Gods of Asgard
(Monarch of Asgard) The most powerful god. posaessing vaat magtoaJ aMities. He cen enchant | objocts or l«vmg bełngs. profoct energy bołts. and opon gatowayt befween dimensions. He atso ■ commands the Me energies of dl i Asgardians. whlch he cen absoib
(God of Thunder) Asgard ■» flnesf warhor axcepdonaMy skifled m hand-to-hartd combet,
The Gods of Asgard are a powerful race of bcings who live in a dimensiou called Asgard. a smali, othcrdimensional planctary body whose laws of physics are diftcrcnt from the planets we know in the Earthly realni. Asgard is also Ilonie to five other raees—Giants. Dw.arves, Elves,Trolls, and Detnons. I he Gods of Asgard are the most Iniman-looking and powerful of the six raees ot Asgard.
(God ot Ught) Thor's cJosest friond: ałmost invumerable. skitted In hand-to-hand combat. swordsmansNp. and borsemanship.
(Goddess of Death) Ruler of tho undorwodds of Hel and Ntffleheim; hoids the power of ** Me and death over the gods; can ievitate and travel in astra) form; touch is fata) to mortate.
(God of EW) Great magca) atalrties: can shapeshrft nto any animai. god. or g*nt; can plant hypnobc suggesfcons «to otheigf młnds HERMOO
(God of speed) Fastest of al Asgardians.
(God of Winter) has Paychic abliitios that aftow twn to see tato the futurę.
BrunnhikJe the VaBcyrie can ae# a 'deathgtow* around a person about to dle. She can transport hersetf (and a dead or dying person) from one dknensłon to
Guardian of the Rańbow Bndgt
has oxtromo)y acute can focus on. or błock out. any spectflc sensory Information. VOLLA
Prophetess who can see ahemate futures.
The Otherdimonsional rtealm of Asgard
Ali Asgardian retor to the know ii univciM* as the "Nino Wotlds «>t Asgard." hour of thosc \voHtlv Asgard. lutnie ot the gods:Vauahcim. Ilonie oftitc Asgardian* sister race callcd thcVamr; Nidawllir. Itonte ofthc 1 >warvc>.: and Alfheim. home ofthc Liglu Llvcs—actually 'harc the planeta r\ luul\ on which Asgard i' locatcu.
The other worlds twist in separate dimensions loimcctcd by ait unknown mnnher ofintcrdiincnsional nc.wiscs. 1 he\ are Mnlgard. (he Asgardian lianie for Larth. homo of humaniry:Jotuiiliehn. hoinc ofthc giants: Seartallheim. hoine ofthc ilark dves: Hcl.laiul of the dead and it’s adiutut world NifHehenn. the tro/cn realni ol the
dishonored dcad; jihI Muspelhcint. land ofthc tire detnons and Home to Stirtnr. the Gods ot Asgard s most dcadly enemy.
I lic origm ofthc Gods ot Asgard is not clearly known. but it belicved that unlikc the other raees of the realni, the gods are not native to Asgard. Legend has it that tliey were horn on Larth. but moveil to Asgard al sonie limę in the far dist.mt past.
I he Katnbow Itridgc. also known as Ihlrost—one ofthc mterdimcnsional nexuscv—conneets Asgard to Larth. Althongh they look like Kumam, the ( hub of Asgard possess suporhum.m physn al ahililies.They are estremely long-livcd (althongh not immortal. unlikc their Olympian counierparts) and age at an estremely slow pace orne the\ reaeh adulthood.
Their skin and hones are three limes as dense as that ot a human aiul are mvuhicrabłe. to a degrec. i*> physieal attack.They possess great strengih (able to lift 30 tom) and. duo to their slcmity, sseigh far morę thail lunnans of coinparahle sj/e. I he Gods ot Asgard are tmmiinc to all discaso tounil on Larth and their inctabolisin gives them superhuman enduram e w lnie pcrlorming physieal aetieities.
All Asgardians are bont with the potcntial to use and eontrol mystieal energies.althongh only a fcw (stuli as Loki) have deselopeil this power to any sigmfn.mt degree.
For the next eight years I hor strow to hecome powerful enough and worthy enough to possess Mjolnir. doing many
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Ymir. King of ih< ler Gianis
ESSENTIAL STORY LINES • Tho Mtghty Thor Vol. 2 *00-85
• Tho Mtghty Thor *418
Odin, Thor, and Loki
( >ihn. also ealled All-Father. is the leader of the (iotls ot Asgard. < )din is the grandson of Buri. the lirst of the Asgardians. I le is the son ofthc Cltul Bor and Bestia, ofthc race offrost giants.
Lor many a ges, ()din has ruled Asgard wiscly and elUvtively. Odin wields the enchantcd. three-pronged spear Gungtur (" I he Spear of Hcaven”). whieh teturtis to his hand when thrown.and lie iravels through space in Skiphladmr. aViking-style kmgbo.it with enchantcd sails and oars.
Son of odin
Althougjh Odin madę the Asgardian Goddess I rigga b»K utiecn. he desired a son that would conibiiiK* the power of Asgard and Larth. and so he matesi with Gafa. the patron Goddess ol Larth. who borę hini Ttiou.the God ofThunder. Odms tfitvontc son. Howcvcr. from the timcllior was .iii iinfant. he was raised in Asgard by Frigga. whom Itic lH*heved to be Im mother.
WheiiiThor was cight. Odin sent hun to hcroic dccck to prove liis yjlor.WhciiThor rcachcd tlić age ofsi.\tec».Odin tiiully prcscmctl Inni with the niighty hammer. .uuIThor boranie Asgard s grcatcsi warrior.
Otlin adopted Loki. who.althongh raised alongstde Thor, quickly turiied to sort ery .md carned the mekname. "God ot Mischiel." Bittcrly jealons oi* Thor. loki vm\vd i«> destmy Inni and sei/e the thrunc of Asgard. Soon the Ciod ot
Mischicf betami* known as the of fcvil. MT
Nidawllir. land of the I >warves. to nsk them to erratę treasures for Asgards rulers. Among the objeets they crcatcd was the hammer Mjolnir. forged ofthc mystical metal uru. Odm enchantcd the hammer so that only one worthy of wieUlmg such a powerful weapon could lift it. I Ie hoped that Thor would one dav be that one.