Wind Warrior


FIRST APPEARANCE Ihor Vbl. 1 #395 (Soptember 1988)

REAL NAME Pamela Shaw OCCUPATION Adventurer BASE NowYorkCkly HEIGHT (Shaw) 5 It. 2 In; (Wmd Warrior) 5 ft 11 m WEIGHT (Shaw) 135 ibs: (Wind Warrtor) 143 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR (Shaw) Auburn; (Wind Warrior) Unknown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Enhanced strength; lltes by controlling wind updrafts; transforms herseH mto a Uvmg whirlwmd



FIRST APPEARANCE Fantastic Four #50 (May 1966)

REAL NAME Wyatt Wmgfoot OCCUPATION Adventurer BASE Fantastic Four HO, Koewa/i Reservation. Oklahoma HEIGHT 6 ft 5 in WEIGHT 269 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES No superhuman powers. bul tttlrameły skiOod m haod-to-hand combat. also a bniiiant horseman, tracker. molorcyclist. and trnmer ol anlmals.

Wisdom, Peter


FIRST APPEARANCE Fxcalibur Vol. 1 #86 (February 1995)

REAL NAME Peter Wisdom

OCCUPATION Adventurer BASE United Kingdom

HEIGHT 5 ft 9 in WEIGHT 140 Ibs EYES Hazel HAIR Black

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Possesses the mutant power to

creato mierne heat in the form of 'hot knives.' which he then

projects from his hands.

In addition to his oxc€«eni ccrnbat skits nnd hfe great abJMy to work w*ti arrimate, Wyatt Wmgfoot ls ateo an expod motorcyckst.

Having trained as h Samurai. Colteeri Wmg favors the tracMonal weaponsand fighting techmquos of Ihose anaenf Japanoso wa/riors.

Pamela Shaw was driven to despair after her child died and her husband left her, and was hospitalized foliowing a failed suicide attempt. Therc, the death god Seth (see Gods of Heliopolis) transfonned her and two other patients into superhumans so he could set them against the Asgardian champion I lognn the Grim (a member of the W Alt mors Thiul). As Wind Warrior, Shaw joined Earth Lord and Skyhawk to form a team they called Earth Force. Later, learning ofSeths malevolent intentions. Earth Lorce turned on its creator and the members bccame independent agents. dw


FIRST APPEARANCE Marvel Premiere #19 (November 1974)

REAL NAME Colleen Wmg

OCCUPATION Pnvate detective BASE New York City HEIGHT 5 ft 9 in WEIGHT 135 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Excellent swordswoman and mad«ai ans expert, also a very fme detectwe

The partner ofex-police otłicer Misty Knight. Collccn Wing is one halfof Nightwing Restorations Ltd, a private detective agency. Half Japancse. Colleen was raised in Japan and trained as a samurai warrior. Meeting Misty soon after arriving in New York. Colleen bccame her main support when Misty lost her right arm in the linę of duty. Colleen suggested they go into business together.


Restorations is now an estahlished

organization, but how it will farę against its new rival, X-Factor Imestigations. is yet to be seen. AD

Wyatt Wingfoot is a member of the Kcewazi tribe of Native Amcricans. Dorn on a reservation in Oklahoma. Wingfoot went to Metro College near New York City, wherc Johnny Storni, the Humań Torcii. was his roommatc.The two bccame close friends, and soon Wingfoot was accompanying the Fantastic Four on their adventurcs proving to be a valuablc ally.

Wingfoot eventually went to live with the Fantastic Four and began a romance with Jennifer Walters. the She-Hui k. However. when oil was discovered on the Kcewazi reservation, he returned home to help his people tnanage their newfound resource and ensure they were not e\ploited by multinational oil companies. MT

Peter Wisdom was a special operative for Black Air. a British government organization that imestigated paranormal phenomena. He discovered that Black Air was secrctly working with the London branch of the IIellfirf: Club. procuring extraterrestrial weaponry and performing generie experinienLs on humans. As a result. Wisdom turned against Black Air and joined the Super Hem team Excalibur.

Wisdom eventually left Fxcalibur and took over the team of young mutants known as X-Foiu i .Wisdom was seemingly shot dead during an X-Force mission. 1 lowever. he turned up alivc and joined a new.second British-bascd Excalibur team. PS


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