64037 TME2

64037 TME2



£ Dr. Artthony Ludgate Druid O OCCUPATtON . Psychiatnat and master of CL theoccuN Q BASE MoMe

HEK3HT 6ft5in WEIOHT 310 Ibs


Amazmg Aóvcntures Voi. 1 91 (Juce 1961)

Master d r» mysucal nrt*. aM to contro! rts hoarttwH? roepralion. btoodng. elc.: car undedaka

tcan thoughts, cootrol mrxls of ołhon and levftato otfacts

Doctor Druid

I o: many \var* Htfvwd-cdutatcd Dr. Ambony Druid pursiied a catcer as a psycbiatrist whilc harbouring an interes* m all tinugy imMK ai and occult, Urowmg oider be began to devote mott and morę unie to this irn Im: ń wi% only when cailed to the sv.r a dymgTiberan łanu that lic started to d; w I y 1 .d>ilitic*.Afxcr Druid turvivcd a number o? u u!-. the lama odpęd him to rcalisc his latem    .

whilc conferrmgnpon the psycbiatrist somc ■ his <wvn powers

In the years that follow-ed Druid v ■

NSĄ agent fake Curtiss to join his team of Monster Hunter*, a team that also included Ulysscs Bioodstonf and the Eter rui Makkari (scc Ettrnals). FoIIowing the emergence of Super Hcroes like thc Fantastk* Four, Druid aligned himself with the Avlm;frs. becoming a niembcr and helping to dri\*e thc M astfrs of Fa ii fiom Awngers Mansion.

The finał ycars of Druid s lifc proved far less fultilling. lwice he was numpulated mto betraymg his friends—he I was held in thc thrall of*lennmatrix and latcr corrupted by his nunipulatiYc lo\er, Nlkra. Shc eventually killed him, | his pronusmg lite tnully cndmg in grief. AD

A pow*ruf «orc*mr. Dr. Drod coułd prości rntOM Of tmw$U


UJ Squadron Supreme member 0- BASE (/) Spuadron City

^ HEIOHT 6 ft □ WEtGHT 190 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Blond

Doctor Spectrum


Avengers V6i. 1 #85 (March 1971)

Irtornak/ad power p«m perrr<ts th* dacharge of anargy biasls. and ttie ab*ty to constrjct objęci# ot aoM eneray.

(Ir- a paulle! Farth in anothcr dimension, astronaut Joc 1 cdger rescued an alien Skri i i w ho gave hnn a power prmn. Using the prisin s en ergi es to becoinc the heroic Doctor Spectrum, Ledger joined thc* Squai>ron Suprfme. After the defeat of the villainous Oy frmind, the Squadron Supremę repaired the danuge to their world by becoming virtual dictators. A second group ofhcrocs known as Nighthawks Redecmers formed a resistance movemcm. Om* of their number, the Black Archer (formcrly tłu* Goldfn Arc her), shattered Doctor Spectrum s power prism w ith an arrow, only to watch as its energies becamc part of Lcdgers own body. Doctor Spectrum no longer nccds to rely on an outside source for his powers, and his body has been changed to a monochromatic white DW

$<r« kert ii Do*, tor Spectrum in jm alteriuue incarnJtioM.

Vanoua ver»one of Doctor Spectrum, and crther Squadron Supremę mombars. most among the paralel Eerthe that compoeerhe

•V •:



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