64988 TME 4

64988 TME 4



Aagard. otherworfdty home o( the Norsogods



One of the immoruls of the Norsc reahn ot Asgard (noc Cii:


FIRST APP6ARANCC FFo* *66 Se<Xemoer 1®6’ BAST V*rtou« »    a    A? jł •- ^and

Am.ski )j. the 1 tkhantress studied under the master SOłtcrew KarmlIa.Vain and headstrong, she cemered her nugns on mcuMstng her allure. so as to morc easily emnare the hearts and ininds ot those amund her When her desne for (\hn’s souThor provcd unrequited, she turned her my.scit powers to evil. hoping to l atch him one way or another. She espeuially resented Thor s Iove of humarmy, and longed for him to rtde Asgard w tth her as his queen. Her teehngs for the Thunder Clod are genuine, and she has como close to rcaliztng her dream: howeeer 1’hors love ot' humamty alw ay* gets tn tłie way.


HEIOHT 6 (t 3 in WEIGHT 450 Iba EYES Greer HAIR Btonde


Joumty Into Mystory 9103 (Apnt 1964)

Poeeeeae* the anhanced tfeapen. rkrrtity. andnagttof agodcteat ol Aagarri Adopt al **cer* spoc*ifc.TnQ r tpofte that anftanco Imt baeuty and elew her to corM ihe mnd* and flrr**one o# men Har Waa can en0avO any man Afe*o ło Ne powor Ust* Km hor handa

The Etuhantreti 't AsgjrJuni My is ikrcc umet Jenstr jnJ krarier tkam tkjl 0/ j hunuin beiHf.


REAL NAMF K«ł* Pr-*#' OCCUPATION Stud*n* *** -.-* BASE Naw York City HClGHT ,>j* 5) 3 ft 7 m WEIGHT lagę 5i 41 tn EYES Bk*> HAIR Strawberry Monde SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Car. (ks-rtegrate otojects m order to absorb eooryy, wttfcfc sha can ratoasa aa “power bał*’ oi desiructwe torca—haooo tw codaoama

MLMBERS AND POWERS Mant Mor lak l •** .&•■< jn Nucltar Pt ,•    •?

Jerom# Hamilton Ar-cdCM Mi ’ ;*l B . .-yst Carlo Zot* Spar-ui Eł©cvoo«t Te. vw,-.m WlBdy*l*v Shmtk. Po*h Gen#:- tt

The group of suentists known as the Enclave beliewd they could establish a bencvoleiu world dictatorship. Faking their deaths, the Km law cstabhshed a base on a remote North Atlantic island.The\ tirst cndeavored to

crcate a race of superbcings to control the human race. Howcser. they failed to control the monsters. the tirst ofwhich rampaged through their base. dcstroymg it. Imtially natned *‘I lim.” this crcature cwntuaHy eanic to be called Adam Wsrlih k. I he Endaw embarked on ir*w sihemes. suih as attempting to doinmate the race known as the Iniii mav> ainl cxplon the aKens* te<. hnology Interwntion by the Avfng£RS resulted in two of the Enclase be mg impnsoned. Although they l.uer broke out. nothmg has been heard of the Endaw sińce. AD


The Femme Fatale

The Enchantress’ love of manipulating others to do her will has rcsulted in her often teaming up with Skurge. the grim Exlc ltionlr. He was hopelcssly inJatuated and would do anything to pleasc her, and she contcmptuously strung hini along. The pair havc wen tried to conquer Asgard. and sutfered banishment for their presumption.

The Enchantress has also plied her trade on Earth as a inembcr ot" the Masters oi Lvil. She was also responsible for the creation ot* the heroic warrior- woinan known as the Valkyrif, in realny the Enchantress in disguise. TB

Katie Power is the s oungest child of Dr. James and Margaret Povł i r, and the sister of Alex,Jack and Julie Power. When Kalie was tive, she and her siblings met Aelfyre Wm i hMANE of the alien Kymellians. Dying.“Whitey” endowed the children with superpowers, and they becainc the Power Pack. At times the Patk has cxchangcd powers. Katie was Starstreak when she could Hy.and C 'ounterweight w hen she could .liter her bod\ density. PS



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