52924 TME!3

52924 TME!3

North, Dakota

FIRST APPEARANCE Clakofo North #1 (Juno 198G) REALNAME Dakota North

OCCUPATION Private nvest>gj1or. former ftthion mod BASE MoOtte HEIGHT 5fl7in WEIOHT 130 Ibs EYES B/'jO-gr.iy HA1R Autx#n SPECIAL POWERS/ABILrriES Adept hand-lO hand cc

and słc*ed gymr\*rt: accompfcshed wtth vanous ftrearm

The daughter of a US intelligence agent.

I )akota North pursued a career as a model before establishing a highly succcsstul private investigadon firm named North Security. Boasting branch offices across the globe, North Security rapidly gained a formidable reputation, taking on a muldtudc of cases that ranged from the mundane to the outnght dangerous.

During one pardcularly ditłicult case. an international arms dealer who was attempting to gain possession of an cxpcrimental nerve gas pursued Dakota across Europę. However Dakota Mimvcd this encounter and her organi/ation is Mil! thought to be going strong. AD

FIRST APPCARANCE Jncanny X-Men Mol. 1 #120 (AprU 19791 REAL NAME Jean-Paul Baubier OCCUPATION Mamb er of Alpha Fhght BASE Tamannd Island. Bntish Columbia. Canada HEIGHT 5 fl 11 .n WEIGHT 85 IbS EYES Biue HAIR Black SPECIAL PO WERS/ABILI Tl ES Can redirect the kinetic motion of hts body‘s rnolecuton. ghrtng him flight and superspeed.

Jean-Paul •nul his twin sister Jcannc-Maric (Aurora) wcre adoptcd separatcly.Jcan-Paul joined .1 terrorist group and became a champion skier, then joined Alpha Fucht as Northstar. One of the first Super Hcroes to come "tit as gay, he later joined the X-Men. He was Killed hy a HYDRA-brainwashcd WoLVSRlNE and resurrected as a HYDRA drone. Northstar then attaeked the SHIELI) helicarrier but was taken •nto custody. Recent manipulations of the tmiestream have crcated duplieates of Northstar nil the other origina) Alpha Flight members. DW


Rhoinann Dey was a Centurion of the Nova Corps. the spacc miluia of the alien Xandarians. Mortally wonnded.

I )ey transferred his powers to a student. Richard Rider. As Novu, Ridcr became a crimefighter on Earth. Nova later tr.weled into spacc and betaine one of the Cmampions of Xanimk. Rettirning to Earth, Nova joined a team of young adventurers, the New Wakriors.

Frankie Raye, who was to become the sccond Nova (sec itlso Sil\tr Surflr). was the stcpdaughter ofPhincasT. Horton, crcator of the first HumanTorch. Raye was cxposed to Horton s Chemicals, which gavc her po wers similar to the Toreb s. Horton hypnoiized her into forgetting him and her powers. Raye later became the girlfriend ofjohnny Storni, tlić second Humań Torch. Shc regained her memories and her the new Herald



Richard Rtfer




New York City

HEIGHT 5 ft 9 in WEIGHT 145 RM EYES Brown HAIR Brown


Ncva W. Ul (September 1976); (as FrarMe Raye) Fantastic Four •164 (Novamber 1975)





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