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Right, The
FIRST APPEARANCE X Men #17 (Febnwy 1992)
REAL NAME Kwannon OCCUPATION As-sassin BASE Ja pan HEIGNT -both bodies) 5 fi 11 m WEIGMT Iboth bodiesi 1S5 Ibs. EYES (ongmol body) Bk*. (Braddock-* body) VWet HA1R (ortp<rvłi body) Błock. (Braddock-* body) Brown, dyod purpto SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Mon u! orts: (as Revancho) tetepath; marufosted psychic energy In form of Somorai sword
Kwannon was a Japanesc assassin and thc lovcr of crimclord Matsu’oTsurayaba. When Kwannon was mortally injurcd.Tsurayaba maik* a deal with Spiral, w ho transfcrred Kwannon s inind into the body of Elisabeth Braddock, Psylocke of thc X-Mkn. Spiral also transfcrrcd Braddock s mind into Kwannon s body. Caining Braddock s mcinorics and powcrs, Kwannon daimcd to bc thc rcal Psylockc and called hcrself Revanche (Freneh for “revengc’\) Discovcring that shc was infccted with thc Lcgacy Virus. she bcggcd Matsu’o to kill hcr with a ceremoniał dagger. PS
FIRST APPEARANCE Amazmg Sęxdor-Man #41 (October 1966) REAL NAME Alex 0'Hm (possibły an alias)
HEIGWT 6ft5m WEIGHT 710 fos EYES Brown HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Tho Rhino possesses lho strongth and enhanced durabiiity of his namesako duo to his protoctlvo suit, which is bonded to his body.
A career criminal, the man who would bccomc thc Rhino was selected for experimentation by a group of spics because of his Iow intelligence. Aftcr months of Chemical and radiation treatments, hc was given his protective suit. which resembled a rhinoceros’ hidc. He was sent to abduct astronaut John Jameson, but was foiled by Spider-Man.TIic Rhino Has subscijucntly uscd his strength in a number of criminal endeavors. Bclicving himsclf to bc trapped pcrmancntly within his costumc. thc Rhino is subject to periodic bouts ofinsanity. tb ichards, Franklin
FIRST APPEARANCE X-Factor #17 (June 1967)
REAL NAME Julio Esłoban Richter OCCUPATION Pnvato Im-estigator BASE New Ybrk City HEIGHT 5 tt 9 *i WEIGHT 1$2 IbS EYES Brown HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES By touching objects can cause
them to wbrate and crumbie: appfced to bmkkngs his powers hove earthquake-l«ko effect
Bcforc joining X-Facti>r Invcstigadons.Julio Richter led an utisctded lifc.As a boy hc saw his father, a black market arms dealer, murdered by thc mutant clone, Stryfh. Julio dcvclopcd mutant powcrs himsclf. and was captured and uscd by thc Ru.ht to cause inayhcm in San Francisco. Frced by X-Facior, he was caught up in the idcological turf war between Nathan Summcrs and Pkofessor. X. but now looks forwani to a straightforward lite as a private imestigator. AD
FIRST APPEARANCE X-Factor #17 (June 1987)
Cameron Hodge (commander) Brilliant planner; madę immortal
through a mystical pact
Ani-Motor Gemus-łevei gonetteist
Other unnamed operat*-®* and soidiers.
BASE Mobile
The Right is a scerct organization dcdicatcd to prcscrving human freedoms by thc
eradication of mutantkind. Cameron Honor.. a for mer public relations dircctor for X-Fac ior. founded the Right using X-Factors own profits. 1 lodge’s double-dealing soon bccame all too obvious and he engaged his former collcagucs in combat, clashing with boch X-Factor and thc New Mutants. Agcnts of thc Right wear armored batdcsuits cquippcd with built-in machinę guns and Hight jcts.Their battlesuits have facemasks that bearing a distinctivc “smiley face“ design. DW
FIRST APPEARANCE Defender* VW. 1 *51 (Septembor 1977) REAL NAME Anthony D*v>*
OCCUPATION Professional cr-mmal BASE Mobile HEIGHT 5 ft 8 n WEIGHT *45 tos EYES Brown
HAIR Black, laler dyod btoode
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Woapons nduded constrietmg ring*, freeze rngs, and exptoerve rngs. could condeme SOkd rings from air.
The Ringer was a sccond-tier villain throughout his short carecr. Although hc dcveloped a gimmick centered around ring weapons, he suffered humiliating defcats at thc hands of criniefightcrs including Nic.iithawk II and Spider-Man. Aftcr his releasc from prison. thc Ringer joined other criminals at thc Ohio-based “bar with no nainc" to discuss thc threat of thc villain-killcr known as thc Scourgk of nie Underworld. Un known to the criminals,
J thc Scourgc was also in the bar at thc dnie. The Scourgc shot t*veryone in the bar and left Ringer for dead. dw
FIRST APPEARANCE Thundarbolts #1 (Apnl 1997
REAL NAME Dallas Riordan
OCCUPATION Adventur«r BASE Now York City
HEIGHT 5 fi 1 in WEIGHT 150 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Red
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Exped swordswoman and adept
hand-to-hand combatant.
The granddaughter of Paulette Brazee and onc-time lovcr of the original Citizen V. for a timc Dallas Riordan was to bear thc Citizen V mandc hcrself. Working as the assistant to thc New York mayor, Dallas servcd as his liaison to the Thunofrisoits umil Baron Zemo discredited thc team and caused 1) alias’ own reputation to bc called into ijuestion. Invited to become the new Citizen V. 1 )allas’ career as this costumed crusader was cut short when she was crippled in batdc. Now wheelchair-bound, Dallas can only walk when shc merges hcr consciousncss with that of hcr lovcr. Erik Josten, the Super Hero. Ati as. A D