Harkness, Agatha
FIRST APPEARANCE FantastC Four »94 (March 19©9)
Demon with mystical powers KIRGI
Martiai arts and occult magie SHADOW
Martiai arts and occult magie THOUGHT
Martiai arts and occult magie
The Hand is a cult of mystical ninjas mvolved with organized crinte and often hired to carry out assassinations.The Hand dates back to 16th-ccntury Japan, whcrc the cult adapted classical ninjitsu techniques to ics own cvil purposes.The Hands activities have now spread throughout the world. Hand operatives are servant$ of a demon known only as the Beast. Skilled in the use
REAL NAME Agatha Harfcness
HEIGHT 5 li 11 in WEIGHT 130 Ił* EYES B>UC HAIR White
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Gould mampuato magicol forces
through tho recitation ot spelis: possossod magical lamii«ar named
Ebony. a pet cat that cooW transform into a vicious panther.
Martiai arts and occult magie KWANNON
Martiai arts and occult magie MANDARIN
Martiai arts and occult magie
Daredevil • 168 (Jan. 1981)
mystical powers. Hand operat(ves are iranod m the way of tho rw>a: oxpert sp>es and assassins sWled at uoarmod combal. and With aN kinds of weapons.
ofpowerful occult magie, they can kill a person, then bring that person back to 1 i to as a member of the Hand. Only Ei.ektra and Wolverine have ever been able to reverse this proccss.
Ifonc of the Hand is killed. his body magically turns to dust in order to prownt identification.
The Hand has most often clashed with Daredevil. Elektra, and other members J of the elan of warriors once led by Stick, the late martiai arts \ master.They have also battled Wokerine, Spider-Man. the A\ i N< .1 us. and che ,
X-M»n. mt Jmm
■ y Implacabte. faceess kAers. U’o Hand cult romains cno of the most feared greups of assassins at large in the modem world.
Agatha Harkness was raised in the town of New Salem, Colorado, whose inhabitants practiccd magie. She excelled in her craft and cvcntually bccamc the town s most powerful sorccrcss and leader. Agatha believed that 7* -^
witchcs and warloeks didn‘t have Cf-fW/y to livc apart from normal humans. 1 lor son and the town elders disagreed and she choosc to lcavc New Salem. After
to wT.ispcr ir.i. New ^HB York. she
gou-i Nu I t.inklm
Rjchakds. son of Mr.
s. i
W :« u hccamc unbalaneed nni
vlivi>Ne:nbIcd tlu-AwiigciA. du- 1 i
1 lowewr. Ag.uh.i lus hei-n Wi■Mf-
reported dead before and has returned. TD
The brother of the X-Man Cyc.lops, Ale\ Summers was separated from his sibling following the dcadis of their parents. Although Alcx’s mutant abilities developcd during pubom; M it was his mutant college piofessorr Ahmet Abdol. who was the firsf to ' recognizc them.After absorbinguhfc. cósmic cnergy stored in AlexV body; ’ Abdol becaine the Listing Monolith but was defeated by the X-Mf.n. Keunited with his brother, Alcx was taken under the X-Mens wing. taught to control his abilities, and became a \ ^
sometirne member of Pkofessok X’s team. Wm W
Alex bas fought alongside Woivfri\e. led ™
X-FAC. ioR.and fought to save a dark and twisted altemate-reality Earth.Throughout thesc adventures. he has often felt stifled by his brothers reputation, and harboured a love for fcllow mutant Lorna Dane (Polaris). Although their relationskip has been rcpcatcdly undermined, Ale.\ is looking to rebuild bridges with Lorna and renew thetr romance. AD
Hołdayng in Mexco, Hsvok and Wotasnne boltle Dr. Neutron.
HEIGHT 6 ft WEIGHT 180 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Blond
X-Men *54 (March 1969)
k llf Hawok can absort) soter ooergy and project it erther m an orm-directjorwl wave or in tho form of ptasma tx>fts of intense heat. wtsch causes objects to shaller or bum up.