REAL NAMC Naena Thurman (many nclude ŁB*o1r>;«' OCCUPATION Cowt Opar«t>v« BASE Mobte MFlGHT Slttn WEIGHT 196 Ibc, EYES Btue HAIR ELack SPECIAL POWERS ABIUTIfcS Ab* to ir.«uence V* law* o> probobMy to thrft oóds m her f*vor. wwapocs eapert. her »taff tras pfO>»cftl—. a •uparto athfet*. martial ari*t. and Ingmat
career men.en.iry during hor earh adult lite, u was only atter hcing employed as a bodyguard to che genius MiloThurman that ihc nmunc I )oniino bccame drawn inco morę ofrieial circlcs. She and Milo tell m Iow. only to be separated when an attack by A IM terrorsists tbreed Milo into dceper covcr. Uelicnng that Milo was dead. I )omino jomed Six-1\\< k and betainę an ally ofCAlHi-.
I tir a whilc she was nnpersonated by Com AT.
I )onuno has sińce serwd with X-Pa( tor, worked for the I long Kong bram h of X-Corporaiion and tbught alongside the X-Min.
Doom 2099
FIRST APPEARANCE C-oom 2099 *1 -January 1993.
REAL NAME Wctor Von Doom
OCCUPATION Monarch BASE latv«na. m iha year 2099 HEIGHT 6 tt 2 «n WEIGHT 225 fc* EYES Browr HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Superhuman «rangth; ean put up a tocce ftaid and fira concusson beems. ałso bas some psonc and<ai power. and can excn*nge rrw»d* wrłh anothar person.
In 2099, a nun daiming to be the original I )r. Doom returned to the nation of Latwria. Ile had no memory of how he came to be transported into the futurę.
Upon Ins arrisal, 1 )oom discowred that a nun named Tigcr Wylde. an elite corporatc muscle nun, had scizcd the throne of Latveru. declaring himsclf dictator. Wylde had causcd the people to fali into violence and powrty. but Doom owrthrew the pretender and once agam madę Latwria a great nation. MT
Although a meniber of the Faltme race, Dormammu has spem most ot his hfe m the Dark Dimcnsion. wherc his people had bamshed him. Following his arnsal there. Dorinainimi allied himsclf to the Dark Dimensions rulcr. Ohur. show mg him how t»> e\pand his realni by absorbing ocher pocket unnerses imo it. liudwrteiitK. this was to precipuaie Domununua niw to powci. i : tli limu : w is ikcupird by the Mmdle*s Oacs.
i :r. i-.-ings at.ome reieascd m the Dark l)tmcx*sioti.
, t j ii: to m i:\ik łuvo. Uctóre rlaey were fnuHy stopped. Ohur . i ki mdl >oruummu had becn named regent
Sometome ruler of the Dark
Dark Dimeneion
Rameetotazing trom ewwy »mb.
teanmmo bwng
HEIOHT 6 ft 1 m WEtOHT Unknown EYES Grean HAIR Black
Strange Takts Voi. 1 9126 (Nownb* 1964)
Dno of the mott powwki my*!* *» bongs 1i»e unver*M cen tefepon botwoer
rc. trawa
mtmtM and perfoon tołopaehy
I lis appetite for power still not satistied.
Dorinammu set his sights on coiujuering Earth but repeated attenipts to imade were repelletl by various inystical bemgs, including the A\< itm Oni and. later. I )r Stephen S i rancie. Although u j uni* less powerful than I )orniammu, ktriituM.
Strange has defeated him on sewral occasiom, even trapping him in a separate pocket umwrse for a time. Hugely powerful. Dorinammu is a ditłieult creature to destroy altogether. Although qucllcd at present. he is likely to re emerge at sonie point in the futurę. AD
1 Omy Dr strango | btunds n ttv> vwry i of Dormammu s | dornration ot the Dark ! Omonwon and a sWke ! aganętthwrerth*