75734 TME 9

75734 TME 9


FIRST APPFARANCE ThcrYoL 1 »22S (July 1974)

REAL NAME Pyreus Kri

OCCUPATION Format herold of Gałactut BASE Mota* HEIGHT ć (1 4 WEIGHT 720 tos EYES *Vł*t« MAIR yfllOW SPECIAL POWERS/ABILIT1ES ripatoca to a*«ri rafertion tym*d Fin*xd th# at*<ty (c f>> and ło und«r*«r>d the iangoage c* t*d*

threus Kril, an otfuer ot the Xandarian Nova (’orps, saw his conunander abdiu ted by (iu.v us. dcYounsr ot worlds. front aboard the siup 11tjy-Ojkiut. Krils commander bccamc Aik-Wai m r. GalaetusA Herald, sceking out worlds tor him to destroy.The loyal Kril tollowed his trail, evetuually bccoming Cralaetus s newest Herald tbllowmg Air-Walkers death. Remadc as Firelord, Kril wielded the energics ofa miniaturę sun. Firelord ser\ed with Galactus brierty. umil Thor offered the Asgardian constriu t known as the Destroyer (.MY (it)I>S of Ast.MLI)) to Ckilactus as a repbcement Herald. DW

W hen Ins diplomat father diod in a not. Flag-Smasher eoninutted himself to similar aims of peacc: howeser. he opted to pursue tliem by Yiolont means. Kegardmg nationalism as the enemy of concord. he mitiatcd a terrorist .impaign against symbols of national idencity— finhassio. national flags and the hke.Thcsc tivities brought Flag-Smasher facc-to-face with that gre.itest living national symbol, Captain Amfrk a, who repeatedK deteated Imn. Extending the v ope of his eampaign by iormmg the terrorist orgamzatkm.

> I ri MATUM, Flag-Snusher sulv.equemly took °\er Rumekistan, a smali, unstable country that oceanie Ins ncw base of pen»tiom. AD



FACTFtLE REAL NAME Angahca Jones OCCUPATION College student BASE

-i Joncss mutant poweis lvgan to enieige w hen she was ! ^ ye.iis nul She was soon leuiuited i a the M^łvhi<sm A- .ulemy, a school tiut ti.uncd voung mu:.mis how to use theńr powety, and she Inn aiitc a membej of the 1 In: >< •. Emma h«> w ho was borh thr

s. hooi'-. heudnustre« and thr Whttc QiH*t}n ofthf fon er Orcie of the Hiiiłou; Qu at tfac linie. sr.redy trained Angelica to Yiome an atsas&m who eowld ViH without detection.

Attn the Heihom repeatedly elashed wirh thr X Mrr,' and Nt v. M;, i v« r*. Angehca JccnJed to leaw the school. She jomed the Nf* Wm^k»ps and frłl in knv w uh Var ‘JustkY^Astrowk.łliey hriefly became reserse membm ot*the Av» nl.łrs, a łifelong drem; hdd bv flWGcc.Angehca ewmnwlly learned that hepowm werc slowly eausmy her to become sienie and began to usc them morę sparingi'.*. She lat er sha red her medie.il problem wrth the team and Dr 1 lenry Py.M cli red her.Justico propused ro hei H and the ample dceided to leaw iIk-Awngers to eoneentrate on their relatrondnp and their edtk rtion t

Fnaatar hos loomed to tocua bor mcfWKwe uowgy so &>at protongad «xpo**c «n’t dangerutw !o those noartjy


FIRST APPEARANCE Capt»n Arwca »31? <D»C*fT>b«r 1965)



HEIGHT «1 2 «\ WEIGHT 235 «» EYES Brown KAIR Brown

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES SMxi at ahotok*) karateko.

m * nguel. c*n tpoak Hutwn German arxl Japaneee. wtekto

«p.k«d m*c*. "ama-throwsog ptstoi and tear-gaa gun

W*n Froatar ooncartrak^. u«h cjuma rr*:rowave& to amrt around hor body. Stw can projac* łowami a npwoftc by moocały pushra T* vwvo* UawU 4



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