Norman Osborn OCCUPATION
Cnmrot/lndustnalist BASE Mobile
HEIGHT 51111 In WEIGHT 185 Ibs EYES Bluo HA1R Reddcsh-brown
Amaong Spktor-Man « U (Juty 1964)
ot Scrwr. Crtme-Maslor. Jackał. tho
Tinęjlno so*der-»*w»i. uwosotno strongth, and sopwtHst n.A>xos SpdHr-Man neods a* of those things to survtvo tho Groon Gctotnfc arsenał crf weapons and tnhancod body.
For almost as long as therc bas bccn a Spider-Man, so too has the Green Goblin existed. Spider-Man s arch nemesis, the Green Goblin is the insanc, malcvolent alter ego ot' that once-respectable industrialist, Norman Osborn. Despite their mutnal antagonisni. the relationship between the pair is complex. Although the Green Goblin loathes and resents Spider-Man s very existcnce, for a long time Norman Osborn and Peter Parker shared a deep mutual respect and admiration. Osborn saw in the orphaned Peter the son he rcally wanted.
Osborn s regained sanity provcd fragilć. Time and again his inner demon—the Green Goblin—reasserted control, and
Long before his transformation inco the Green Goblin.
Norman Osborn was an ambitious businessman. quitc prepared to sacrifice others on the altar ot" his own success.
The co-founder of chcniical company Oscorp. Osborn gained total control by franung his business partner. Professor Mendel Stromm. for cmbezzlement.The Goblin Formula that was to prove Osborn s undomg was a concoction detailed in the professor s notes, but it was Osborn s attempt to manufacture it for lumself that resuited in the solution exploding ui lus face.
As a result of this explosion. Osborn s strength. stamina and retlexes were enhanced but his sanity began to erode.
As the Green Goblin. Osborn wished to lead New York s criminal underworld and he set out to gain the respect of the key gangs by destroying Spider-Man. I le deeeloped high-tech weaponry specitically designed to achicve this cnd. Despite discosering Spider-Man s true identity, the Green Goblin was ultimatcly defcated: an electric shock. sustained during a battle with the web-slinger. caused Osborn to regain liis san i ty and lose all meniory of his malevoIent alter ego. Peter Parker judged that it was better to allow Osborn to resume his old life.
although Peter rcpeatcdly brought Osborn baek to rc.iliry: the huMnesMiuns grip on sanity became morę and morę tenuous. Dnring this period. Peters thcn-girlfriend. Gwen Siacy. met Odiorn and.over\vhclmed by lii* charisnu. bet ame pregnant by him. Ninę months later, slie gave birth to twins. Gabriel and Sarah, in France, keeping their existence a secret from Peter.
I ollowing Ciwcni return to New York. an ugry altcrcation betwecn her and a dcsperately unbalaneed Osborn served to destabili/e him furt her. Determincd to punish both her and SpuK-r -Man. when Osborn reeerted to the Green Goblin he .
kidnapped Gwen and A
To peoteet kit father, Harry Othorn toyt he it the Green Goblin.
In beconnng the Green Goblin. Norman Osbom inadvertentty The ihirJ Green
łounded a Goblin dynasty. After witnessing his falher s apparent Goblin h rerealeJ. death. a mentaity unstable Harry Osbom adopted the Green .
Goblin man tle and attempted to destroy Spider-Man. Although
Harry eventualfy pot his father s legacy behind him. even settling
down with a wife and chtid, lrfe's pressures finally drove Hm kźs^T
back to the Gobkn formula. Tragtcalfy. his body was killed by the J
deadfy concoction. Twice, the Goblin name has been borne by
non-Osboms. with Harry's psychiatrist. Bart Hamilton, and Phil
Urich. the nephew of reporter Ben Urich, both k
being pretenders to the Goblin
crown. Morę recentfy, Gabhe!
łwf Sfacy. the son of Norman ^TT'.
Osbom and Gwen Stacy.
^ tnjected Hmsetf with the
^ Goblin formula to save
• gi his own hfe. Now the fifth Green Goblin. Gabriel
"/ _ remains at largo, somewhere in Europę.
ACn- ^ 'OueeNOT
Itif Goblin ustt a mriety of gmijJfi trhirh look Ukt Hallou-ren pnmpkint.
A casuaKy of war. the Croen Go«n throwsGwen Siacy to hor ' doath
rhe cnsuing confrontation ^f #
with Spider-Man resulted in Gwen s death and m Osborn bcing inipalcd by his own Goblin Glider.
Peter Parker assumed tliat Osborn had been killed by tlns imp.iet but he lud not allowed for the extraordinary potency of the Goblin formula. While lying on a mortuary slab. Osborn s body suddenly rcvived.To keep his survival secret. Osborn substituted his own body with th.it a of an anonvmous drifter.
Osborn trawlled to Europę, wherc he took eon troi oFa secret socicty known as the S< riłrs. At the same time he watehed over Gwens childrcn. tendmg to their physical needs winie warping their minds against Peter Parker by comincing them tliat Peter was their father and had abandoned them.
The War Becomes Personal
In the years tliat iollowed. Osbom s attacks on Peter were mcrcasingly auned at eausing him emotional rather than physical harm. He crcaied yu a clone ot* Peter but this fatled to unsettle the Super Heros selt-• st: ^ ^lc** ^ ^born even tried to
SlN torturę and drug Peter into
beconnng a new Grcen Goblin. but Peters strength o! personalicy proved to be m unassailable.
At present. Osborn li as
^ LJlJ/ gone to ground but Peters . y rccent discovery of Gabriel \ju U atul Sarah $ e.\istence has shown ^ V * tliat tlus unhinged criminal mastermind still has the ability to causc deep hurt. It may well be tliat their fates are tbrever intertwined. For as long as tliere is a Spider-Man perhaps tliere will always be an cvil Green Goblin. ad
Hany Osborn prevonts the munate urwerse Greon Gobfcn trom destroymg Spider-Man Norman Osbom hod inectod hmsotf with a $p*tor-sen/n. Rather than endowng hm wtth Sp«der-Wdn's powers. tho serum transformed Osbom into a crarod demonie cmaturo.