37621 TME 8

37621 TME 8



FIRST APPEARANCE Naw Motania #99 -March 1991)

REAL NAME Mana Catasantos OCCUPATION Tarrcnst BASE Naw York C*y HEIOHT Sfl9*n WEIGHT 110 fos EYES YWtow HAIR Oranga and whrta SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Enhłwcad strsngth. speod. and ag*ty. supsrhumanly acuia scn$e*. wpsosHy her sansaa of stght and smaN

W hen bach hts parci a were imudcrfij, his 6thcr tning to stop a Street figlu, and lłi> mother w amugging, <.omnuinns eoluntc r Sam WtUori Ih -.nu- *    hc turned to miro. Wlnic

workmg tor a smuggfrmr gang be cfftsh-łandcd on I \tle KI. n ł :i: the Cąriiibeaii and cmoiimered the Rtn Ski i In order to irafi/e .‘u * >*;'hi*diaboIiLa) schemes, rhc Skuli uscd .i ( omuu Cubc to endow Sam with Knmed superpowi rs r    * »

be orne < crrAIN AmRRK AS ideał sidekick Atter httping the Cap to defcat Red Skr.il. s bramka himself thc Falcon aml entered into a łong partnership with the famcd supersokłier.

A grit of jet-powercd wings front Bt At k Pantul cna Wed him to bccomc Captain America s airbome companion. Wilson accepted an imuation to jom thc Avi sof k\ hut soon camc to bchcve tlut Lartlis Mightiest team w as j ust trying to fili its quota ofblack Super Heroes and lett Although a Super Hero. Sam has ncver lost sight of his roots. I Ic continucs to work for and protect his community in Harlem—scrving as its hero. role model, and protcctor. AD



J-j Sam *Soap" Wilson ^ OCCUPATION

li Horo and urban piannsr BASE

Hartem. New YbfV City

HEIOHT 6ft2łfl WEIOHT 240 Ibs


Caplam America *117 (Sepfemtoar 1969)

Faktm ha* a WopottK Ir* alcwnii fan to soc throujh tf» eyee of l*s tramed <a*cort. RnUwmg Tranod by Captan Amanta Fatcon « sMtod n numerous ftghtang stytos. and posoosaes the ogAty otasModacrobat Jot-powored gtaJer wxvr=. onabte himtolly

II Captam Arrłencas | artorrw a*y. Faicor i prawcte* v*ol wr stpport [!    « tho battte agonst evi


FIRST APPEARANCE Joumsy mfo Myslwy *114 (March 1965)

REAL NAME Fsnns Woit


HEIOHT 15 fi WEIOHT Unrwoatld EYES 8rown HAIR Cray

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES SupartK/nan atrangth. speed and

duraWity. ra*c>r-*iwp ciaws and tsoth. atte to transform change

mto a humanwd god and wietd wsepons

Said to be the ofispring of Loki and the giantess Angrboda, l:enris is an immense wolf with hutmn inteHigence. Lhough kept chained by the Gods of Asc.ard, it is prophesied tliat the Fenris Wolf will devour Odm at Ra gna rok.

Fenris was also the name taken by Andrca and Andreas von Strucker, thc twin children of Baron won Stri cker, for their terrorist organization. In his guise as CitizenV, Baron Zimo murdered Andrea. and Andreas later beeame thc new costumed Suordsman. ps

When Ferals mutant powers emerged at thc age of 15. she killed her stepfarher and lier mother. Kecping tlus a secret, she joined X-Foiu l. When X-Force tried to rescuc Henry Gyrk h from the terrorist group the Mutani Liber.mk>n Froni, Feral sw itehed sides, joining thc terrorist group and trying to kill Gynch. Cable subducd her. and Feral was arrested by the New York City Polne for the murders of her parents. MT

FIRST APPEARANCE hCfttMs Hulk #265 (Novambar 1982) REAL NAME Boota Juaraz OCCUPATION Sooal woriter BASE Naw Max-co HEIOHT 5 ft 5 m WEIOHT 125 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Frebtrd car ganarata a t*W of flama about haraalf, a ftary envalopa that oftan manifest* .tsslf m the shape of a hoge b*rd. th<s atoo enables her to f!y


Bonita Juarez gained her fiery 1 powers when she was struck by a fireball from thc lieavcns. Beliering that her powers were from God, Bonita bccame Fircbinkand used her abUities to help the pcople of her native New Mcxico. She bccame a member of the Ayfnc.lrs. though she devoted much time to social work. She learncd that thc fireball was causcd by an alien race. but still maintains that lier abihties are god-givcn. TB



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