38130 TME&9

38130 TME&9


FIRST APPEARANCE Dr. Strange Vol. 2 *1 (June 1974)

REAL NAME lsa«an Curw«n

OCCUPATION Solf-appo«nted mystic pofcceman BASE Mob4e HEIGMT 6 fł WEIGHT 220 lt» EYES Black HAIR Gray SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Lxpert spollcastor. can prości myS&C eoefgy boKs. enlargo ammals. and give hmself supemtrength; his silvof daggof can cut Ihrough Doctor Strange'8 magtcal bamers

I lic Popes favorcd choicc of \ticcessor. ls.ii.ih Curwen harborcd hopes of clevation to ilic Holy Sec. But tlić College of Cardinals failed to elcct him.

.md ( tirwen decided to fight tor the church in .1 diflerent way. After studying theVaticans library of black magie books, hc set off to fight 111ysti1.il masters across the worki. A cruel pwchopath, hc has been a thorn 111 the side of 1 1 ior Stranc.l, even tjking Straugcs lovcr,

1 11 a. and buming her soul iti mystical tire. A D


The pendiiluni swings froin good to had .ind b.u k again—that is the story of Kcniuchio Harada.The mutant son of a Japanese crimelord, Harada mastered bushido before becoming .1 mcrccnary whose assignnients included work for Hydra, and led him to go into battle against 1>arldfvil, Spidlr-Man. and Bi ack Widów . Aftor his fathers death Harada reformed for a wliile, even heading Japans first superteam, Bu. Hi ko (».Thcn. as thiugs began to go wrong with his lito.

I larada returned to his old ways, althougli with less succcss—figlits with Elekira and Kitty 1’kydi have both rcsulted in defeat. A O


FIRST APPEARANCE Daredov.l Vol. 1 *111 guły 1974)

REAL NAME Komucha Harada OCCUPATION Mercenary BASE Mototle

HEIGHT 6 tt6 a WEIGHT 250 Ib® EYES Brown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Body generates tochyon hołd that he focuses throuflh his sword: słuHed m wayS of wnurai - master of bushido and Konfcitsu.




CEO. Silvef Sabie International



Symkaria. a smali country in the Balkans. had suffered under German occuparion during World War. and after the war ended, Sabie s father had no trouble convincing the governnient to fund his hunt for Nazi war criminals. He formed a group ealled the Wild Pack that scoured the world to to justice. Silver was only a child when her mother her arms. the victim of a terror ist attack. Prom that moment she deeoted her entire lite to preparing for the day she would take over the Wild Pack. trnining in all forms of martial arts and becoming .111 expert in the use of many difTerent weapons. Silver began her leadership of the Wild Pack by continuing the fight to bring former Nazis to justice, but as the years passed she expandcd the scope of the Wild Pack. She formed Silver Sabie International, a company that provided security, apprchcndcd wanted felons and recoeercd stolcu property for foreign governments. major corporations. and prieate indieiduals. Her company eventually became Symkaria s primary source of income and any Citizen can be drafted into its service. Working with Dominie Fortune, Silver recently learned that there was a traitor in her Corporation and has drastically reorganized the Wild Pack. TD

HEIGHT 5 ft 5 ins WEIGHT 125 IbS EYES Blue HAIR Silver


Amazing Spider-Man *265 (Jonę 1985)


Siver SaWo is a mastor oł martial arts and a higNy skUed marksman, swordsman, gynniasl and strategist. She somoiimcs iłses a sarrrjrai sword (katana), and tno cttai. a hal-moon we«ghied prpjectiie oł her own design.



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