Power Broker
FIRST APPEARANCE rower Pack #1 (August 1984)
REAL NAME Dr. James Power OCCUPATION Ptiysost BASE New York Crty: Liter Bainbndge Isiand. Washington State HEIGHT 6« WEIGHT 155 Ibs EYES Blue KAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES A bnl ant and mnovattve phyacist. Dr. Power has th# normal human streogth of a man ot his age who ongages In mśnimal regular excrc>se
FIRST APPEARANCE Machinę Man *6 (September 1978)
REAL NAME Curliss Jackson
OCCUPATION Cnminal BASE Los Angeies
HEIGHT 7 ft 6 in WEIGHT 600 Ibs EYES Brown KAIR Black
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Once a normal man. Jackson
possesses superhuman strength However. h«s body «s so
overd«vełoped thot he cannot move without a Steel exo-ske*eton
FIRST APPEARANCE Defenders #112 (October 1902)
OCCUPATION Pnncess BASE Capital City HEIGHT 5«9<n WEIGHT 145 EYES Brown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES lncred<bie healing abdity. and an incredtWy long Sfespan. She can also shoot a flash from her eyes wnch can heal otherB. or if she chooses. destroy them.
Syfon wamor BASE
The planet Xandar
Dr. James Power is che iinemor of che matter/ anmnattcr convcrtcr, a comparativcly inexpensive nieans of producing energy. I carning of Powers invcntion. an alien Kymellian naincd Aelfyre Whhimane (“Wiotcy") grew concerned.sińce a similar dcvice had destroyed che Kymellian homeworld. Anothcr alien race, the Z’nrx. or "Snarks,” intending to utilize che comerter as a weapon, abductcd Dr. Power and his wife Margaret. The dying Whitemane bestowed
superhuman powers upon the Powers’ young ehildren. Alex. Jack,Julie and Katie. who rcscucd their parcnts.The ehildren continued to operate under the namc Powi r Pack. ps
Curtiss Jackson was once an agent of the Corporation, a chinina! organization run along the lines of a business firm. After he cncountered Dr. Kar! Mai us. Jackson formed his own company. Power Broker. Inc., which claimed that it could give any client superhuman strength. He was responsible for empowering numerous heroes and villains. including US Agent. Dłmolition Man. and most ofthc wrcsdcrs on the UCWF Circuit. Huntcd by the criminal-killing Scoukgc. Jackson tried to usc the process upon hiniself, but wound up so nuisclebound that he cannot move without outside aid. TB
Princess Zarda lived on Utopia Island. where her people. the Utopians developcd a culture of peacc. fellowship, and learning. It is helievcd that the Utopians are the result of genetie experimentations performed by the Inhuinans.Thus. winie the rest ofhumanity was still in its early stages of developmcnt. the Utopians had dcselopcd an advanccd civilization. When humans devcloped the atomie bomb. the Utopians felt threatened, built a spaceship and left Earth. Princess Zarda rcinained bchind as their cmissary on Earth. She took the role of Power Princess and moved to Capital City. mt
HEIGHT 6 ft 3 in WEIGHT 265 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Brown
Poworhouse ooukl slphon energy from extomal sourcas. inducSng fcvir»9 heing$ lo ampkfy Iks strength or efoebarge cnorgy Wosts
(o' Power Pack
Nowa »2 (Octotoer 1976)
At firsi. Nova and Riog Oavan, ates \ Poweibouse. wore enorrwes. but tboy Wer bocame a*ea
Xandarians. Kicg Davan was a Syfon Nova Corps. He was seiu to Earth to Nova-Prime Rhomann Dey. Davan’s crash landed on Earth. He was found and brainwashed by the Condor. a costumcd cnminal.
As the Condor s accomplice Powerhouse. Davan battled Nova. the young Earthmati who had inherited the deceased Dey s powers. Eventually Davan recovcred his memory and with Nova and other heroes joumeyed to Xandar.As the Champions of Xani>ar. they helpcd the Xandarians defeat the invading Sknills.
Davan later perished in combat defending Xandar against a
suceessful invasion by the forees of the space pirate Nebi.ia.
The namc Powerhouse has sińce been used by a cnminal mutant F.arthwoman who also has the power to drain energy from other living beings through touch to amplify her own. She has battled Spidfk-Man and Wols krinl, among odiers.
Alcx Power of Power Pack also used the namc Powerhouse when he temporariiy possessed the superhuman powers of his siblings. PS