MiUtona»re playboy and taxi drtver BASE Naw York CHy

HEIGHT 6 ft 2 ms WEIOHT 225 Iba

EYES Darkbrown HAIR Brown


Werewołf by Night Voll. 932 (August 1975)

Moon Knight



F«8 strongth waxas and wanos w*h tt» moon. Ho boors waapons gwcn to fwn Łiy ttie Fqvptian god KJmnshu: sr«vab throwng rfcrts. a goWon anW» that głowts wttui danger ts noar. and an wory boomerang

A mcrcenary left for dead in the Egyptian desert, Marc Spector was found by followers of the Egyptian gtxl Klionshu. Thcy carried Spector to their tempie and presented him to their god. who saved his life, at the same time bestowing upon him superhuman powers. Returning to the US with a statuę of Khonslni, Marc adopted the role of crimefighter. calling himsclf the Moon Knight and assuniing two morę alter egos: those of millionairc Stevcn Grant and driver Jake Lockley. Aided by his pilot friend, Frenchie. and his lover. Marlene Alraunc. Marc fought critne for many years. battling against Midnight Man and Black Spectre. and alongside Simdfr-Man and the Punisher. But the strain of keeping up his various identities caught up with Marc. Eventually. exhaustion set in and he was persuaded to retire his alter egos and soli the Khonslni statuę.

FIRST APPEARANCE Mwv4 GrapE* Novel «4 Th« Now Mutants (June 1962) REAL NAME Danjefle 'Dam' Moonstar OCCUPATION Formar SHiELD agant tatar acłventur«r and taachar BASE The Xav»er Institule. Salom Center. New York State HEIGHT 5 ft 6 in WEIGMT 105 Ib EYES Brown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Oeatad three-Omensonal .mages ot tnoughta m others' mmd» Had rapport wiin fughcr arwnats.


Before łong. Marc began to havc strange dreams and felt compelled to travel to Egypt. There he was met by inembers of the cult of Klionshu who explained to him that being the Moon Knight was his destiny, and not one he could shirk. Rcinvigorated, and cquippcd by

Klionshu w ith a new costume and a selection of special wcapons, Marc s life as the Moon Knight has begun ancw. AD

In hc stajggle agamy tho morę nefańous donuens at Now York. Moon Knight s partnorod by hs tovw. M*»lene AJraono. and Iw good Inund Frenchło.

Damelle “Dani" Moonstar is the gramULiughter of Black F.agle. a Cheyenne chief. When Black Eagle was numlered by agents of Hi 111 ire Clt b member I )onald Pierce. Dani joincd forces with Professor Charles X.avier (see Proi fssor X) to defeat Pierce.

She thenjoined Xaviers Ne\a Ml iams. at llrst being known as Psyche and later as Mirage and Moonstar. Por a time Dani served as aValkyrie lnAsgard before becoming a SHIKl I > agent and then a member of X-Forcl. Recently. she worked as a teacher at the Xavier Institutc. but lost her mutant powers. PS


FIRST APPEARANCE Captan Amenca voł 1. *192 (Oocombor 1975) REAL NAME Dr Karta SoN-n

OCCUPATION Psychologii. adventurar BASE Mobia HEIGHT 5 ft 11 in WEIGHT O Ibe EYES Blue HAIR Biortoe SPECIAL POWERS/ABIUTIES Ablo to fly and bocome Intangibte creatos Wmdmg flashes and omits laser beams from handa

An arch manipulator, during hcr cKildhood Karla Sofcn leamt how to ust* others to gct what shc wanted. Karla bccame a psychologist in adulthood, and trickcd the original Moonstone. Lloyd Bloch, into giving up the gem that endowed him with superpowers. Using the gem for herself she becamc a superpowered villain. driving Geni.rai Ross to a nervous breakdown and serving with the Mastfrs of Evii for a time. Although she attempted to reform. Karla relapsed into hcr old ways and evcntually lost her Moonstone to Baron Zkmo. The manipulator had herself been played. AD



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