FACTFILE REAL NAME Medusakth Amaquetm OCCUPATION Royal interpreter BASE
Attilan. Blue Area. Earth's Moon
HEIOHT 5ft 11 in WEIGHT 130 Ibs EYES Green HAIR Red
Fantastic Four *36 (March 1965)
Can uso hor 6-fMong hair to Otlack. m w«ghts. Dick tocks. ar as a whtj
or a ropę.
A nicmbcr of thc Iniiumans Royal Family on Amlan, Medusa was ,
cxposcd to thc niutagenn Tcrrigen I Misi as a baby. Sbo g.tined thc A
abiliry to ust* hcr liair likc cxtra limbs. controlling it with hcr mind.
Following thc tirst coming ol
Trikon. Medusa left Amlan and suffered amnesia in a piane crash ^ As she wandercd through Europę, hcr powers caught the attcntion of thc critninal callcd theWiZARi). He A brought hcr to America and nudę B hcr part of thc Frk.hiful Four. B Whcn her sccond cousin Ul At k ■ U< >i i. to uhoin sin- was betiothed, A ^^-Jook thc throne of Attilan. 1 Medusa returned home to j EA1 1 act as Ins interpreter. Shc A W / ) also replaccd Invisiule Giki R ''Ej in thc Fantasi u Four during 1 Ijj the tinic Sue Storni was estranged from hcr husband. MT
FIRST APPEARANCE tAgpty Worid ol Marvel »7 (Decembor 1983) REAL NAME Meggan OCCUPATION Adv®nturer BASE Engtand HEIGMT Varut*> WEłGHT Vanobte EYES V3rtst*< HAIR V.vmWo Hb SPECIAL POWERS/ABIUTIES Meggan na
Wipesfiiftor wtios*- "I liy rtic
Bi/ e-'x>t«yv» ot ore", i - r• •• ••"•■njy
Ctast* drawn trom me Earth.
McOusa its6$ hor kxi(j hair to łartgte up the amazing SpKter-M»» in a ditlwent kiod of wab,
H Bom to gypsies, Mcggan grew up in tur covercd form and considcicd hcrsclf a freak. Only later. after l ; y taken in by Brian Hraddock
aptain Brjtain).didshc
^^B discowr ih.it shc could ./
e. Shc
transformed herself from formintoa
strikingly bcautiful woinan B with long. gulden liair .<
y Not long after this, (Ł/\. \N
Mcggan and Braddock started a relationship and ^ foundcd the supergroup \
^ EXCALIBUR, and thc two
evcntually married. As ( apt.nn i| Britain s wite. Meggan is thc quccn of Othcrworld. assisting in thc management of thc dimensional realitics that make up the Omniversc. DW
When hc learncd of his daughter s burgeoning mutant abilities. Tabitha Smith s father beat her. driving hcr to leavc home and lice to Xavicr’s Scltool for (liftedYoungsccrs. It would bc sonie tinic beforc sh«
Tabitha Smith OCCUPATION Adventurer BASE
New York State
A toundog member of X-Forco. milwearty x.W/itdow
Boom Boom.
got tlicre.
Encountcring thc Blyonder on thc way.shc went on a scries of cosmic adventurcs beforc falling in with the Vanishf.rs gang of thieccs, thc Fallen Angels.
Fcrhaps Tabitha s childhood cxplains hcr subscqucnt ftckleness. She oscillated bctwccn X-Facior and the Fallen Angels beforc becoming a member of the New Mutants wliere hcr attraction to Cannonbali helped steady hcr. In reccnt yearsTabitha has betonie a protćgć to Nathan Summcrs.joining liini in an attack on theWEAPON X facility and the Ncverland mutant concentration camp. Now morc settlcd and liaving greater control over her powers.Tabitha is maturing into a happy, stable and forinidable young woinan. ad
HEIGHT 5 ft 5 in WEIOHT 120 IbS EYES Blue HAIR: Bionde
Secret Wars II, *5 (November 1985)
Gencrates and throws ‘urna bombę” - onorgy bals ot concusswe torco. Sho is aMe to vary the suo and power ol hor limę bornbs at will.