Tnckster and student of Earth’s
popular culture
HEICHT 6 ft 4 In
WEIGHT 165 Ibs
UmiUess shape-shifting abrtilios: cari rnrrcr proporties of objects ho imitates (if ho's a hoso ho can spray wal nr. as a bghl buto he can hrjht np):
The planet Poppup was an inhospitablc world, its peoplc surviving through asexual reproduction and their shape-changing abilities aml group mind.
Thcn a Poppupiati was born who had a degree of individualicy, Bored by lifc. this creature transformed himsclf into a spacecraft and travcled to Earth where he encountered the Fantastic Four. Finding him unbcarably annoying, theTniNC told the creature that he was “impossible", and so “Impossible Man" was born.
Ib the Fantastic Four s annoyancc. the team has encountered
Impossible Man scveral limes. Whcn Galactus was threatening to consume Counter-Earth. Impossible Man tricked him into eadng Poppup instead, giving him a bad case of cosmic
indigestion. With his peoples’ consciousncss living on 1 through him. Mr Impossible set about rebuilding the Poppup race. first crcating a wite—Impossible Woman—and later scores of children. Despite his ncwfouml responsibilities. Impossible Man has I continued to visit Earth. oblieious of humanitys ambivalence toward him. AD
Transformed into o rockot. Impossible Man left his homowodd far bełwnd him.
FIRST APPEARANCE Warlock Vd. 1 #10 (December 1975)
REAL NAME Inapplicable
OCCUPATION Cosmic entity BASE Mobile
HEIGHT 15 ft WEIGHT Unrevealed
EYES Whito HAIR Nonę
SPECIAL PO WERS/ABI LIT IE S Near-mfimte cosmic power, often heid in chock by its own need for baiance
The In-Betweener. the creation of Lord Chaos and Master Order, is the living synthesis of baiance. represendng both lifc and death, good and evil, logie and cmotion. reality and illusion, cxistcnce and nothingness, and god and man.When theTitan Tiianos tried to plunge the univcrsc into death. the In-Betw< tried to restore baiance I ahducdng Adam Warj.o< turning him into a cham of lifc.The In-Berweenei clashed with the sorcerer Doctor. Strj\noe and Gai actus, and briefly had possession of the reality-warping Soul Gem undl Thanos stole the item in his quest to build the Infmity Gauntlet. DW
FIRST APPEARANCE X.Faclor #28 (May 1988)
REAL NAME Not known
OCCUPATION Genetic manipulator BASE New York City HEIGHT 5 ft 6 m WEIGHT 120 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Perceives molecular struclom of organie lifeforms. and is able to mulate tho lifeforms geneticaUy by kissing them
The daughter of a gencticist. Infectia gaincd an enormous amount ofknowlcdge from her father. which enabled her to understand her mutant
ability to mutatc organie lifc. Following her father s death whilc she was still at high school, Infectia inherited a smali fortunę and withdrew from society. Ke-emcrging as a dangerous and manipuladve mutant, she set her sights on obtaining the X-Factor*s skycraft headquarters. Her plan was to transform Ic.eman into a form she could manipulate, hut hecause hc was a mutant her effort caused an cwplosion. It was the last dme she was to posc a threat—shortly thereafter, Infectia was strickcn by the fatal Leg.uy virus and died in Bf.asts carc. ad