39039 TME1

39039 TME1



^ Gaorges Batroc < OCCUPATION QQ Marcanaiy BASE



Ws ot Suspons* #75 (March 1966)

SHł pn*MMdrTw*erofSav«a

'.ho FrancT totrr o* kKkbowng. afc*g*idly an cwpart harw*-ło hand cofitutart doaa not fwwc ary •upartmman    tui daacdt#®

w* M Otympc standard wwr/K Wier t*h stmy to iMp MMI <*Uanc*a. dwwwaa matary lactc* ma» a«rw 10 t****or owxmert»


1 Vm i lninscli as thc worWs grcatcst nu r*aury and master

t s itv. Mar.cilles-boru licorgr* jUatroc tnimd himsclfi# thłs (. ii murtul art while wrvng m fiu* Ftcftch Rwcrgn Legion s . anbarkmg on a. Iifi ot t'i<: . Batroc ha* fought sonie ot thc worki*;, greatcsŁ Saper |IeMev mdudmg Cahtain AMERK a and thc Pujvmtłr Sadły, h« rani-.- »nrvivrił these u>;)ir>muaoa wiih ir«*;; th-n rSc smallcst degree of digmtv.

Battafi js th« pum-moii'. leader nTBattw V Brigadc. a motic> coHecttaa a* martwi «*-;•. assasMns. and mero enarics w hose mctnb-ishfp »v fluid. In thc    early davs, Batnu łmed

UJCfitbtTy U r ‘p cifie ji»U, bat most of thc missions were j u;nutcessfafjlEmplovcd to obtain thc "scisino b<»ró ćoiu j forcign pnn|fiattroc twmcd with thc Sm*t haman and che Lwjm. Laser, but thc\ * ii 1 : t *>U\ceed. Later, thc Rr.i> Ski. fi hired hi::: v attack Captuin Amcru.i Mtłu*u.v handed with Pt w uhm .md Włwlwind. thc mission t. i d

S r    ll.i-.oui>

scorcd sigmticam

victorie$ with tlu- British wcapon master Zarań and South American rcvolutionary Machctc. I >uring thcir first mission thc tłiree tnumphed. snatchmg Capuin America s shicld for Obadiah Stani-. ad



REAL NAME L«nar Hoakjns

OCCUPATION <3ovwr<n#nt agent BASE CNCAflO,

HEIGHT 6 ft 2 i WEIGHT * 96 *■«. EYES Bit • HAIR R* « SPECIAL POWERS/ABH.IT1ES Supartw ^ Urw /• and stan car .ft 10 łona: «xc«d at hand-tc. hand combat. gymneiuc*. and acfobattcs. camaa an tndaatructota adamantmm *h*rid.

Wrcstlcr Lcnur 1 łosiom was given treatments by thc Power Broki r which gavc him superhuman strength. He joincd thc Bold Urban Comnundos «>r Buckics. a group who supported Captain Amerk as rival John Walker, thc Super-Patriot (ser US Agent).

The Commismon on Superhuman Ac i iv i iii s asked Walker to rcpiace Stcvc Rogers as Gapcain America, and 1 loskins teamed up with him, adopcing thc namc Bucky. He later set out on his own as Battlestar. M T

FIRST APPEARANCE \- a X-U*n •- * ? <>:-:Jxy ; * ' STATUS Maro REAL NAME Barowi OCCUPATION Mambar ot tha Exj«m BASE TKaMu*vars»

HEIGHT ,fl9r WEIGHT 140 Iba EYES BtoO HAIR W*a SPECIAL POWERA ABILITIES Agio with nnhancad andurarca ho*CM txyia* and bataatharad arma a«ow Nrr^ to o**# lor


Bom ni thc Nethcrlands. Barnell Boluisk s body underwent gruesome transfonnations dunng puberty. At the Xavier I ust i tu te for Higher I.earning set X Min),B< d. was drawn to lh\si. who had alst» undergoiK* mutation. When Xorn corrupted his dass for his own ends. Beak stood against him. Beak had si\ childrcn with fellow mutant Angol Saleadore, but was later fbreed to join thc Exn ts.Alter various adventurcs, he lost lus mutant powers and is now living as an ordinary hunuti bcing. A D


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