FIRST APPEARANCE Oefenders *17 (Noverr»ber 1974)
REAL NAME [>. Eliot Frankfcn
OCCUPATION Physost. engineer cnmmal BASE New York City HEIGHT 6 tl 6 in WEIGHT (normaO 225 Ibs. (with superhuman powers) 350 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Bl.Kk SPEClAL POWERS/ABILITIES Possesses superhuman stroogth and durabAty; wwfcłs wrtualty mdestructibie wradung baw.
A physicist turned criminal. Dr. Eliot Franklin was in prison when hc met Dirk Garthwaite, alias the Wreckkk, who had lost his supcrhuman powers. Garthwaite and Franklin broke out of prison along with two tellów convicts. Henry Camp and Brian Philip Calusky.All four men wcrc holding onto the Wreckers cnchanted crowbar when it was struck by lightning. As a result, the Wreckers superhuman powers were divided among the four. who bccame known as the Wrccking Crew.
Franklin took the nanie Thunderball. Although he has operated alone, he most often appears as a member of the Wrccking Crew. PS
ThcThundcrbołts were formed by Baron /i mo. from the members of his Masters ot Evil team of Super Villains. when it appeared that both the Av£NGJERS and the Fantastic: Four lud died as a result of their battle with Onm.aucht. With the worłd hurting from the loss of thesc gre u heroes. Zemo plottcd to give the Super Villams new identities and introdut e thein to the worłd as a team of Super Heroes called the Thundcrbolts. The Thundcrbolts were so successtiil in .• • their guise of Super Heroes that many in
the group began to tiiink oftnemscWes u\ heroes rather th.m villains.Thcy battled evil Super Villains such as the Wrccking Crew, the Circus of Crime, and a new version of the M.isters of Byil.When the Avengers and the Fantastic Four returned. the true identities of the Thunderbolts were revealed by Zemo. to make rhem dependent on him. in an attempt to ensure their lovaltv. MT
Varies her mołecular density MACH-1 (BEETLE)
Wears a suit that enabłes him to
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came mto confflct with Captam America
fty. liro weapons. and resist attack SONGBIRD (SCREAMING MIMI) Can transform the sound of her vo>ce mto phywcal forms ATLAS (GOLIATH)
Can merease his size and mass
Superhuman strength and
Exceptional strength, speed. agility CHARCOAL
Can changę his body mto charcoal, creating flames or diamonds HAWKEYE Expert archer BASE Mobile
The Incredibte Hulk #449 (.January 1997)
FIRST APPEARANCE G>ant S«e X Men m (19751 REAL NAME Jchn Proudstar
OCCUPATION X-Man (deceased) BASE New York City/Mobila/ Now York State
HEIGHT 6f1 1in WEIGHT 225 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Su por strength and stamma: can run at 35mph for long penods; łeathery skin protects him from harm.
Eager to emulatc his warrior ancestors, Native John Proudstar the American Marines »s an under-age cadet and served with distinction. John s mutant powers emerged rclatively late when, at the age of 20, he wrestled a rampaging bison with his bare hands. He joined the X-Mcn after hcing sought out by Professor X, but died on only his second mission: jumping onto a criminals cscapc piane, he was killed when the aireraft blew up. John’s brother. James, eventually followed in his footsteps but it was a long time beforc hc forgavc Professor X. AD
1 Btoard 2 Songtwd 3 Joystick 4 Charcon S Beotic 6 A: .s 7 Soeed Demon 0 Radooctivo Man