

Sometime secretary. actress and radio personaJity (J BASE < New York City


HEIGHT 5 ft 7 in WEIGHT 125 Ibs

IEYES Blue HAIR Blonde


Daredevil *1 (April 1964)


Page, Karen


Karen Pa ge s relationship with Matt Murdock spawned happiness but also much mutual heartache. Matt hired her as his sccrctary. but their relationship only blossomed when hc told her about his secret idemity. This happiness was not to Jasi: in the middle of wedding preparations. Karen asked Matt to give up his Daredevil altcr ego. When hc refuscd she ended the engagement and entered a long vicious t ycie of self-destruction. Embarking on a career as an actress, rliings went badly. As film andTV work dried up she becamc involved in the porn industry and fcll prey to heroin addiction. At her vcry lowest ebb, Karen told a dealer Matt s secret identity in cxchange for drugs. Poitunaccly, Matt is a man with a forgiving heart. After helping her kick the habit, their relationship continued intermittently umil she was killed—-just the latcst ofMatts lovers to fali at Bullseycs hand. A O

FIRST APPEARANCE Daredevil Vol. 1 #150 (January 1978)


HEIGHT 6 ft 2 in WEIGHT 225 lt» EYES Brown HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Enhanced strength. stamina. and rofl«xes. carńes a narva-scrambl»>g stun gun. costume dellects

most smail-arms fire and goggłes permit vis»on in darkness

Karen'S IOvO tor Mott was always trouWed

ENictent secretariai skifls and lar abftty as an actor and prosontor. sonie aptitode for Street figbłtng. havir»g battled aSongakto tx>lh DaredfMi «r»d Black Widów.

The for-hire adeenturer Paladin is infamous for his arrogance and his “anytlung for moncy” attitude, yet his considerable charm bas gotten him far in Itfe. Little is known about Paladins origins. On an early mission, be teamed up with I)arldlvii to pursue the Piatpll Man. Hc later became romanticaUy involved with the Wasp. Paladin bas allied with Caimain America and Spider-Man to hunt foes, but be won’t hesitate to abandon his partners if hes not getting paid. Other heroes dislike his metbods, but many have grown to respect him. Paladin bas frt*qucndy acceptcd employment with Siiypr Saijle s Wild Pack. DW



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