HEtOHT 6 ft 2 in WEH3HT 180 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Black
TombotDncuto VW. 1 •10 (Juty 1973)
Immuno lo b*» »«1 vamp*»c fMDnoa*. wnhancod itfmnath. nfwwl scnam. and heełno krvn#w to vompml» •u* .«fjtMKy V* au *ght. Camus artanoł ot arfc-varnptn» wmpcre. gurwtrogarik. Mad. f*« bUtota tractomork btoda li ttartun. imiMats oxp«l
EricBrooks OCCUPATION Vmnpin hunter BASE
Bom 4 !uli-\amptif Mhampir> whcu his mothci
was faułfo hut. •. ’<s suinpire Deacon Ftost wbilc
1hiiu«. i Alan l >!• *< t a Liter translbrmed Af u t. ind Blatłe was foncd to kili his fbstcr
łathcr. N v. mining two gnidgcs, Bl.uk- set uut for revenge against both Dracula and Deacon hmt.During his tpiest hc ałlicii wkh Quincy Hak ki i- .
I<achdVAN Hlimnu, and Frank Draki against Dracula. whilc “vampire dctccme" 11.nmih.il
King assistcd Imn against Frost. "■ i
Blade. King. Drakę, and Dik iur SrRANGĘ helpcd I
unleash the Montcsi Formula, a mystical mcantation th.u tcinporariK destroyed all the vampires on Earth. Blade opencd a detcctivc agcncy wuh King. named Bordcrline Iiu .. and hattlcd occult threats wuh King and Drakę under the lianie Nightstalkers. DW
Blacklash |
■V |
/ Blackout |
i w |
FIRST APPEARANCE T,*» of Suspens #97 (January 1968) REAL NAME Mark Scartotti <aka Mark Scott)
OCCUPATION As*a*yr, for-hore BASE MoMe MEIGHT 611 1m WEIGHT 196 K* EYES Buc HAIR Blond SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Experl with whtp and nunchakus PossesM* two cybarnaticoiy-controłk>d whtps anti-gravity bota* and a necro-ła^h retaaung eloctncal energy genarated by gauntlets
FIRST APPEARANCE Nova #19 -May 1976)
REAL NAME Marcus Danoois
OCCUPATION: Crimonal BASE New York C*y
HEIGHT 5tt 10r WEIGHT 180 tot EYES Gray HAIR Brown
SPECIAL POWERS/ABIl ITIES: Project* and mampulatas uxr»-
SOkd błack energy known as th# Oarkforcc. ho* the strongth and
ag*ły ot a norma! homan b«ng.
A talentcd engineer, Scarkmi joined the Magcia ernne orgamzation. I Ie devcloped super-weapons. such as a steel-fiher whip that cut tlirough metal. First talling hunsclf Whiplash. he madę lus name by battling Iron Man to a draw. As Mark Scott, he worked undcreover as liead of research at Stark International* Cineinnati factory and hecame a costume operatiee for Jtistin Hammlk. Scadotti upgraded his arsenał and changed his name to Blacklash. He naw works as a mercenary and contract assassin. td
Fxposed to "blaek star” rays by the physkist Dr. Abner Croit, Daniels gained the ability to control tlns cosmic radiation. He adopted the moniker “Blackout” and embarked on a series ot* roliberics. ()ver dnie, exposure to this dark cnergy led to crccping msanity. AJkhough his ally Moonstoni helpcd liirn to dircct and extend his powers. she also sought to control his mind. as did their joint master. Baron Zemo. During a» attack on the Aeenger s Mansion. Blackout endcavoured to resist Zemo * mental commands, hut these efiorts led to a bram hemorrhage and Blackouts death. ad
FIRST APPEARANCE Unc^my X-men #317 (Octobar 1994) REAL NAME; C^łC# Fergueon OCCUPATION Adventur*r BASE MoMe HEIGHT . ft 5 In WEIGHT 1?5*»
EYES Graen HAIR Magenta SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Bknk *> o mutant w*h tho *b*ty to create tełeporutonai warpt. cames a dagger and a sat ot jove*ra
Having been brought up in the brutal Age of Apocalypsc by her worki s verston of SaurETOOTH,
Blink evemuallv hecame “unstuck in inne”—e\iled from her honie reality Rccruited by the Timebrokcr and entrusted with the Talltis, a wrist-worn devicc that provides mission info, she and a team of tellów Faills were chargetl with rep.nring the broken lmks ni the cham of rcalities across the muldverse. Since that timc. she has traveled from F.arth to F.arth.domg what must be tlone to put the multiverse back on the proper patii TB