HEtOHT 6 ft WEK3HT 175 Ib# EYES Blue HAIR Silver
X-Men 4 (March 1964)
Since chWhood, Oiicksitajr has baon ovoity protoctwe offns
Scarlet Wrtch.
Piętro Maximoff OCCUPAHON Adventurer BASE
Ot»cksifvcf possesses Uto mutant abity lorun at suportturrtan spoods over grunt cistances. His top afieed is rilogod to be 175 mph. He can create a wtwiwtncl by mnrting in a dreto: Iks tempor can be a qu»ck
Avcngers 416 Qucfcsiver gnd lis aster tho Scarlet Witch join the Av«ngors.
• Avongors o 127/Fantnstic Four * 150
Ouicksiłvef rtames Crystol of the |
eolationel Inhumans. |
• Avengors *185-187 . - .■:? ol
Mountain in Eastorn Europę to ciscos the strungo secrets ot tltor brth and
i Onicksilwer is a member of Ifie ' Uflmates toam of Avcngers who ! fłOil (mm a parufld Earth in anolhec 1 dmonsion of the muktverse
The son of Macneto, Piętro and his twin sister Wanda, the Scarlet Witch grew up never knowing their fathers identity.Their mother. Magda, had fled front Magneto after witnessing his mutant powers in action, and gave birth to lier twin offśpring in the hills of Wundagore Mountain.The children were raised by the gypsy fantily of Django Masimoff. But at maturity, when their mutant powers first showed. Piętro and Wanda were persccuted as denionspawn.
In one attack,Wanda was surrounded by villagcrs who intended to bum ber at thc stake. Rcscue camc in che form of Magneto himself, who had bcen scouring the globe for nuicants to rccruit into his Bkoiherhood oi- Evil Mutams. Using his inagnetie powcrs to seatter the frightened viUagcrv Magneto coiwinced Wanda and Piętro tojoin him and liis Brotherhood.
evontualt/ tumed against Magneto (in roabty. Ivs long-tost tathor). and becarne n valuod
Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch engaged in a senes ofbattles with the X-Mi n. Howeecr they only remaincd with the Brotherhood because of the debt they felt they owed Magneto. Wlien the first incarnation of thc Brotherhood was dissohed, Piętro and his sister went into seclusion, vowing never again to tise their powers for evil.
Hearing that the Avlngers werc looking tor ncw inembers, Piętro and Wanda resumed their costumed identities, and were accepted as inembers. But all did not rcmain well for long. Quicksilver, overprotcctive of his sister. did not approee of her marriage to the android Vision, causing a rift between them.
Quicksilver was later injured during a mission and nurscd baek to health by ( rym ai ofthc Inhumans.The two werc married and had a daughter. Luna. Since tlien. Quicksilver has worked with the Avcngers, served with the mutant team X-* ‘ as well as leading the Knights of
™ undagore for a dnie. TB