^ Unreveałod. usos the name Erik Magnus Lehnsherr < OCCUPA TION ^ Conquertx BASE Mobile
HEIGHT 6ft2ln WEIGHT 190 Ibs EYES Blue-grey HAIR Wbite
X-Men aj,
(Scptomb&r 1963)
Mutant Hb«Ty 10 moriputete magnetem and al icrms of etectromagnete onergy
ALLIES Brotlw ood Ot Ei.*l Mutants. Isomermes) Professor Charles X/Mor, (termerty) trio X-Men, the Nosv Mutants
FOES P- )fes-sor Cnaries trie X-Men. tho Avengen). trio FantastiC Four
• X Mon Vol. 1 #4-7, 11
Magneto* on;j»iiil BrOthcrho<xJ ol EW Mutants hnltłOS trio ongnal team oJ X Men.
• X Mon Vol. 1 #62-63
Magrwlo* unmasked lace Is reveated whon he comtMts tho X-Man In the Savago Land.
• Uncanny X-Men 1161
The story ot how Magneto tirst met Cłiarlos Xav1er In Isrnoi.
• Classrc X Men u 12
Magneto* capiMty a* AostfiwiU and the death o» Ms dauguor.
Magneto* SUlteńngs in hfe youth insproo his hatrect . ol Umankind.
In ino ikst x-Mm comc. Magnoto captunicl tho Cape CdtuKi mesie bese. only to be defeatod by trie orignaf X-Men in trioir rrtW batUe.
One of the most powerful and dangerous of all mutants. Magneto Has been both the foremost enemy of the X-Mf.n and. sometimes, their ally. As a boy, he was imprisoned in the Nazi death camp in Auschwitz, Poland. Sickness and malnourishment prcvented Magneto’; mutant powcrs from emerging there. In Auschwitz, Magneto’s family perished, and he witnessed the inhumanity that people can show to tliose who are considered difterent.
Following World War II Magneto married Magda, and they liad a daughter, Anya.When Anya was trapped in a burning building, an inscnsirive crowd prcventcd Magneto from rescuing her.
Infuriatcd, Magneto lashcd out with his powcrs. killing them.
Frightcncd by what her husband had done. Magda fled from him. Shc had not told Magneto that shc was pregnant.
Ewntually Magda arrivcd at Wuncbgorc Mountain, where shc gavc birth to twins. Wanda and Piętro. Shc then ran away into the wilderness, where shc presumably died.
Whilc searching for Magda. Magneto employed a forger named (Jeorge Odckirk to crcate a false identity, “Erik Magnus Lehnsherr,” for him. Eventually Magneto settlcd m Isracl. where he beeanie friends with the young Charles Xavier (sec Professor X) They continually debated their dilłerent views on whether mutants could pcacefully eoesist with the rest of humanity.
Superior i ty Complex
When their friend Gabrielle I Iallfk was abducted by Bakon von Sikucker and his HYDRA agents. Magneto and Xavier reseued her. Magneto used his powcrs to make ort with a cache of Nazi gold that Strucker had sougln. Magneto decidcd that the only way to prevcnt humanity from oppressing the emerging race of mutants was for mutants to conqucr the rest of the human race.
Indeed, Magneto believed that mutants wcrc superior to ordinary Innn.ins and deserved to rulc them.
Magneto s first step in his war against the human race was to seiz.e a missile basc at Cape Citadel, Florida. Ii\ now Xavicr had lounded the X-Mkn, who foiled Magneto s takeover of the base.