TME4 135

TME4 135

The Hulk

The stroiigest man-like creatnre on luirth!

FACTFILfe REAL NAME Robert BrjceBarmer OCCUPATION U Sctentst: waróerer Z BASE H Mobte

HEK3HT 7WRIGHT' ,040 *3#




Incrodb* Huk $1

(May 1962}


Hrujti *uii f» IroUJtei i tj *1 oe*i I* (diWOtfr.iiłiimft* «'ł</flr*l

A child prodigy, Bruce Banncr grew up in an abusise household, one chat would have a profound loug term elTect on his psyche An incrovertcd child. Bruce was ill ecjuipped to deal with thc outbursts ot'his tatber, who calłed young Bruce a monster and terrorized both him and his inother. Bruce developed a inultiplc personalicy disorder, shunting aside atisi repressing all ot" liis ncgaticc emotions when the tramna hec.une too much to take. This cycle of abuse cominued umil the day Brian lian ner siew his wife in a tir ot’ragę. 1 hereafter. Bruce was shuttled froin relatise to relatiw. and grew ever morę socialh iwkward.even as his remarkable intellect becanie morę apparent.

Ir UOttd Lr/ jurirr*    thc

H; <k pOftSłł*/ 11. u*T> %: unArMti •<

pfyćce slren f *ho i <xxxc w j-łts. • o $i'0O> 11 - ‘o o*', bat y**nś nitein/) •*• jle boi/*' ł *r. ' y' **•:* -An ->l ratar’ - >. f k c- ł    u :*•. n j 11 r u ij .r s'x :

vf lh< rj^.rt ł»* «4V* h« Wist *DOTt '

ALUttS H» ■ v<jc^& > • "y *’ fto Kmy, >    •> xi c ;o, Ocr>nv •

Wi8J- > Hi r darefa. rhr*

FOES I>^Lu'Vr me At»r»łirttfkr* -ci Saodrran,

' sri' aut. Alw>tx u >T9n.

Thad>:<> '► -i *i«feor

fó-Ofeed .VrtA.

i r ?». łtrc app*x ■*» a n rt*

otfoluto • O-, Very 9CTJ, ’•» Kit- v. : cokyt rj,    . ■,V"<T th-T

r> -r wtamłl^gwb


• i.^w*4* ■ u . ry Pr \ce. k .• • wr r-.-1

r. i . <r ; »*•* a- ;    »/*• t /.! X :; \ lt, t noo

. r« iót<1.xJ ty 1-oriJ raeoc r. . •TKrcJC't>_K

I he l > Arrm recrutteii Bartne- to dcsel. c\v wejpon* svstt*nw \%hih' he was stil lugh Nclb>oi. Bruce was placcd i.iuji tłu .nu! • nrv o l Jenerał Tha«Mcu> u rhuiKictbolt” K 'V a bhistcnng no-non^ensc vcteuu. It \s ii m che person t>’Ros<< Jauphtcr lKtt\ t.ui Brr cc to.;:: cl. kiuduJ sp:rr Both ho .‘ikI Bcuy ’osl uioilicrs. ;.tu.l worc ^ubjccccci tn thc ou: bu i ats ot’ rabini; thrbcrs; a:: attr.iction ncmmj kic\clopeii bciwccn :hem.


1'roiiticsi liis ruluaiN ha2:d;oi>. B«nftir dovciopcd t:) <; lh-;.... w cap.>n h«urossing thc pm\er of

pimnj radiartsci. On thc div thc homl) was to be rty ••ad..» rock!c ..rn.ipcr. Rith J nes. droW Olu ou:c' the test ianpc on.. tLirc. little rcali?mg chat ho \y is st r *0. grour.ti /ero of the m<s«:r petent <ic\*icc evcr cicw.opctl In an uiiwharai tcr.stiŁ moment ol henn sin. Ba:.ner r::s..<*d .sur onto t; o res: s:te. and dragged Jo*:cs ro the vrerv o: a nearhv tccuch betoic the <1 Boiiih drrony.tcd. I lowewi Banncr o\|h>sccI ro rhe tu!! foiro ol thc cverv arom bomhardcd l>\ gamma ladiauon.

Over f/K? yes/5. owce Banner s transformatons

n)io the Hufk have taken on a wety of styles.

foitiaity, Banner woutd bccomc thc H-Jk when the sun set, and return to his Banner tdentit/ ot sunnse. Soon thcreoftcr. Banner ■ iearned to contro/ fos iransformattons ^ ustng a garrima ray macane, becomeny t 1 2 a morę inteUtgent bot ro fess savaye


l i l •« • 2    ' 21

3 .. -    4 V • • . H ik

Hulk. rventvai!y, the continued exposure to garrsna radfation caused Banner to transform foto the Hufk whenever ne bocame W. agitatod or upset. Banner's / tułk persona \ has atso differed over the years, each one appsrentty representing a different facet of his fragmer.ted psyche: the chHdllka Grccn Hufk. thc moro ir.tcHigcr.t but foss oowerfut Grcy Hoik, the ettremeJy tnteibgent but egocentrtc ‘‘Proleseor2 Hufk-andaven a "Darł Hufk" reprewbny ak of the ewi w/thin Borvier's soui AckMtorat parmutations of the HJk aro ap! to cmcrgc ct orty gńrcn One. shoutd condrttons prove f&sorabfe.    //>

