85311 TME)8

85311 TME)8



FIRST APPEARANCE AvengefS »195 (May 1980)


OCCUPATION Mercenary. teachw BASE Mobil*

HEIGHT 6«2in WEIGHT 220 IbS EYES/HAJR Not known SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Can copy other peoptes

movements. regarcfless of complexity, after watching them once



FIRST APPEARANCE The Awsngere #72 (January 1970)

REAL NAME CornOius Van Lunt

OCCUPATION Cnminal mastormind BASE Now York City HEIOHT 6 fi 2 in WEIGHT 260 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Ułilizod Slar-Blazer handgun. w+iich fired blasts of steflar energy



FIRST APPEARANCE Strange Tales #141 (February 1966) REAL NAME Paul Norbert Ebersol OCCUPATION Crlrrwial mventor BASE Mobile HEIGHT WEIGHT Vanable EYES Red HAIR Nonę SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Prodigoosły irwentńr* saentrst. robot body ts able to transform its limbs mto biast cannons oconvert itsełl into a space station.

Teen Brig

The Teen Brigade was a group emhusiasts. founded by Rick Jonę By rebying possible sightings to tlić

yolunteer nctwork, thc group could often pin down thc Hulk s current location. It was theTecn Brigades cali for help that usscinbled the Avłngfr.s for thc very first time, and the Teen Bngade later helped the newly-rcvived Capi ais America track down a suspect who had turned the Avcngers to stone.The group acted as a precursor of sorts to Captain America s "Stars and Stripes" coniputcr hotline nctwork.

A second grouping of theTecn Brigade helped Rick Jones bring Bruce Banner and Betty Ross to the site of the original detonation site that turned Banner into thc Hulk. The Corruptor derailed their mission, but he ijuickly met defcat and the Teen Brigade cscapcd without injury. DW

< The Toen Bńgario used short-) wave radca and Internat-atafcted computers to keep in fouch with each othor.

of tecnaged shortwaw radio )nea to keep ubs on che Hulk. tlić other mcmbers of thcir


The Taskmaster can mimie anyone s movement$, bc they a cowboy wiclding a lasso, an American Football quarterback, or a Super Hero. The Taskmaster committcd scveral grand larcenies before establishing a serics of academies to train Professional criminals. When the Avfnc;frs realized he was cfFectively operaiing a criminal production linc, they began closing his academies down. He suffered a brief spell in prison, during which he trained a new Caitain America—-John Walker (see US Ac;fnt). Since escaping incarccration, thc Taskmaster has turned to mercenary work. rcalizing that it is morę lucrative. DW


FIRST APPEARANCE WerewoM By Nęht #9 (Sep tern ber 1973) REAL NAME Arnold Pattonroth lal.as M chaeJ Wyatt) OCCUPATION Tap-dancer. actor BASE Lew Angeles HEIGHT 5 ft 9 WEIGHT 165 fcs EYES Bk* HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Enhanced strength speed; gto-.os treated wlth a solvont mat dtesoNes paper and fabnc, Kevtar body armor. doak contams chloroform capsules. mdestructible scarl.

A dancer working under thc name Michael Wyatt. Pattonroth was robbed of his lifes savings by LasVegas mobsters. He joincd an army of dereliets on thc strects of Los Angeles and dcclared war on the rich by destroying their moncy and possessions. Dcfcated by the Wi rtwoiF and Spider-Man. Pattonroth movcd back to LasVcgas and attacked the criminals who had stolen front him. He Liter returned to L A and was reeruited into the Night Shift, a criminal organization run by the Siiroud. td

Fascinated by astrology, multimillionaire businessman CorneliusVan Lunt secrctly founded the criminal organization Zodiac: in order to achievc political and economic domination of the world. Bach of Zodiac s 12 leaders was named after his or ber astrological sign and was based in a difłerent American city: Van Lunt became Taurus. based in New York. Both in his truć identity and as Taurus, Van Lunt clashed with the Avencfrs. Van Lunt ended up battling Moon Knic5H1 aboard .1 piane and died when it crashcd. Therc have sińce been various other vcrsions of the Zodiac organization, cach with ils own Taurus. PS

Paul Ebersols grasp of tcchnology bordcrs on thc miraculous. Ho bcgan his criminal carccr executing technologically assistcd crimcs just for thc intcllcctual challenge. Ebersol could transfer his consciousness to other vcsscls, and when his own body was badly hurt he installed himself in one of his own robots—Tech-Pac.

Although still remembered for his attempt to coiujucr the Eartli with Baron Zi mo,

Ebersol bas ntade sonie efiorts to reform, joining the governnient-backed Rei iefmf.rs and helping to savc a dying Cable. It is unclear what destiny bas in storę for him. AD



RICK JONES (founder). CANOY: RIDER. SPECS. WHEELS. plus other unnamed volunteers


Incredibb Hulk Vol. 1 #6 (March 1963)


Teen Brigade




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