17880 TME'5

17880 TME'5



FIRST APPEARANCE Thor »395 (September 1988)

REAL NAME Wmston Mancbest«f OCCUPATION Entreprenour BASE Naw York City HEIGHT (as Skybawk) 6 ft 3 ir WEIGHT .» Skytwwkj 210 Ibs EYES Baj® HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES As Skyhawk. possesses •.upertxjman strength and the abihty to fly: formedy a h»gh-ach*ov«r A-orking 20 hours a day. he now teaves the Office at 5 oclock.

Sloan, Fred


FIRST APPEARANCE Incredlble Hulk *231 (January 1979) REAL NAME Fredsnck Sioan OCCUPATION Author BASE Unrevealed HEIGHT WEIGHT Unrevealed EYES Blue HAIR Blond SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Fred Sioan possesses no superhuman powers save a peculiarly positive Outlook on lifo; possesses the strength and endurance ot an avorage man.

Smythe, Professor


FIRST APPEARANCE Amazing Spkler-Man Vol. 1 125 (June 1965)

REAL NAME Spencer Smythe

OCCUPATION Professor. cnminal *iventor BASE New York Crty HEIGHT 5 ft 10 m WEIGHT 175 tos EYES Gray HAIR Gray SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Genius-level expor1«se in engineering and roóotics.

FIRST APPEARANCE Amazing Spider-Man Annual «19 (1985) REAL NAME Ahstair Smythe

OCCUPATION Cnminal irwootor BASE New York City HEIGHT 6 ft WEIGHT 220 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Ultimate Soder-Slayer annoture provkJes enhanced strength. and features built-in cutting biades and web shooters.

Businessman Manchester collapscd in the office and was taken to the same hospital whcre the god Hogun (scc Gods of Asgard) was staying. Manchester opencd his cyes to find that he was with two other paticnts.They had all attractcd the .itteiuion ofSeth, god ofdeath (sec Gods or Heliopolis), Claiming that Hogun was a threat w> the F.arth, Scth hranded their left palms with th e sign of Aton. the glowing disc of the sun, and ive ihem all superhuman powers. Manchester >nd his teammates learncd that Seth was the real menace and they helpcdThor defe.it him. TD


FIRST APPEARANCE Tho Incred-Me Hulk Vol. 3 *36 (March 2002) REAL NAME Jmk Slater

OCCUPATION Professional assassin BASE Mobile HEIGHT WEIGHT Unreveated EYES Brown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Exceltent marksman; expert with

...ns and knńres; a formidable hand-to-hand combatant: above .iverage in strength and endurance; ruthłess in pursuit of his quarry

Jink Slater was hired by unidentified parties to > apture the Hui k. Despitc liis objections. his employers ordcretl Slater to work with a partner, Sandra Vlrdugo. on the assignment. Eventually, Slater and Verdugo found the Hulk in his human identity of Bruce Banncr in a diner.Their attempt to capture him was thwarted by the arrival of Doc: Samson. Not trusting his partner. Slater shot Verdugo in the head and escaped. Subsequendy, Slater found Banner and Verdugo together in a cabin. Slater sbotVerdugo in the shoulder. Verdugo retaliated by setting olTexplosivcs that killetl Slater. ps

Fred Sioan ńrst encountered the incrcdiblc Hui.k while he was bcing thrown bodily out of a bar. The childlike Hulk intercedcd on the drifters behalf. and the rwo bccamc fa$t friends. Sioan helped the Hulk to clude the authorities. and the two travelcd together for a time.

Kvcntually they encountcred Woodgod and his band of similar human-animal hybrids known as the Changelings, and Sioan dccided to rcmain with them.

In timc. he wrote a book. entitled Hulk Hncounter:A Surriwrb Story. which painted the green bchemoth in an unusually positiw light. TB

Alistair Smythe grew up hating Spidik-Mam. I lis father. Professor Spencer Smyihe. built the first robotic Spidcr-Slayer units. and Alistair continucd the Spidcr-Slayer legat y after his fathers death. Following a stint in the employ of the Kingpin. Alistair constructcd evcr morę deadly Spidcr-Slayers umil an accidcnt left him in a wheelchair. In response, he fashioned a cyborg armaturę for himself and emerged as the Ultimate Spider-Slayer. Alistair tried to cocrce J.Jonah Jameson into helping him, but Jameson knocked him out with a baseball bat. DW

Professor Spencer Smythe s lite was marked by an irrational hatred for Spidf.r-Man. He uscd his engineering expertisc to construct the Spidcr-Slayer, a Spidcr-Man hunting robot, and pcrsuaded Daily Bugle publisher J.Jonah Jameson to pay for it. I Ie followed up with scveral imprmed generations of Spidcr-Slayers. but the radiadon uscd in their construction gradually poisoned him. He died during a revenge plot hatched against both Spidcr-Man and Jameson. leas ing his son Alistair (sec Smy the, Alistair) to carry on his work. ow

© SNARKS see next paoe

Snów Queen

FIRST APPEARANCE WoNeńno Vol. 2 *24 (May 1990)

REAL NAME Unrevealed OCCUPATION Assassin BASE Unrevealcd HEIGHT/WEIGHT Unknown EYES Blue HAIR Blond SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Gencrates mentai static that occludes mrnds ot others; trained m the use of various types of weapons and expiosivos

The only known report of the mutant assassin known as Snów Quccn relates to a short visit to 1930s Madripoor, where she encountcred Wolvkrinl. limployed to ki 11 a barman in the town with a suitease of explosives. her plan went wrong when a Street urchin stole the case. When Woherine attempted to intervcnc, the Snów Queen ovenvhelmcd him with her mentai powers. It is thought that she diet! minutes later when the recovered suitease detonated prematurely. AD



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