FIRST APPEARANCE X-Foto* *117 (Jur* 2001)
OCCUPATION Advonturer BASE X-Forc«/X-Statix Tow«k in Santa Momca. CaWorroa.
HEIOHT 5ft10m WEIGHT 190 K» EYES Groon HAIR White SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Supwhoman sonses. suparhuman speed. and the aWrty to tantale himsełf
Guv Smith bclicved his parents died in a liouse fire (which was later proven to not be true) and was raised as an orphan. His mutant powers began to emerge in his carly tecns and hc became extrcmely sensitive to his surroundings. After trying drugs and later martial arts to deal with this extrcme sensitivity, he canie to the attention of PROFESSOR X.The professor designed a special costume for him chat allowed him to control his senses. and he began calling hunself Mister Sensitivc.When he joincd the mutant team X-For.ce (later called X-Statix). he changcd his codę name to Orphan. MT
Li/ Allan, a high school elassmate of Peter Parkers, married Harre Osborn (Crm.n Goiiiin II) and had a son with him. whom they named Norman Osborn II. Liz bada keen business bram. and after Harry* tragic deatb she became the major shareholdcr of the imiltiiutionał Corporation Osborn Industries. Howevcr she lost control of the company after the ongm.il Norman Osborn s shocking return from the grave.
Liz had a brief relatiowhip with loggy Nelson, but is now busy raising her son. ow
Elizabeth AHan-Osbom
Former businesswoman
HEIOHT 5 ft 9 in WEIGHT 135 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Blonde
Amaztng Fantasy Vot. 1915 (August 1962)
FIRST APPEARANCE X-Factor Vol. 1 *30 guly 1988)
REAL NAME Peter (last name unrevealed)
OCCUPATION Wamor BASE Mobile HEIGHT 7 ft 1 in WEIGHT UnrweaJed EYES Unreveal©d HAIR Unreveated
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Carries an arsenał ol guns; armored battiesuit protocts against most damage
Ncver scen out of his armored battiesuit. the Orphan-Maker was oncc a mutant child named Peter. Peter was subject to the cruel
cxperimentations of Mister Sinister. who planned to kill the boy when hc had no further usc for him.The cyborg known as
Nanny saved Peter and indoctrinated him in her philosophy of rescuing mutant children from threats both real and imaginary.As the first of Nanny s "Lost Boys and Girls.” Orphan-Maker abductcd young mutants and killcd their parents, clashing with X-Fa( ior and Gfnlration X. dw
In high schooł, Lu sometimes (oineO in wtwn Rash Thompson mocked Rotor Parker. She soon matu/ed and befrierrded Peter.
FIRST APPEARANCE FantastiC Foor *113 (August 1971) REALNAME Grom
OCCUPATION Conqueror BASE Varlous HEIGHT 10 fi WEIGHT 750 Ibs EYES Black HAIR Red SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Possesses vast psiooic powers He can Mt up to 70 tom. read the minds of others and manipulate mattof through the power ot h«* mind.
Grom led the interplanctary contjuerors known as the Ethlnals to victory as they cnslaved a thousand worlds.
But they finally faced defeat when they attacked the eiiormous world Gigantus. Selecting Grom to be the sole survivor of their race, the Eternals transferred their niemal energies to him. transforming him into the Overmind. After gestating for centuries. the Ovcrmind tried to carry out the dread prophesy ofthe Eternals:“From Bcyond
the Stars Shall Come the Oventiind—And He Shall Crush the Universe!” But his designs on conquest were foiled by the LANtastic Fouk. Since then, the many minds that make up the Overinind havc begun to fragment, leaving him mentally unstable. TB
The OvormlndY» existonce was prophes*d througlłout the galaxy. 'From Beyond Ute Stars ShaH Come The O/ermnd-And He Shafl k Crush The Unworsel*