Vernard, Kristoff
FIRST APPEARANCE Fantasftc Four Vol 1 *247 (October 1982)
REALNAME Kristoff Vomard
OCCUPATION Kristoff V©rnard BASE Latwia
HEIOHT 4 ft 11 in, (in suit) 6ft 7m WEIGHT 103 Ibs. (in suit) 293
Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Brown
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Enhanced strength; damage resistance: abitty to generate lorce flelds or fire concussKm beams.
FIRST APPEARANCE Fantastic Four Uol. 1 *390 (July 1994)
HEIGHT 5 ft 10 In WEIGHT 165 Ibs
EYES Brown HAIR Brown
vibratory lorce.
FIRST APPEARANCE Uncanny X-Mon *139 (Novernber 1980)
REAL NAME Heather McN«*l Hudson
OCCUPATION Member of Alpha Flight
BASE Tam anod Islartd. Brrttsh Columbia. Ca nada
HEIGHT 5 ft 5 in WEIGHT 120 Ibs EYES Green HAIR Red
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Thormai-energy baWesurt prowdes
ability to fły. generale lorce fields and fire concussnre błasts.
opies of thc original Alpha light members. iiu luding I Ieather, who are active on F.arth. DW
Kristoff Vernard is bclieved by somc to bc the biological son of Nathaniel Kichards. making hitu thc half-brothcr ofRccd Richards (Mistek Fantastic). After thc death of KristofFs mothcr in Latveria, Doctor Doom di$covercd ^ thc boy and groomcd him as liis heir.
Whcn Doom appcarcd to have diod,
iii> Doombots brainwashed Knsioff / .
into bclieving that hc
was Doom. Kristoff
donned an armorcd suit
and attackcd thc Fantam ic
cvcntually hclpcd rcstore his Em g
truć idcntity. Kristoff latcr Ijf'
Richards to rcclaim Latveria W
from usurpers. ow
N'Kano gained his /BSK
powers when an
k cxpcrimental ył "v
Ł Vibrasurge project WBsragBEf
w backfired.seemingly 9 killing his mothcr. 1^
Takcn in by the
Black Pan i her, hc ■-^-
travclcd to America and became a member of thc Fantastic Forcc under the namcVibraxas. Whcn he accidentally murdered a gang member. Vibraxas went back to Wakanda to stand trial, but hc was cxoncrated. After the Fantastic Forcc disbanded,Vibraxas found love with Queen ; Divine Justicc, a member of thc “Dora Milaje’* l who scrve thc Wakandan king as bodyguards L and vvivcs-in-training. DW i
Heather McNeil Hudson and her husband James Hudson hclpcd found thc Canadian Super I Icro group Alpha Fi k;h i .James took leadership of Alpha Flight as the costumcd hem Guardian, and I Ieather did the same after his apparent death. As thc Tncw leader of in Alpha Flight. Heather callcd herself Vindicator and wore a modified version of her husband s battlesuit.
Shc and James latcr had a baby girl and left on a mission to dccp space. Reccnt Mi I ■
manipulations of the ■' )jyM\\ B
timestream have
Her face scarrcd at some point in her nebulous past, the wontan who wouid one day be known arcer as a member of thc
as Vipcr began her c
International terrorist organi/ation callcd Hydra. After thc leadership of I Iydra was capturcd by Nic k Firy and SHIEI.D, she assumed comtnand of the remnants of the organiration and, as Madame Hydra. cxcelled at creating panie and termr until Capia in Amikk s brought her down. Madame Hydra latcr resurtaced in Virginia, where shc murdered Jordan Stryke, a costumed known as Viper, as he was being escorted by US marshals to Washington DC to testify about his criminal connections. She stole his costume and. assuming his nanie. took comniand of thc Serpent Scpiad he had asscmblcd. Under the new Vipcrs leadership, the Serpent Sijuad became a terrorist unit. Since then.both alone or in concert with allies such as the Siivlr Samurai. Baron Stru ker and the Red Skuli ,Viper has continucd to hatch plans resulting in chaos and anarchy. Although she lus declared her intention for world domination.Viper has been known to launch attacks where there is no obvious advantage to be gained.Thougli her injured face has long sińce healed. the scars in her psyche run decp. and whatcver unknown detnons plague her constantly drive Viper to acts dedicated to the destruction of world governments and iunocent people. TB
t Theongjnal Vper usod Mhal |XXSOIVtippOCl tłrowng darts to carvo out a cnrnnal caroor.
HEIOHT 5 ft 9 ins WEIGHT Unknown EYES Green HAIR Black with green highllghts
Captain America ni 10 (february 1969)
Vifjer «$ a supert) strotegst and a tratned tenonst with oxtensivo , kitowledgo of weaponry.
I tocbcs. and ftghtmg styies.
I Sito « skiłod n a numtoer of i martwi arts and an expcd in i the uso of vanous woopons, ■tCłuding whips