Robert Drakę
The Xavier Institute for Higher teaming
HEIGHT 5 ft 8 in WEIGHT 145 Ibs EYES Brown
HAIR Brown
Uncanny X-Men $ 1 (September 1963)
temperatur es around free/e the walor vopor m Ihe»r, forming o vortefy of »cy weapons. protocUw ce shieWs. and ice skJwł
Ictnian can iransfontt back inio an tndinary-lookin£ Itunuin brinv al will.
Born a muunt.young Bobby Drakę was almost lynched whcn his ability 10 frcczc moisture in the air was discovered. Bobby was saved by
Cyclops ot u c second j
-Men, and became the to Prufcssor Charles Xavicrs School tor Ciitcd Youngsters (,<<*c
Proitasor X). whcrc hc would learn to control his mutant gifis. Adopting the codcname Iceoun, Drakę fought as one of the X-Men. battling such tnenaces as Magm ios Brotherhooo of Evil Mlianis, the Jugcernalti , and the robotic Si minus. Upon graduation. Iceman attempted to forge a super-heroic career on his own, founding the Champions of Los Angeles. I Iowever. his path eventually led Inni back to Xavier’s School, where he rcniaim as a inember of the X-Men today. His comniand of his icy abilities has also incrcased, t«> the point where. rather than simply sheathing his body in an icy coating, I )rake s entire form now transmutes into Iiving, sendentice. tb
icoman creafes weapons of al kmds kom 1 co, kom styj/o mcasies to halstooos. Hare j łietetsfty with on co beam
loeman sWes a>ong at super human speods thanks lo a path of ice ihat ho oeates hrnsofl.
FIRST APPEARANCE The Eternals Vol 1 »1 (Jufy 1976)
REAL NAME Unrevealed
OCCUPATION Prime Eternal BASE Olympia. Greece HEIGHT 6 ft 2 in WEIGHT 230 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Blond SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Superhuman strength: vwtual immortaMy and łndeslructibiiity: płonic ab*ltk». inciudmg tlight through levitation; projects cosmic energy from eyes or hands.
Born over 20,000 years ago, Ikaris is one of the Polar H i hilnals. who lised in the city of Polaria in Siberia. Over the millennia. Ikaris has battled the Eternals’ enemies, the Deviams. He calls himself Ikaris in memory of his deceased son. Under the name “Ikc I Iarris," Ikaris accompanied archeologist l)r. Daniel Damian and his daughter Margo to the Andes. where they wimessed the arrival of the Fonrth I lost of the Cflestials. Since then Ikaris has succeedcd Thkna .as Prime F.ternal. ruler of the Eternals ofEarth. PS
Immortus was born in the 3Ist Century of one of Earths alternate futures. It was a dnie of pcacc and prosperity, but Immortus craycd adventure. Using parts tbund in the ruins of his ancestors’ property, hc built a time machinę and set ofF traveling through dnie.
In each time era he arrivcd at. Inunortus adopted a ncw guise, among them Rama-Tut and Kanc; tul Conqueror. Hc left behind countless temporal counterparts capable of oasting on their own and of further time travel.
The heing who became Kama-Tutjourneyed to Limbo, a realni existing outside the timestream itsclf.There he was visited by the Time-Kli 1'hls, who hclped liini unlock the secrets of dnie.
Immortus then set about untangling the many dmelines he and his counterparts had created by their linie travel. MT
Limbo, outside the
HEIGHT 6 ft 3 in WEIGHT 230 Ibs EYES Green HAIR Cray
Avengers 010 (Nowember 1964)
immortus iws no superhuman powors. His abdilies corne from his use of the vast knowfodge and advanced technołogy hc has accumuoied on ivs traveis Hwough timo.