Ono of tho worieft groofwa soonWc mlnd and n suporb alMoto. Possesscs ter. nngs Of ertrałemwtnal onpn that hovo amazing powers.
Mandarin is trarwd ma/tuii urifst and rua rings pock a prnch, txrt Spidor-Man rs |U51 too quck lor het*
to be a direa dcscendam of
Khan. the Mandarin was boni in China to a wcalthy fathcr who lo>t everything whcn the communists took ovcr the country. A brilliant scicntist, lie embarked on a quest to gain powcr and explorcd the fbrbidden “Valley of Spirits**.There, he łbund a starship that had crashcd centurics ago containing ten alicn rings with amazing powers. Sonie rings could he uscd to seize control ot anotliers liiind, rearrange inatter. tire a disintegration beatu, or creatc a vorte.\. Ot hen. could producc dcadly gases and icc
blasts. or discharge elcctricity, dames, bursts of blinding light and clouds >f darkness. After nustering the extratcrrestrial
technology. the Mandarin eomjucred the villages that bordered the vaUcy and began niaking plam to scize control of the entire world, often clashing with Iron Man and the AvENc;tits. He once hired the SuoRDSMAN to place a bomb m Avengers Mansion. He also built a device capablc of spreading hatred around the world and asseniblcd a team of Super Vilbins to battlc the Avengcrs.The Mandarin is currentk
Since the Mondarn Dofc*vos heY cen use tocłmotogy to achievo J world domifBiłwn. ho ofton K paths with iron Man who łilwary* speas plans. J:
residing in his castle, deeising ncw plans for world conquest. TD
Jerome Beechman OCCUPATION
MandnO has tł» aWity to emrt powarlul pheromonos whtch gNn Mm the power to at traci and enstew aduit women cawsmg mcm to submit to his w«.
Jemme Bcechman s parents worked at the atomie testing grounds in New Mexico. wherc cxposure to radiation caused mutations in thcir sou. Jerome was bom with animal-like fur on his body and an apc-hke appearance. Hc grew up hated by his peers and his parents because of his freakish appearancc.
When Jemme was ten. his parents abandoncd hiin in the desert. There he met Nfkra Sinclair, a mutant whose mother had also worked at the atomie testing grounds. Nekra too had bcen mistreated and abandoncd. Jerome took the nanie Mandrill.and the two teamed up and traeeled the American Southwest together. aeoiding all huinan contact.
Mandrill and Nekra formed Black Spcctre. an organization of black
wonieli who hoped to overthrow the American govcmnient.This group was defeated by Dakedkvil.
After Nekra was taken into custody by SHlIiLD. Mandrill formed Fem-Force. an army of radical women under his control. Fem-Force teained up with Mac.neto’s Mutant l orce, but was evcntually stopped by the Defłndeils.. MT
FIRST APPEARANCE Defenóers f133 (Ju i 1984)
REAL NAME Not known
OCCUPATION Former hired assassin BASE MoMe HEIGHT 5 ft 7 m WEKłHT :5lbs EYES Blue MAIR Red SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Low-levei tetepath influence* penpheral vtsłon and SutoWrunal heanng of others ta order to render himself inytslbte. uses at*lit>es to enhance sW*s as a huntsman
Manslaughter was boru with mutant powers ideał for tracking and hunting. He impressed the Eternal known as the Inteklopfr by successfully tracking him down in the Siberian wastelands. The Interloper agreed to help Manslaughter hone his powers but. concerned about the young man s unstablc personality. hc did not train him fully.
This was just as well, for Manslaughter later became a ruthless assassin for hirc. Eventually he redeemed himself. sacrificing liis lito in the etfort to destroy the Dragon oi-thf. Mcx>n. ad