HEIGHT 5 ft 6 in WEIGHT 110 Ibs EYES Green HAIR Red
Jean Grey-Summers OCCUPATtON Adventurer. former fashion model BASE
Formedy the Xav>er Institute. Salem Center. New York State; now the “White Hot Room"
X-Men #1 (September 1963)
As Marvel Girl. possossed mutant abMties ot tolopathy and lełekrnosis. Tbo Phoonta Forco ampiibod mose powers lo a yirliiMity urfcmiled oxtont, Tbo Pnocm Forco can rnanrfesl *se« asa flory corona In Ute slwj)H ol a btfd that surrourtds Jean Greys body
ALLIES •'Yofessor Charles Oydops. Archangel. Beast. Iceman, Storni. Wbtattne. Marvel GM (Ftachol Summors), Catto
FOES Magneto. Mastermnd. Hc^Mirc Club. Apocolypso. Sontrete, Xom I
In the flrst X-Men comic. Jean Grey <urived at Prolessor Xavter s school. mol hor futuro husband Scott Summers. became Marcel Ctrl. and frst tiollled Magneto
When Jean Grey was ten years old. hor best friend, Annie Richardson, was hit by an automobile. Jean s anguish as she held ber friend activated ber mutant tclepathic powers. and Jean thus sbared Annie s emotions as slie died.Traumatized, Jean suffered front deep depression and was unable to control lier new telepathic powers.
Whcn Jean was elcvcn. hor parents turncd to Prolessor Charles Xavier (set' Puofessok. X) for help. Xavier crcatcd psychie shields in Jean s mind to prcvent her trom utilizing her telcpathie powers umil she was maturę cnough to eontrol them. I Ie also began trainiug her tclckinetic ubility to mentally manipulate objeets. As a teenager.Jean enrolled in Xaviers Sc hool for GiftedYoungsters.beconiing the filth inember of the original X-Men. the team of young mutants wliom Xavier was rraining to eombat mutant menac es to humanity. Grey was given the codenaine “Marvel Girl.”
Grey and her tellów student Scott Summers (Cyclops) spuchły tell in love. althnugh they did not reveal rheir łeelings to each other for a long time.After she had trained for years at his sc hool. Xavier finally enabled Grey to use her telepathic powers.
Following Xaviers reeruitment ofa new class ofX-Men. Grey left the team Howeeer. soon afterwards she and other X-Men were abductcd by Sentineis to a space station orbiting the Earth. The X-Mcn had to escape baek to Earth in a space shuttle during a solar radiation storni. Grey voluntcered to
pilot the shuttle. although she had to sit in a seetion without sulficient radiation shielding. Greys powers proved insulłicicnt to hołd back the intense radiation. and it began killing her.
A sentient cosmic entity of limitless power. the Phoenix Force, madę contact with the dying Grey. The Phoenix Force created a liuinan host body for itself that was a duplicate of Grey s. and infused it with a portion of her eonsciousness.Thc Phoe»ix Force plaeed Greys original body into suspended aniniation within a large cocoon, in which it
would slowly heal. When the shuttle erash-landed in Jamaiea I3ay. the Phoeni.N Forces new host body rosę from the water, declaring herself to be Phoenix. The X-Men believed that Phoemx was the realjean Grey, and Phoeni.s/Grey joined the team.
I he X-Mcn‘s old foc the criminal Mastcrmind began manipulating Phoenix/Greys mind to prove his worthiness to join the linier Circle of the