25398 TME2

25398 TME2


FIRST APPEARANCE ..s Inforno. Avengers «192 (August 197/i

REAL NAME Joseph Conroy

OCCUPATION Stoołworker BASE Pittstx*gh. Pennsyłvania HE1GHT/WEIGHT Unrevealod EYES Red MAIR Nona SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Possessod supertłuman strength and durabiHty: ooukf radiate intonse beat; cookJ absorb and rodwoct ełoctncat energy.


Thor once repaired his enchantcd uru hammer at the Paretta Steel Mili in Pittsburgh.

Steel worker Joseph Conroy kept a flake from the hammer for luck. Later Conroy threatened to exposc the cruninal activities oflus boss.Vince Paretta, and was knocked into a vat of electrified molten Steel. The magie of the uru flake transformed Conroy into Inferno, a being madę of‘‘living slag." Inferno s reeenge mission led to a clash with the Avhngers. When Cafiain America promised that Paretta would be jailed. Interno committed suicide by walking into a rivcr. PS

The Inhumans are an

The Inhumans are a race who divergcd from mainstream human beings on Earth about 25,(X>0 years ago. The alicus known as the Kree created this separate race using genetic experimentation on early humans. in order to create a race of superhuman warriors to serve the Kree.

Eollowing these esperiments. howevcr. the Kree abandoned this plan.

Ieaving a snuli tribe of these genetically enhanced humans to fend for themselves on Earth. This group bec3mc known as the Inhumans.The Inhumans settled on an island in the North Atlantic that they naiued Attilan.Therc. they deve!oped technolog)' and culturc at an astounding race.

An Inhuman geneticist named Randac developed a substance called Terrigcn which lic bclieved would accelerate genetic advances. Subjecting hitnself to immersion in theTerrigen Mist. Randac developcd advanccd mental powers. But theTerrigen had a genetic side-effćct on others, causing nonhuman mutations in about halfofthose exposcd to the Mist. MT



Mentai manipolation abMity. BLACK BOLT

Amazmg mentaJ powers. the most powerful Inhuman w bo ever lrved. TRITON

Super-fast swimmer. res>sts c/ushing wat er pressuro FALCONA

Men tal contro! over b»rda of prey. CRYSTAL

Men tal ty manputates the four basie elements of naturę. STALUOR

Speed and endurance: powerful hooves for fighting.


Attilan Istand. North Atlantic


Although one ot* the Eternals of Earth, for most of Iris life, the Interlopcr lived as a herinit, cinerging for periodic b.ittles against his nemesis, the malevolent Dragon oi nm Moon. Only tliree of these battlcs have been chronicled, the first taking place on the Saturn moon ofTitan and the second during the finał days of King Arthur Pf.ndragon. Belicving tliat he had finally bested the Dragon, Interloper withdrew to the Siberian wastelands, but his destiny was still bound up with the creature. Returmng to ftght one morę time, the Interloper sacrificed his life to destroy the dragon altogether. ad


Fantastic Four $45 (Docomber 1965)

advanced race Ooscended | from oarly humans.    R


FIRST APPEARANCE Defenders Vol. 1 *147 (Septemoer 1985) REAL NAME Unknown

OCCUPATION Herrmt BASE Washmgton. DC.

HEIGHT Q ft 2 in WEIGHT 196 Ib-; EYES B»uo HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Wrtually immortal tbrough total men tal contro! Of his body. levitation. projects cosmic energy in form of beams from hands or oyes.



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