Lady Deathstrike
Yunko Oyama
Assassin; CEO of Oyama Heavy
Ja pan, laier mobile
HEIGHT 5 ft 9 in WEIGHT 128 Ibs
Yuriko Oyama ts the daughter of Lord Park Wind, a Japanese scientist who crcatcd a proccss for binding the iiKłestructible metal adamantium to humart bonę. Seeking vengcancc on her father for the death of her brothcrs and the scarring of her tace, Oyama joincd foiccs wirh the costumed champion Daret>evii against him. Shc kiiied Lord Park Wind just as hc Was abour to murder Daredcvil. Ho\vcver the man she loved, Kira. a mcmber of
Lord Park Wind s privatc army, then committed suicidc.
Oyama belicwd chat the sccret of her father s procce had been stolen and used to lace Wolverjnf’$ skeleton with adamantium.
EYES Brown HAIR Black
Darećevil Vol. 1 »197 (August 1983)
Cyborg whose bones have been laced wrth adamantium motocutos. rendering them unbreakaHe. Her lingers were reptaced with adamantium tatons Can mtortaco with computers.
Cyborg Assassin
As the sarnimi warrior Lady Deathstrike, Oyama attempted to kill Wolverme and take his skeleton. 1 Iowcver, she was defeated by Wolverines friend Heather l ludson in her costumed identity ofViND!CATOR.
Subseque»tly. Lady Peathstrike was comerted into a cyborg by the exrraditnensional being Spikai . In this ncw form. Lady Deathstrike s own skeleton has been rcinforced with adamantium.
Although Lady Deathstrike hcads Oyama Heavy Industries, she also works as a Professional assassin. For a time she was a member of the Rlavers. Donald Picrces team of cyborgs. She sevcred the legs of the Japanesc hero Slnfikf. Wolverine remains her prtncipal advcrsarv. PS
Uko hor archfoe Wolvorino. Lady Denlhstnke also has an adomantium-laced sKOotcn and adamantAjm daws. Normatty a foot long. her dorws can extond to aboui twłco ttwt length
Lava Men
FIRST APPEARANCE Joumey Into Mystery *97 (October 1963) BASE \tarious; doop underground HEIGHT Upto20ft WEIGHT Unknown EYES Black HAIR Nonę SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Able to stand in mołten lava; constantly release heat mto surrounding area: possess double tho strongth ot normal humans; possess abdity to transfomn thomselves into sentient giants.
Moulded into their currcnt form by an unknown demon, the Lava Men wcrc originally descended from the Gortokians, a gcnctically engineered offshoot of humanity. Thcre aa* two known tribes of Lava Men. For a time, the first was led by a witch doctor known as Jinku. but his reign ended whenTHOK thwarted ellorts to ignite every volcano on the planet. The second trihe Iives in cavcrns beneath the Project:
PEGASSUS research facility.
Researchers bccame aware of thesc Lava Men when the creaturcs wcrc disturbed by a drilling project. The Avlnc.ers resolved the situation and the Lava Men haven’t been seen sińce. A D
FIRST APPEARANCE Daredevil Vol. i *25 (February 1967)
REAL NAME Wtcent Pat*©
OCCUPATION Inyentor. professonal cnminal OASE New York City
HEIGHT 5ft9«n WEIGHT 170 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Gray SPECIAL POWERS/ABIUTIES Electncal co*s n boots enabie »eaps up to 60 feet high; exoskoieton provides enhanced strongth.
Vinccnt Patilio started out as a toy imentor beforc seeing a chanie to make sonie moncy wlien lie creatcd a set of electrically-powcred jumping coils. I Ic deviscd a frog costumc and embarked on a cnminal career as Leap-Frog. He met with a smug of pathelic setbacks. mcluding a disastrous stint with Lict tros Emissaries of Evil and nutnerous humiliations at the hands of I)arh)lvil and Si’ii>ER-MAN.Vinccnts son
Eugcne Liter donned his fathers costumc and becamc Frck:-Msn. an identity tliat Vincent has sometimes assumed as hc continues in his modest calling. DW