h FACTFILE O REAL NAME D:    Elijah Bcadley




» Student BASE

HEIOHT 6 ft 2 ms

WEK3HT 205


Young Avengers 91

(Apnl 2005)

For a t«ne. the Pal not used tho drug MGH (Mutant Growth Hormono) to gh« himself cntwncod (Urenath. speed and dumbdlty

Klij.ih Bradlcy is thc grandson oflsaiah Bradloy. thc long-rumored "bl.u k Captain America” ofWorld War II. whosc mind had becn reduced to that of a child by thc* super-soldier serum that empowered hitu. Lh possessed no inherent superhuman abilitics of his own. but when Iron Lad souglit out his .ud to battle his futurę sclf. Kang the Comjueror. Fli resorted to using the designer drug MGI1 to givc himself superhuman powers.

Alongside Iron I ad, Patriot becamc a founding member of the Young Aveni.frs. determined to carry on in the traditioti of the original Aeengcrs Super Hero team. who had by that dnie bcen disasscmbled.

When his fellow Young Avengcrs teammates learned that Eli was using dangerous drugs to empower himself. they managed to convince liini to givc them up.

At the present time, Patriot still leads the Young Avcngors. relying on his own intelligence and athletic skills rather than artificially induccd su per powers. TB


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FIRST APPEARANCE Punisher War Journal *49 (November 1992)

REAL NAME Edward "Eddto' Dyson

OCCUPATION Unknown. formor vłęJante

BASE Po5vWy Madison, Wisconsin Formerty Now York

HEIGHT 5 fi 10 m WEIGMT l70lbs EYES Brown HAIR Brown

SPECIAl. POWERS/ABILITIES Sk.lled m both unarmed and arrnod

combat and uses a wid© rangę ol frearms.


Ki ng Arthur

Eddie Dyson was a rookie polu e officer in the NYPD when he discovcred his squad were taking paymem to the local mob. He sought the Punisher s advice who persuaded him to expose their corruption to Intcrnal Atfairs.Thc mafia took rcvenge and killed Dyson s family. Dyson became Payback to avenge his family s death. At first. he blamed the Punisher for their murders, but the two madę peace when thc Punisher helped Payback kill Stcvc Venture—the mobster rcsponsible for the familys death. Dyson retired for a sliort time. but he was attacked by Vigil, and bccame Payback again. He fougluVigil. Heathcn and tlie Trust with Lynn Michaels then łled for the Mulwest with ller and ber father.

King Arthur, who rulcd England in the 6th cemury, is one of historyk most celcbrated figures.Thc son of Uthcr Pendragon. Arthur grew up in the care of Sir Ector. with the wizard Merlin as his tutor. When Arthur pułled an cnchanted sword from a stonc aiuł anvil. he bccame the king of all Britons, with his rulc centered on his court at Camelot. After breaking the sword in battle. Arthur rcceived tlie mystical Excalibur from the l ady of the Lakę.

Arthur had a son. Mordred, by his half-sister, and married



Arthur Pendragon OCCUPATION King of the Britons BASE

Avalon, Olherworid

HEIGHT 6 ft 2 In WEIGHT 230 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Brown


Black Knight Comics vol. 1 91 (May 1955)

Pendragon, King Arthur

Guinevcrc.When an affair between Guinevere and Lancelot becamc

known, Arthur senteneed both to exccution, though Lancelot    teader and st/aiogst; a Nghiy

King Arthur, legondary ruler ol Britoin, Nved in a tmic of courtly cl watry, armored knighls. and strango magical forces.

reseued Guinevere. Morgan l> Pay allied with Mordred and raiscd armies against Camelot, and Arthur diod whilc striking a mortal blow against Mordred. In the Othcrworld realni ofAvalon,

Arthur awaited his return, and rcappeared in modern times to battle the Necromon.The mystical Pendragon spirit has been uscd to empower thc warriors known as the Knights of Pendragon. DW

skiUfKl horseman and swordsman; ho wiołded the mctestructibte, magical sword ExcaWxir, wheh protected wł»evcr wielded it against njury in baltle.



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