Cl nton "Cimt Barton
Super Hero; Avengers member
Manhattan. New York City
HEIGHT 6 ft 3 in
EYES Blue HAIR Blond
An orphan who ran away tojoin a traveling carnival, Barton was only fourteen years old when lic attracted tlić attention of the shows star attraction Jacques Duąuesne, the Swordsman. Ducjucsne began to train Barton in the art of throwing knivcs, but quickly realized the boy was a natural at archcry and turned him over to Trickshot, the carnivals archcr. After niastering the bow and arrow, Barton took on the stage nanic of Hawkeye the Marksman.
Wicł«x*y sarcastic. Hawkeye fias devotoped some of his trick arrows to both ctefrat and hurt Wiatę his foos
Tam ol Suspensa #57 (September 1964)
Exporl archer wrth porlect acęuracyc Empioys an arsenał of ajstom-mode bows and a vanoty of trick arrows.
Extonsvo trołnlng as hm aenalist and acrobat. SkWod In hand-to-hand combat.
Hawkeye 8nd Black
Widów on a mission
After lcarning that Duquesne robbed the carnivals payroll to pay gambling dcbts, Barton was severcly injured when his fbrmcr mentor cut a dghtropc out łrom under him. Rejoining the earnival after recovering front his injuries. Barton latcr witnessed Iron Man in acdon and bccante inspircd to use his archery skills to fight crinte. Howcvcr, when Hawkeye trted to prcvcnt a robbery. łte was mistaken for a thief and soon found himself battling Iron Man. He met Natalia “Natasha" Romanova, the lit ack Widów, who was a professional spy at the time. He tjnickly tell in love with her and was soon cominitting crintes to impress her.
Reformed character
Hawkeye latcr decided to reform and begged to be admitted into the Avhnc; Imprcssed by his sincerity, his old enemy Iron Man sponsored him for membership. Hawkeye rcmained a member of the Avengers for many years, though he occasionally took brief breaks and even joincd the Defender during one of tliem. To help the team, Hawkeye somedmes borrowed Hank Fym s growth formula and beeame a new version of Goliath.
• Hawkeye (tpb) White worWng as head o( sectnty for Cross Industries. Hawkeye rneets and marrios Mockingbłtl
• Solo Adventures #7-6 Hawkeyefe formor mentor Tnckshot returns and we leam Chnt s tnie oogri.
• Wesf Coas! Avengers Limited Senes # 7-4 Hawkeye oper branch OffiOO for the Avengers.
• Avengers *502 HawkoyO courageously sacrifices his Mo to protcct his Awngers teammates.
Hawkoyo and Mocfcngblrd wore partners mewwy senso of tho wora
While on lcavc. Hawkeye married Bobbi Morse (MocKiNC.BiRD),They moved to California when I lawkeye was assigned to set up the West Coast branch of the Avettgers. After Mot kingbird was killed in acdon and the West Coast branch was disbanded. Hawkeye rejoined the Avcngcrs. He died in one of the many battles that rccendy causcd the Avengcrs to disassemble. TD