

Gods of Heliopolis

Deities of Ancieut Egypt










OSIRIS (Ruler of the Gods) God oł the Dead BES God of Łuck GEB God ot tho Earth HORUS God oł Ih# Sun ISIS Goddess ot Fertiiity KHONSHU GodofUght NUT Goddess ot the Sky SETH God of Evil THOTH God ot the Moon

In ancieut times thc pantheon of the Egyptian goiis livcd in Heliopolis, ruling Egypt until hunians fmally took tlieir place as thc dynastie kings known as the pharaohs. It was then that the Hcliopolitan gods departed Earth, settling ii a parallel dimension. where they established thc cclestial city of Heliopolis. However, like thc Asgardian gods (sec Gor>s ot Asc.ard), the Hcliopolitan deities retained strong links / with Egypt. traeeling to and front Earth fw, on a golden bridge nanted the Path of the Gods.    fA


Although csseniiaUy an extcndcd family. thc I !di<>■.

imewhat dytfunctional.Whcn Osins.God    Ręsss5!

of the Dcad. was appoimed ml    f/B

younger brothei Scth was overwhdmed with    ___

n thc pair wtre i<> icverbcratc fa» bcyoml thcii    /

is dnistic—hc killed Osirit. slicing up his

> Wlicn ( >mi is’ wite .mil son- -Isis and Horus    / ł5'

h employed a difTcrcnt tu

u.ippcd thorc tor millennia. Osiris and Ui* /jp 4 V \//jŁł

TtmPotholttiftGods unoMed iiw Egypcwi dofl»Kś to yta* Eartti and tnodde r\ humonaJtwm

Rt*ł«ino Oflds from hts pyrannd Dnson. Ihor and Odm pined nim in thc banio lo overthrow Sołh. Ho\vovor. Imforo itwy couid roach nim. ttwy ww Vxced lo Ujhi ihrough Scth* skotow togions


Scth bas attenipted linie and agam to destroy all lite m thc nnilmersc An alliancc of c\'il let loosc the demonie Demogorge the God-Eater. Only wlicn the entity attenipted to consumcThor wat ttv path ofdcstruction bnnight to an end. On a separate occasion. Scth draincd thc energie* of hi fellow gtxls and invaded Asgard. He was only defeated by the eombined torccs of the Avr\<.i.its and Earth Eor< i .Thanos ako threatened the univcrse with his Intinity Gauntlct. Osiris attended a Couneil of the God Kings to ducuss their rcsponse. Fortunatcly,

Thanos was thwarted hy other cmitics.    i

Although the linie of the I lehopohtau Gods    ^emoM andconwed

is now long over. they and their peny squabblcs togencortruofHBfccoota . still spili over into huinan affairs. AD    JL



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