Wariord of the Troyjan BASE
Troyjan-controHed spece
Incradrbla Hu* Voi. 2 #413 (January 1994)
HEIOHT 9 ft WEIGHT 2.528 Ibs EYES :nappbcat4e: Troyjans have no puptis.
Supertmman stiength and aoergyr mamptiaton; enhaoced durabWy and rwwtooce ło ł^jry; w#rtk« tompofomenl; grwri toodwałup ]i i jtfld c
att»*s agar*! ihePanthoon and theEarth.
Leader of the lo»g~Iived intcrgalactic rat ę know n as the Troyjan, the teeu who would one day be known as Armageddon almost smglc-handcdly rcversed the
łortimes of his races dcclining empire. Undcr his ieadrobip, the Troyjan cxpandcd their galactic power base. and bccamc a forcc to be reckoned with. Armageddon s attcmions first turncd to Earth after his son Irauma abdticted A i ai an i a of the Paniheon in order to make her his matę.Trauma was subsei]uently ktlled in battie with the incredible Hui k.Vowing revenge. Armageddon used a resurrection device created by the gamnu-enlunoed genius known as the Li ai»i r to reincarnatc the then-deceased 'Lhunderbolt Ross, in order to lure the 1 lulk into lns clutchcs. Once the I lulk had becn capturcd, Armageddon intended to use his lifc-forcc to restore Trauma to hfe. But the I lulk s cncrgy provcd too powerful, and lt incincratcd the remains of the deceascd Troyjan warrior leas ing Armageddon with an evcn greater desire for revenge! TB
Amegodctonsson, Trauma. tost hw Ife n battie wrth th© Huk after trymg ło abducł Atatenta o( th« Pamheon.
^ Armbruster, Col. John |
w |
f Aron, the Rogue Watcher |
^ If |
x Atalanta |
FIRST APPEARANCE locredOie Huk Voi 1 *164 (June 1fl73) REAL NAME Coionei John D 'Jack" Arnibrueter OCCUPATION Cotonei m US Air Force BASE Mobile HEIGHT 6 ft 1 m WEIGHT 225 Ib* EYES Ku* HAIR Gray SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES M«tary straty, resourceful. hooorable. and NaotcaUy łoyal. irweterate pipe-smokar
FIRST APPEARANCE Capłatn Marve» #39 (July 1875)
BASE MoMe: nt«rQ*:act>c HEIGHT V»nable WEIGHT Van*W*
EYES Whtte: yo*ow when angry HAIR Nonę
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES V«$t coemtc abMm. changed
appearance at wń. abta to mov* between dtmenwons. aubdued
enernw* with pannic biaets. or teieportod them
FIRST APPEARANCE The Incredtole Hulk #376 (December 1980) REAL NAME lxir»vealed OCCUPATION Panfheon operat** BASE The Mount, southweslcrn United States HEIGHT 5 ft 10 m WEIGHT Unknown EYES Biue HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES WieWs a bow and arrows cocnpoaed of an unknown form of enetgy that turns metter mto super-heefed plasma.
Colonel Armbruster led a tbrce to reseue General Ross from the Rus\uns. Although Ross* son-i n-law.
Major Taibot. was lost during the mission, u was deemcd successful and Armbruster was givcn Óp eontrol of Project Grecnskin, an attempt to study the effeets of gamma-radiauon on the human body. Armbruster s niain objcctive was to cap turę the I Iuik. which ho succeedcd in doing.When lallx>t ewntually returned. appaiently ii iYing eseaped ffom the Russians,
\rmbruster suspected foul pby: when he shook hands with Talbot, his wateh stopped. Armbruster discosercd that there was a bomb in Talbot s body tut dragged the Major into a pit.The bomb spłoded, kilhng them both, but prcvcnting the ‘ssmanon of the US Prcsident. AD
A young Watcher, as stich cemporal matters as age are measured by that mtergalactic race. Aron escbcwed his peoples pledge of non-interfcrence in all things, choosing instead to use his great cosmic abilities for his evil enjoynient. He toyed with the lives of the Faniasiic Four, replacing them with corrupc duplicates, and later engincered a civil war witlun his <nvn Watcher r . ►V1
race. As Aron was abotit to destroy the Fantastic Four. Uatu tiie Watcher, who was responsible for our section of the cosmos, reluctanth killed him. TB
Namcd after the huntress of Greek mythology. Atalanta is a member of the Pantiilon, a cowrt organization of superhumans which intcrvcncs in world affairs to prcvcnt disasters. A deadly shot with her flaming bt>w, Atalanta s skin, body tissue and skeleton are denser tlian a norma! human s. affording her greater resistance to injury. She also possesses a fast healing factor and an extended lifespan.A psychic power cnablcs her to mcntally pcrccivc her target cven if she is unablc to sec lt.
Virtually nothing is known about the origin of Atalanta. cxccpt that she is related to other members of the Pantheon. She has becn the lover of fellow Pantheon member Achilles. PS