FIRST APPEARANCE Mar.w . ęm H«cm #‘8 -Jar jary REAL NAME Chm%« Ź7
OCCUPATtON Sotewr. adv«nr.ur*r BASE Th* ataratap tearut HEIOHT 6tt WEIOHT >65 t* EYES Bk* HAIR R*d SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITICS up*rhuman tV*ngth and #oł/mc« htgh raawlanc* to r**Y and ****** wthUand* th*
grrrty Jup**r fi 1 tam** ihal o> Eartn p*« and trm,W *vat«g«t
When Charles Burhngamc s father took him 10 a rally of the Imperial Forces of America, the scientist Ani im Zola ran a genctic test on the bos and discoecrcd his poccntial tor supcrhunian powers. lnjecting ("harlcs ssith Chemicals, Zola transtbrmed hun into Charcoal, the Burning Mail. At first.
< 'harcoal joined a group called the Btmser Brigade and battled the 1 m NiłiKiKHrs. Iater. as a member of the I hunderboks. Charcoal ssitnesscd the death of Jol T. I le left the group tojom the Redecmers. where he battled his father. who was still a member of the Imperial Forces. MT
FIRST APPEARANCE 'hurx*rtxrft» #19 .Oclob*r 1986.
REAL NAME • tarł** Burkrgam*
OCCUPATION Acłv*rrtur*r stodół BASC ML Chart**. HEKłHT 5117*1 WEKłHT 136 to* EYES Brown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABIC ITl€S Trarwtorrr* rKo a b*ng COmpoaad ot charco*. mampulatM iWMt and can retfwp* hanaatf nto any term ot cartwo, ndudng Rarrwng charce* or rock-hart cftamond
Luk* Gajo ond*d Chomtrtro* cnmnal
Sad and shghtls pathetu —that s hoss you might describc the story of the tirst mail to bear the name ( 'lienmtro.
1 >iss.mstied with lus roearch position at Maimtrram Motors, ( urtts Carr embarked on a person.il project-the deuelopmcnt of an ‘AK herm Gun" capablc of changjng one substance into amuher.Whcn Carr was sacked for refusmg to hand the weapon over to his boss, lic disguised himself as a new ar-** *mr»i b** *-■> * supenillain. Chemistro. and began a
* senes of rewnge attacks agamst his
eniployer. Carr s srngeful spree of dcstrucnon finally ended dunnga strugglc ssith Piwcer Man, when Carr accideiitally shot his own foot and turtied it to Steel.
Crippled when his stecł foot crumbled into dust. Carr was thrown into prison where he svas forced co gise the secrets of the Alchemy Gun to a fcllow prisoner. Arch Morton. Although Morton s sersion of the gun e.\ploded m his hand. the accidcnt did endoss lus left hand ssith similar alchcimcal pensers On leas ing prison. a refomicd C arr devcloped a desnce called a Nulliticr. and 1 ukc C v.i ssas abłe to usc u to disable Morton.
I he third C 'heiuistro turned out to be l ’arr’s brother. t als in. \s ho stole a nesv seisioii oj the AK hems Gui; but wasH agam deleatesl, tliis time b\ both Posset M c and I •*. I i
HEIOHT 5ft 11 In WEIOHT 185 Ibe EYES Brown
Lukę Csge. Hero for hdre »12 (August 1972)
Ntmmen powws, canted
MR-des^ncNj Ałcnomy Oun
tranamcfcng ono '•nother
In oik* possibłe tiiture.
Clurlie 27 is a space nulitia pilot and a member of a genencally bio-enginecred race of hunians that has been sent to hve on and minę the planet Jupiter After completmg a solo tour of duty m space. ('lurlic-27 learned that an ahen ratę called the Badoon lud mer run the entire solar system and lud daughtered the inhabitants of his Jupiter. Pluto. Menrury and harth.Joming with Martinex Pluto). Nikki Mcrcun hYondo |C entaun\ i and Vanee Astro (Earth), Charhe-27 helped to \pel the Badoon and Iater safeguarded the 1 nurc galaxy TD