31920 TME#0

31920 TME#0

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Professor X

Mastermiud of tlie X-Meii

X FACTFILE REAL NAME Charles Francis Xavier OCCUPA TION Mutant nghts actnńst. teacher BASE Mobile

HEIGHT 6 ft WEIGHT 190 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Nono


Uncarny X-Men vol. 1 »1 (Septembcr 1963)


Growng up in a Urno betom wKlespread st.perpowers. Charles Xovicr bid he tetepattw: ab*ties to sbeld himseff from unwantod attenlion.

Widcly considered the most powcrful mutant on Eartli. Charles Xavier has dedicatcd his life to the ideał that humans and mutants can cocxist peacefiilly. His father Brian died when Charles was a child. Kurt Marko, his father’s research partner, married Charles’s mother Sharon, but only valued her for her fortunę. Charles became a rival of his stepbrother Caiti (who one dav gained the powers of the Juc;gernaut), and saw both his mother and stepfathcr die in separate incidcilts.

|\fost psonte abUltics mdudng

mnd-raadng. mrnd-erasing. astra! propoctton. the projechon of lOusions. the obAty to tato menu* oontioł ol others. and The abiity to firo mental błasts.

ALLIES f*X-Mc i :he Starjsrnmors

FOES K'.t (noto. Juggcrrout. Cossandra Nova. tho Sentmete, tho HcfflreOub

In X-Mon »I. Professor X's team Łrttes to tię^n off menaoo o* Magneto, marfcing tho frst appoarance ot bołh tho haroic X Mm and lite* OfCh-toe.


Xavier .utendcd gr.iduate school at Oxford Unieersity. F.ngl.md. whcre he leli iti love with Moira MacTagc.ari ; however thcir relationship cnded w hen Charles joincd the US Artny.

Following his tour of duty.

Xavier travclcd the world. At a clime for Holocaust sumvors iii Israel. he betf icnded the man wlio won Id hecome Magneto.

Magneto and Xavier teamed up to figlu Baron Von Strucker. hut Magneto’* ruthleys methods madę it elear thal the two had incompatihle philosophie* concerning the use of violence. Xavier left Israel. Ieaving bchmd Gabrielle Haii fr. not reali/ing chat Haller was pregtiant with his child (the boy. David. would grow up to become the mutant Lk.ion).A rockslidc causeii by the villainous alicn l.uciłcr. left Xavier a paraplcgii.

The X-Men

As Professor X, Charles Xavicr tbunded Xaviers School for Gifted Youngsters in Wcstchester County. New York to tram mutant children in the use ol their powers. Xavicr idemitied potential student* with the machinę Ccrebro. which amplitied his telepathn powers and aliowed Inm to pmpouit mutant* from afar. I lis initial Super Hero team. the X-Mi n, consistcd of Cy< i i >ps. Angel (.w Art HAN(.n). Marvel Girl (.<«vJean Gri v). h i man and Bi ssr. who sought to improve the image of mutant* by selrtcss deeds.

Prowwsor X can

tteabte opponortf*. suchasthe Juggrmaut. vwth montal blasts



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