31027 TME00

31027 TME00

3-D Man


FIRST APPEARANCE iron Man #55 (Fetoruary 1973)


OCCUPATION Conqueror BASE Sancluary III HEIGHT 6 ft 7 in WEIGHT 9»5 Ibs EYES Red HAIR Nonę SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Synthoazos ambient cosmic eoergy for uso in a vanoty of ways, from mcroasmg strongth lo fmng onorgy biasls; aiso possesses a personal force-freki and orner dev»ces.


FIRST APPEARANCE The Etemató VW. 1 #5 (November 1976) REAL NAME Azura. changed by royal decree lo Tłiena OCCUPATION '.'.'arrlor. scholar BASE Olympia. Groece HEIGHT S ft 10 ^ WEIGHT 160 Ib® EYES Bluc HAIR Blondo SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Superhuman strongth; mentol control over body gives vwtual immorlaMy; sionic abilrties includo flight throogh levitation; profects cosmic energy from oyos or hands.


FIRST APPEARANCE Marvol Premio #35 (Aprll 1977)

REAL NAME Charles “Chuck “ Chandter

OCCUPATION Test pilot. adventurer BASE Nonę

HEIGHT 6 ft 2 in WEIGHT ?0O IbS EYES Bluo HAIR Blond

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Strength. stamina. agllity and

spcod three times that of a norma) human: a brillant piot with the

aNity to sonso the presenco of aben Skrutts

infamous as the Mad Titan.Thanos s exploits include eradicating halt* of the lifeforms in the universe with the Infinity Gauntlet. But in cvcry instance. Thanos* own weaknesses ofcharacter have enabled hcroic opponents to thwart his schcmes. T B

Born on the Eternal colony on Titan, Saturn s moon, youngThanos was ostracized because ot his hidcous mutant naturę. Morose and withdrawn.Thanos hecanie obsessed with Df.ath, not mcrcly as a concept but as an actual entity.

Ile gathered an army of intergalactic mercenaries and set out to conquer and destroy. Now

Thcna is tłie daughter ot* Zuras. ruler of the superhuman race callcd the El lrnai s. and his wite Cybcle. As part of a pact between the Lternals and the Olympian gods. Zuras renarned Azura “Thena" after the goddess Athcna. I housands of years ago.Thena met Kilo, a meinber of another otlśhoot of humanity, the l)eviants. Thena and Kro became attracted to each other. and they had twin children. known as Donald and Deborah Kitter. Upon the demise of Zuras,Thena succccded him as Primc Eternal. but she subscqucntly lost chis position to another Eternal. Ikaris. PS

ThING, The see opposite page

The year was 1958. Kidnapped by Skrulls. Chuck Chandler escaped from their ship causing it to explode. He crash-landed in his XF-13 piane and, as he clambered from the wreckage. Skrull radiation imprinted his essence onto the glasses worn by his brother. I lal.

By concentrating hard while wearing these spectades. Hal could resurrect his brother as 3-1) Man: however. side efłects caused Hal to put his glasses to one side. Sonie years latcr Hal embarked on a successtul qucst to bring his brother back permancntly. Chuck had not aged a single day and began his lite anew. A o

HEIGHT 6 ft 2 In WEIGHT 185 Ibs EYES Błue HAIR Reddish-Wond


Amazżng Fantasy Vol. 1 *15 (August 1962)


















Tormorły a gRod alhtoto, r*cknamcd 'Flash’ becouao of his speod. He was a star of Midtown Hrgfi's football ond basobal teams

Thompson, Eugene^Flash”

Eugene Thompson s athletic prowess madę him a football bero at Midtown High Sehool, helping him oeercomc the insecurities of having a father-—Harry, an alcoholie cop—who regularly beat him. At Midtown. Flash dated Liz Allan (later Liz Osborn). the most popular girl in the sehool. He looked down on bookish Peter Parker, and was also jealous of him. fearing that Liz was attracted to Peter. Ironically, Flash was a big fan ofSpiDKR-Man. Flash went on to attend Empire State University with Parker and. in timc. the two became friends.

Thompson later joined the military and served in South-East Asia.

Fle later had an alT.ur with Betty Bram Li i ns. the wifc of Daily Bugle reporter Ned Leeds, whieh led to him being framed as the cnminal Hohgobun.

Depressed. Thompson sank into alcoholism. Norman Osborn (the Gkf.en Coblin) him a job at his company Oscorp, hut only as part of his schemc to hurt anyone who was friends with Peter Parker. Osborn forced Thompson to drink wluskey and arranged for Thompson s car to crash into Midtown I ligh. where Parker was working as a teachcr.

I his aa idem left Thompson m a eonu. and Liz Osborn arranged for his full-nme care. DW



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