25465 TME4

25465 TME4


5 Emma Frost llJ OCCUPATION

^ CEO ol Frost International; F" instructor. Massachusetts 5 Academy O BASE

j, Massachusetts Academy





Frightful Four

The Wizard (Bendcy Wittman) was a much-lauded scienttst until the similarly hrilliam Mr. Fant astr Reed Ku bard- led the Fantastic Four into the limcłight and lorcctl Inni fiom the publte eyc. Imaiiely jealous. cheWi/ard coiunmted liiimcit to destroying Reed and hts friends. by estjblisliing tik- I rightful Four team of SuperVillaiiis. I l:e original liiieup w as W l/ard himsclf, Sandm nn. Traini m. and \h The Wizard lias chauged his team s rostei many limes, hut it has lontimicd t«* surter deteats. I ven whcii they t«»ok the I antastk I out otf guard— ilui ulg Ueeil aikl Sm- Storiu s engagement party, lor e\ampK—the Wizards team was still he.tteu.Tlie se.treh tor new memhers leil the Wizard to look every where. even advcrtising iii the IXtily Hitflf.

Morę reeemly. the Iriglnful I ours lineup has eome to resemble a tamily—albeit a desUiiu tional one—wnh the Wizard s ex-w tle. Salamandra, and tlieir daughter. Cole. sigmng up tor ilnry.

Pcrhaps now the team w ill tinally deteat «s sworn enemie*, the Fantastic Four. A o


FIRST APREARANCC M*fVH lo.irt. Up «121 iSeptemt*-' 198?) REAL NAME Eugene P.i.. P >•



po v*s witft lenn^sg co<is outft «to n* noots. can i*op o irwucinim lungttl ot 00 11 and a m.urtłum (łnl.Ktco Ol HM) It

Eugenes imcutor tatlicT designed .i p.m nfelcctrii .iUy-puwered lcapiug coiK ( alling lutllścll LiMpfmg. Ik* becainc .i vrtiuin.il to Mippori his t.unily. but \ooit ended up tu jatl ł łc rcttirnctl to Im

wili- .tiul >on .i brokcti in.m I»»redeem his l.itliers ii.iiik*. Ingene domied oih* ot his olil iostumo to lvcoiUC tik I Mllk* flgllter I l«tg-M.III.

liii Ipin jS Man nul thć II...... !

ilcU .it ilu* Si*i 11 • Di mon ługcuc mcii t«* form Im o\mi team witli thoTaid atul Spidor-Kul mow . alled ilu- Steel Spulcr I liough ptoud v»t

his sous stuTesses. his t.ilhcr li.is tricvł t*»

discouragc Fugene troili risking his lite .nul pl.iying the liiTo. TO

HEIGHT 5 ft I0m WEIGHT 125 Ibs


HAIR Ash blonde


X-MEN*132 (January 19BO)

Emrrw was lł» cftair of the Mnssactxto«<ts Aasderrr/s t«0r1 of

Frost s a mutant with lorriKtoWe loSepath*; oowers She eon mad rrmds. and project ficughH nto Others mineto, controUrryj the«r acttons. Sho car prołoct poin and knoefc OUt Vłctma Dy fouckng thur Drowa; Nyhty mtoAgont. exoert cfcwgner ot efoctronic dswcas thal ampMy psiomc enorgy

Eounta Frost was boru into a wealthy New EngLmd family. Gifted with a superb business bram.at a remarkably young age she was running a nuilti-billion-dollar Corporation speeializing in transportatton and elcctrothcs. whteh she re-named Frost International. I ler great wealth. intelligence. and charisma soon attractcd the attention ot* the Hflihre Cluii..ui elitc soet.il orgam/ation of powcrful polmeians aml businesstnen and women. She joined. Isecoming a elose associate of Sebastian Siiaw . w ho. like her. w as also a mutant. Whcn I rost and Shaw discovcred a J plot by Helltire Club leader Edward Bucktiun to build nussive Sfn rtsu. robots to bunt down and destroy mutants. they seized eontiol of the organization. renaming it the Inncr Cirele. and takmg the codcnanies Black King and Wbite Quecn.

In her role as the Whitc Qucen. Frost was .u ftrst an enemy of the X-Mln. I loweeer. guilt over her inability to present the vioIcnt deaths of her former students. the Hfllions. causcd her to offer the Massachusetts Academy. the privatc school she lud headed. to the X-mcns leader Pkofessor X. who turncd it into Ins new School for Ctilted Youngsters. Emma Frost now teaches there. imtructing the young mutants of GiNtRAt tcłN X to dcvelop and eontiol tlieir various mutant abtlittes. MT

Frost, Emma



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