°) Iron Man SEE PAOFS 146-7
Wendell Rand was che son ofthc rulcr of K*un-L*uii,a u\ m another dimension. He umc to che US, mm ied. aiui had a son, I ).mny.Whcn I kumy was inne he aceompanicd Wendell, his wilc i lejf’.e\ ind his business partner I Iarold Meachum on an e\pednion to K*un-L'un M iehum eaused Wendell s death. and Heather w is kiile J by wohes. Only Danny reached K nn-L"un. Aged 19, Danny siew the dragon shao Lao the Uiidying and gaincd the power ot' « the “Iron l ist.” As Iron Fm. hc confromed Meachum. but spared hitu; «uinju siew Mcaclnnn instead. Rand /«>,, rin‘s haoJglan whh
becgme wealthy as co-owncr ot Rand-Meachum. Inc. tuperhuman energia. and, as Iron P«t, partnered Lukę Cv+. (alias Power Mank in Heroes for Hire. Inc. PS
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nerkami wmar onurgy r hm band. ondoiMng Iw tmi
Mlłi supeCumart
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FIRST APPEARANCE cred*** •• i \r?M <D*C«nb«r 1900 REALNAME HAchari S?«mH
OCCUPATION Supwpowerod v» *o 8ASE Mob4e MEIGHT 8fl2m WEIGHT 4C>0 EYES Whaa HAIR Nono SPECIAL POWERS/ABH.ITIES Metaftc armocod htoe protects hm from most forma ot att*ck. and s?r*ogih and endirance to
supwnuman can ateo mcmaso fws body's derawły
Ironclad was one of the U-FOfcs, organized by industrialist Simon Utrecht, who hoped to reereate the accident that had empowered the Fa\tastk Four. Bruce Banner (sec Hti k). beliewd the spaceship earrying the U-Foes was in troublc and recalled lt, linnting Irondads exposure to radiation and his power. MT
lt. the l iving Colossus was a statuę supposed to celebrate the might ofthc Sovict Union. The night before its unwilmg,the statuę was anunated by a stranded alicn Kigor. lt rainpagcd through Moscow umil othet Kigor łetchcd theu companion. lt was trans for red to Los Angeles and once again aninuted by the Kigor, however spccial-efFetts expen Robert 0*Bryon tricked the aiiens with a booby-trapped prop and upkuded his own nund into It.Thus began a tug of war with the schcming I >r Yault Since then, 0’Bryan has twice rebuilt It.once for a movie. and onee while under the thiall of crime boss l otus New mark.
C VBryan was freed from Newnurk before any harm could be ilone. AD
HEIOHT 100 ft (later reduced to 30 ft)
WEICHT approx*natefy 1.000 tons (tater 100 tons)
EYES Wbite HAIR Nonę
Tates of Suspenso f14 (September 1961)
Instrument of destruction
Los Angeles
OiAJKte consoouftneM needed to anmntn—or rooMomble- statuę V/t< strengtti. Grorrto construebon mpennous to bdtots. s/wte, und etecirtc ehockr. fchted ttymg ahftty VUnaiiitM k> gasattacK