-i    fjT 0 J s »->< v iyyt>T7

•U/ r»-o>_cI deff. ztA — 2•»•: :y

alone. and coukln 2. undeiitand why people werc persei- n::^ >.im I wnm. I >. rhe super powered pvyehum»t 11

A da> later. lianner w as stdl dlenth screaming. But che milirary doctor2 couki ind >rhtr.g wrong—he Jud mii.u    ihe t)5£2'

umcatLed, Or so it nccmcrf. Hor the yanmja radi^tiou Banner lud hccn '(Kcd co Jud anlockcc. long pu sh’4 teclingft ofhatc and ragc.W hen coudicorw wen- rigr,Batincr found h misek' tum an m-stopi^ble nu.;: o! dotruettou, thc peisouiii.ation oflns long-■-    dc t.ierf daik s;de. the mucdibk- I lulk

At tiist, rhc I Jirfk ordy mamiested at nightiall Whcn che sun went down, Ihimof wonkl mcxornbly chanpy mto a gtcen-skim od

pt2vetho;tse and teinom out ofcotttfol umil cizybreak Bwncuaih; duo in part ro H.mners itccmpn ro

- ure hinisel: o: these unwanted tur.troi maciom, the .ipp.-ir.mi-e of rhe Hulk woulil b. bnuijcht c l»> stresN a;.d an.MoiY. Whencwr Bruce beca...2. oiilr.tged or fr.rful, rhr r .u.gt2 tn ho emonon.ll stire wotild tnggerthe gimm,i ruKinon withri llis ‘ĄV.e:ii. llie 1 w oui. lice ^.tia For a timc. with the aid ofRiek Jones, Bruce kepi ideniilN veeret.ev\'n while the Hulk w,o huated by tli.- -.ame mihtan torees tor w honi Banner to:Icd.

Kur evennully the truth revealc to the WMrkhtbreng Banner to becom.e a tuj-p-fAc. boru :t>

thovc whn JcMicd the I lulkk de^ iK L<2n,aiu! to priiteu (luistf u ho mt ^ht be h.rtnnl du-irg lny uitconiroll mit2 ojwides


Tte rharaccer ot the Hulk ehanped owi nme Initially, a    dislike lo

Howtoei Iił .nellowed av th.- wart by res:i!r-.n< m i mo e eluldhke Hulk Hr vm|>.y wanred to be lefl

Sav2> fpired out

th.- nur e.u of the Huis s rvis<«u;ities npreseruid.» f.iłFereut tiaginL.-.. o! Banner s dulteiec u>vt :e Hor.. nu e. S.imson nrsałfe

10    iusr the dtw rate elemeim .» Kannerk mi n t<\'tr- .^rar n tr R. tiikt t .c strtn^ll. of rhe I luk sshile "ossiti.; hu., to riudihain

11    in dwu. u.tcllcct Hut tlus prowd uiMablc. and cwncaaily splmtcrcd otict2 aisam

(Hvr rhe v.".r<,rhe I lulk hi2 prowd i tbr.2e for j»o(vi almost as often a-2 hc h;i\ heeu .it: enyuiti ol c.e24J Ut t;on He was li thc2 iorni. no- or rhe AvLtN.Cii .: s. iiiitli s Mięiiticsr ł leiocs, thcuip.i łr< tum he-ssee-' hunseTa- d li-sfe.i:ir .Ko tju.eaiy IccJ to Inni lcaving the atoup 1 lo ha2, stood sided>\ -suic w ich tle Dhonwrs. rXH H':>. S ram.k f.-.e Sr ? -M sRPiFR, and rhe Siun2. St iuir : delense of om pLue.. Km :<ir i li .2 n:o>: par.ili.- Hulk calhuo m.m lricttd. Bruce Bar.ner and rm Nuporhmu.m alter ego renuin cvci ac odds, i> they ro sray one step aliead oi forccs w ho sssuld sec thc Hulk dcscroyed, or cxp!oir hi< fortheirown ends ( »



ESSENTtAl. STOHYLINES • Incrodibfe Hułx 1312 T '.r X .


v , 2 rijr nc-:2 TL «.o^cnr.-1blV W- >. «r'0 twmatic    e r?vwi«i

IncrediMe Hulk #377    S2r «" Ji^ei

U2rx erv spinCc-^a as,-3vc rt.ony.rt • #, focnrdfoh Hulk #24-25 > vt'.r

.ailtłiiit.-.    •2 O. - a.ny.-j'. !•►2AlnrnroU.'l

fA - LOCWCy to JC YP, f 'OS3'S    '»'>•

ki--, ul . i IWt, 52łn t‘


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