainee with that team, and fought with their junior mcinbers, the X-Terminators. Brainwashed into serving with the Mutan Liberation Front, Skids cvcntually regained her dredom after her boyfriend Rusty Collins was killed battling Holocaust, and she herself was injured. Sbe bas resurfaced occasionally. but her cura*nt w'hereabouts are unknown. tb



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